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B12 injections

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I've always been injecting it into muscle as instructed by Cheney. Steve B.

B12 injections

> When I got my B12 from Wellness Pharmacy I called and asked them what is


> place to inject my B12. They said that if the B12 doesn't hit a muscle


> injected, it's like wasting the B12 because its not absorbed correctly if


> not in a muscle. Now, I am hearing that some are not injecting it into


> muscle. What to do? What to do?



> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

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I usually get mine in my " tush " ... that has always seemed to work for



> ,

> I've always been injecting it into muscle as instructed by Cheney.

Steve B.

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: <lbinujrsy@a...>

> > When I got my B12 from Wellness Pharmacy I called and asked them

what is best place to inject my B12. They said that if the B12

doesn't hit a muscle when injected, it's like wasting the B12 because

its not absorbed correctly if its not in a muscle. Now, I am hearing

that some are not injecting it into the muscle. What to do? What to

do? > >

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In a message dated 11/18/00 6:08:56 PM Pacific Standard Time,

judithwisdom@... writes:

<< per week. I'd talk about a stronger concentration.

Also my doc really feels that methyl is stronger/more effective and

though I'm resistent I'll try that.

Sub cu, thus, is with me effective. The ? is : is IM more so. For

myself, I'll find out shortly.

I'll report it , of course,

Judith Wisdom >>

Judith, I might try methyl as well, will keep you posted.

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Steve and ,

When I was using the 1,000 mcg/ml I was injecting IM. I also do IM for

mag, which is a must for IM.

I was so sore and so knotted up it was awful. My new doc, even without

my telling him that, said that b-l2 can be absorbed (maybe less well but

well enuf) sub cu and tearing muscles up every day was not just painful

it was harmful (the tissue injury problem for us).

Sinc e I'm getting such benefit from the l0,000 mcg/ml of b-l2 subcu,

I've thought and I will inject once or twice IM to see if there is any

noticeable difference. But if there is the argument for that would not

be to continue IM because of the injury and pain of so many IM injections

per week. I'd talk about a stronger concentration.

Also my doc really feels that methyl is stronger/more effective and

though I'm resistent I'll try that.

Sub cu, thus, is with me effective. The ? is : is IM more so. For

myself, I'll find out shortly.

I'll report it , of course,

Judith Wisdom

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 08:34:59 -0800 " R. Bullock "

<bullocks@...> writes:

> ,


> I've always been injecting it into muscle as instructed by Cheney.

> Steve B.

> B12 injections



> > When I got my B12 from Wellness Pharmacy I called and asked them

> what is

> best

> > place to inject my B12. They said that if the B12 doesn't hit a

> muscle

> when

> > injected, it's like wasting the B12 because its not absorbed

> correctly if

> its

> > not in a muscle. Now, I am hearing that some are not injecting it

> into

> the

> > muscle. What to do? What to do?

> >

> >

> > This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences

> with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any

> treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.

> >



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> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


Cognitive function declines when I forget to take the hydroxy injections.

My blood test for b-12 was also high but it is meaningless as 2/3 of PWC's

have no detectible b-12 in their brains. Given the fact that you are able

to work FT and are therefore functioning at a pretty high level you may not

notice any significant change. However, you should be injecting the hydroxy

to protect your brain from the onslaught of toxins. This may prevent you

from becoming unable to work at a future date. Steve B.

B12 injections

> I gave my doctor the info from Cheney about the high dose B12 injections

> to protect the brain. He wants me to do a test to measure my B12, but I

> just did that a few month ago and as always it was high. As I understand

> it, the B12 is in the blood but that doesn't mean it gets to the brain.


> My questions are to those who are taking the injections.


> 1. Did you notice any change in blood levels before and after injections?

> 2. Do you notice the difference in brain fog between when you take the

> injections and not?


> Thanks!

> Cindi



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I don't work full time. I worked half time for 9 months and I haven't

worked at all in 4 months. It's primarily cognitive problems.

So you notice more brain fog when you don't do the shot. Even if you just

miss one?


" Bullock " <bullocks@...>

07/28/01 10:24 PM

Please respond to

< >


Subject: Re: B12 injections


Cognitive function declines when I forget to take the hydroxy injections.

My blood test for b-12 was also high but it is meaningless as 2/3 of PWC's

have no detectible b-12 in their brains. Given the fact that you are able

to work FT and are therefore functioning at a pretty high level you may


notice any significant change. However, you should be injecting the


to protect your brain from the onslaught of toxins. This may prevent you

from becoming unable to work at a future date. Steve B.

B12 injections

> I gave my doctor the info from Cheney about the high dose B12 injections

> to protect the brain. He wants me to do a test to measure my B12, but I

> just did that a few month ago and as always it was high. As I


> it, the B12 is in the blood but that doesn't mean it gets to the brain.


> My questions are to those who are taking the injections.


> 1. Did you notice any change in blood levels before and after


> 2. Do you notice the difference in brain fog between when you take the

> injections and not?


> Thanks!

> Cindi



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Yes, missing one injection makes a noticeable difference but again it's just

as important to do the hydroxy to keep as much of your brain intact until a

cure or very effective treatment is found. If your brain is shot you may

not fully benefit from a future cure.

B12 injections



> > I gave my doctor the info from Cheney about the high dose B12 injections

> > to protect the brain. He wants me to do a test to measure my B12, but I

> > just did that a few month ago and as always it was high. As I

> understand

> > it, the B12 is in the blood but that doesn't mean it gets to the brain.

> >

> > My questions are to those who are taking the injections.

> >

> > 1. Did you notice any change in blood levels before and after

> injections?

> > 2. Do you notice the difference in brain fog between when you take the

> > injections and not?

> >

> > Thanks!

> > Cindi

> >

> >

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

We give my son the B-12 shots 2x/week and they do seem to be helping. He seems

to understand things better and is coming out with much more complex sentences.

I would not give accolades at all to the TTFD. We tried it for about a month

and had a lot of increased bad side effects. It exacerbated a yeast problem and

made my son very aggressive. At one point I had to physically separate him from

his sisters (age 3 and infant) Every child has a different body chemistry

though so maybe you will have better luck! [ ] B12 injections

I read some earlier posts that seemed encouraging and would like to

hear from anyone with additional experiences. has had 3 shots

so far (every 3 days) and after the last one, started speaking in

fuller sentences and using more words than before. This was not

a " leap " but it was significant enough to credit the shot for it. We

are planning on adding TTFD and glutathione cream after the 6th

shot. Apparently this came out of the latest DAN meeting. Has anyone

any experience with this? Not as a chelator (we know that doesn't

work) but do you see any improvements?


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We have had similar results with both. M-B-12 works great. We have

been using it for 3 1/2 months and moved from 2X per week to every 3

days. I think we are going to change the dose to every 2 days

because now on the 3rd day we start to notice some rote behavior

that pops through. As for the TTFD and glutothione, he exerinced an

increase in tantrums and transition issues so we stopped after a


--- In , " kkidsrule " <kkidsrule@s...>


> We give my son the B-12 shots 2x/week and they do seem to be

helping. He seems to understand things better and is coming out

with much more complex sentences. I would not give accolades at

all to the TTFD. We tried it for about a month and had a lot of

increased bad side effects. It exacerbated a yeast problem and made

my son very aggressive. At one point I had to physically separate

him from his sisters (age 3 and infant) Every child has a different

body chemistry though so maybe you will have better luck! -----

Original Message -----

> From: ftmomma3


> Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 1:07 PM

> Subject: [ ] B12 injections



> I read some earlier posts that seemed encouraging and would like


> hear from anyone with additional experiences. has had 3


> so far (every 3 days) and after the last one, started speaking


> fuller sentences and using more words than before. This was not

> a " leap " but it was significant enough to credit the shot for

it. We

> are planning on adding TTFD and glutathione cream after the 6th

> shot. Apparently this came out of the latest DAN meeting. Has


> any experience with this? Not as a chelator (we know that


> work) but do you see any improvements?


> thanks,





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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

methylB12 gave my son more energy (he needed it)...but then...it started

causing him to wake at night. I stopped the injections and he still has


energy than before, but the night waking went away. I now give him sub-

lingual methylB12.

b12 injections


> Can those that have started the b12 injections (excluding the GSH and


> explain both the benefits and drawbacks of what happened to your


> How quickly did you see results?


> If you want, you can email the group or privately and I can summarize.


> Thanks!







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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Which sublingual are you using and how much? The shots are working

OK (mild regressions right after the shot - but overall very good),

but it's certainly no fun my for Son.

I've tried this - it tastes great and seems to work pretty well:


> methylB12 gave my son more energy (he needed it)...but then...it


> causing him to wake at night. I stopped the injections and he

still has

> more

> energy than before, but the night waking went away. I now give him


> lingual methylB12.



> b12 injections



> >

> > Can those that have started the b12 injections (excluding the GSH



> > explain both the benefits and drawbacks of what happened to your

> child(ren).

> > How quickly did you see results?

> >

> > If you want, you can email the group or privately and I can


> >

> > Thanks!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Why not do the shots when he sleeps? We do all the time in the stomach area and

he never wakes up. 1/2 hour after falling asleep to hit some deep sleep.

That's what the pharmacist recommended and works great.


b12 injections



> >

> > Can those that have started the b12 injections (excluding the GSH



> > explain both the benefits and drawbacks of what happened to your

> child(ren).

> > How quickly did you see results?

> >

> > If you want, you can email the group or privately and I can


> >

> > Thanks!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 5 months later...

I wonder the dosage of folic acid to be taken together with




B12 injections

> Hi, I am new to group with CFids for many years. Lately I have been


> hydroxcobalmalin injections instead of the regular cheaper B12 (because of

> possible build up in brain of it's toxic component?). It seemed to help,

> partly because it was so expensive I remembered to take it several times a

> week. I got it from a pharmacy in upstate ny which sent it with ice packs

> and said it expired after 2 months. They kept overcharging me for


> so I called Cape Apothecary on Teitelbaum's site. Theirs is much cheaper


> not iced. The pharmacist says the other was wrong and the B12 was


> not buffered. Cape uses benzo alcohol as buffer. Is that a problem? I


> allergic to some preservatives, but don't know about that. Thank you.



> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

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I have never seen anything published. There is some info that there exists no

toxic level.

I think the most convincing thing he could do would be to talk to the director

of the compounding pharmacy where many of us fill our prescriptions and get an

idea from him how other docs are prescribing it. That man is very

helpful.(McGuff Compounding Pharmacy, 877-444-1133. I believe that is the

toll-free #)

You might wonder too, if he is giving cyanocobalamine and what dose he is using.

He may just be giving you the standard treatment for pregnancy, which would be

totally inadequate. And for the large doses needed, you want hydroxy- or

methylcobalamine. Don't need tons of cyanide.

My ignorant (former) doctor's teeth about fell out when I told him how much I

was proposing to use- and even at that I had lied, said once/wk, but meant- and

went ahead and gave- the shot daily. It has worked miracles for my brain and

other stuff, too.


B12 Injections

Hi all

I have just started to receive B12 injections from my GP in the UK to

which at this stage he has suggested that I have it once a month.

I would be insterested to know if there are any papers or information

stating to how many one should receive (within a month), that I could

pass onto him for the guidance management

My GP is not a ME consultant yet does have a huge interest in the

field of CFS/ME and is happy for me to search for information that

may be relevant to correct dosage.

Thanks in advance


dx 3 years

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Hi e,

I used to have B12 injections and still do occasionally - through Dr

Myhill. She's got something about it on her website


I started off weekly. For a month or two I took them twice a week

and then went back weekly for a few more months. I only take

occasional courses of injections nowadays. I use Neo-Cytamen as its

got no alcohol preservative in it. Ones with alcohol in make me

flulike. I inject myself - its easy to learn. Been trying Solgar's

sublingual tablets recently.


> Hi all


> I have just started to receive B12 injections from my GP in the UK


> which at this stage he has suggested that I have it once a month.


> I would be insterested to know if there are any papers or


> stating to how many one should receive (within a month), that I


> pass onto him for the guidance management


> My GP is not a ME consultant yet does have a huge interest in the

> field of CFS/ME and is happy for me to search for information that

> may be relevant to correct dosage.


> Thanks in advance


> e


> dx 3 years

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Hi Adrienne

thanks for info on B12, also have found some references after a long search.

The first jab was very painful! after the dozens of blood tests I thought this

would be the same, the gp suggested that it was because of the dye and having

ME, any thoughts????

Some say that the pain is due to the contents being pushed into the body too





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Hi Carol,

thanks for the link, printed this one off and have used her site for a few

references but overlooked it this time


You mentioned that you have been trying Solgar's

sublingual tablets recently, what dosage level are these? and have you received

any benefits?

I tried a month of 5000mg tablets available at Yarrows on the recommendation

from Dr Andy , but notice see any difference.

The B12 that you inject yourself without the alcohol, is that available via the

NHS or do you have to get from Dr Myhill?.

To what I have read up so far its confusing to what the correct dosage levels

should to start with, some are weekly and some more often than that.

I guess I will have to have another chat the GP as I feel that once a month is

not suffice.




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Hi e,

I get a private prescription from Dr Myhill and get it from my

chemists. I don't use the type she supplies as its got alcohol in

it, or used to anyway. I don't really know how much the Solgar

sublingual are helping, as there's been a lot of things going on

recently like surgery. I'm thinking of having another course of

injections as I'm a bit toxic at mo. The Solgar sublinguals are

1000 ug.

Most people I know who are on B12 injections are on it weekly. Dr

Myhill once told me that there were 2 categories of people, those

that needed it frequently like once or twice a week and those who

only needed it every 2 - 3 weeks. She also told me that

tachyphylaxis can occur, i.e. after a while it may stop working and

you need a break for a little while before resuming again.

All the best,


> Hi Carol,


> thanks for the link, printed this one off and have used her site

for a few references but overlooked it this time


> http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/article.cfm?id=341


> You mentioned that you have been trying Solgar's

> sublingual tablets recently, what dosage level are these? and have

you received any benefits?


> I tried a month of 5000mg tablets available at Yarrows on the

recommendation from Dr Andy , but notice see any difference.


> The B12 that you inject yourself without the alcohol, is that

available via the NHS or do you have to get from Dr Myhill?.


> To what I have read up so far its confusing to what the correct

dosage levels should to start with, some are weekly and some more

often than that.


> I guess I will have to have another chat the GP as I feel that

once a month is not suffice.


> BW


> e



> -----------------------------------------

> Email provided by http://www.ntlhome.com/





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B12 only has to be injected into fat and doesn't hurt at all unless it is

compounded with the wrong ph.


----- Original Message -----

The first jab was very painful! after the dozens of blood tests I thought this

would be the same, the gp suggested that it was because of the dye and having

ME, any thoughts????

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Mine also is very painful. Could be due to additives.

Thanks for the advises.Do you take folic acid while taking B-12

injections?What is the dosage.I read folate needs to be taken with B12.


Re: Re: B12 Injections

> B12 only has to be injected into fat and doesn't hurt at all unless it is

compounded with the wrong ph.

> Doris

> ----- Original Message -----

> The first jab was very painful! after the dozens of blood tests I

thought this would be the same, the gp suggested that it was because of the

dye and having ME, any thoughts????



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I have had two --- and I just filled a prescription from my doctor so

that I can either give them to myself or get a friend to do it. (A

year's worth of medicine and syringes were less than $15.) I also do

the sublinguals daily. I don't know that I notice the " instant "

feelings that others have said that they get from the injection but I

do think in the last 4-5 months I have overall felt less tired, etc.

in GA



> I would love to hear from folks that have had B12 injections. I had


> yesterday.


> Cheers!

> in DC

> MGB Dec 2000

> pre-op 260

> current 116

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Were you having symptoms of a deficieny? What showed up in the bloodwork?



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>From: " juliewmson " <jwmson1@...>



>Subject: Re: B12 injections

>Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 12:28:26 -0000




>I have had two --- and I just filled a prescription from my doctor so

>that I can either give them to myself or get a friend to do it. (A

>year's worth of medicine and syringes were less than $15.) I also do

>the sublinguals daily. I don't know that I notice the " instant "

>feelings that others have said that they get from the injection but I

>do think in the last 4-5 months I have overall felt less tired, etc.


> in GA



> >

> >

> > I would love to hear from folks that have had B12 injections. I had


> > yesterday.

> >

> > Cheers!

> > in DC

> > MGB Dec 2000

> > pre-op 260

> > current 116







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At about 2 years out, my PC noted that my B12 was low and continuing

to drop. I have been giving myself an injection once a month for about

3 years and my levels are now holding steady at the middle of the

normal range. It really is not big deal-- I give them in my stomach as

it is easiest. Let me know if you have other questions.

Take care,

Dr. R





> I would love to hear from folks that have had B12 injections. I had one

> yesterday.


> Cheers!

> in DC

> MGB Dec 2000

> pre-op 260

> current 116

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I did the B12 for several months to get my levels back in the normal range,

I was super low (I don't remember the # now) I did notice a general increase

in energy, but it wasn't immediate at all. I was expecting since it was a

shot that I would feel great immediately. Although, I was also sick with all

of these other viruses and wasn't aware of it at the time, so I guess my

experience isn't normal. (I have the Epstein Barr virus among some otehr

things and I am being treated right now, and I have certainly noticed a

differece, I feel about 50% better and I have another 2 months of


Anyway, as far as the B12 injections go - I would highly suggest giving it

to yourself. If you go to the dr office you have to pay to go, plus pay a

higher price for the B12. Have the nurse teach you how to do it and it is

easy. I did it in my upper thigh and rotated legs each time. I found that it

didn't hurt at all when I did it myself b/c I would take it nice and slow at

my own pace rather than jab it in and out really quickly.

Good luck! Let us know if/when you start feeling better.

: )


(used to be TeacherGator)

June 20, 2000 - Dr. R

283 / 125

size 26-28 / size 4-6

maintained (+/- 5 lbs) for over 3 years

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