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Self Talk...

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What great awareness and taking care of yourself! I was inspired to

write the following passage to my body after reading your message

about this (practicing IE) not being a diet. The question that came

to my mind is that if it's not a diet, then what is it to me? As

you're hashing out your fears you may also want to tackle this

questions. :)

A Way of Living that I've Longed For...

This IE journey is about how I want to take care of you. It's about

my committment to help you feel cared for...to help you get your

needs met. When I eat when I am not hungry...I know that you're

struggling and craving and needing to feel better...to feel

differently...to feel more calm or more content within. I will show

you that I mean what I say. I will eat what you signal to me when

I'm hungry despite the nagging voices that may say that I shouldn't

eat chocolate cake and peanut butter cups....because I know that we

can handle it...if you really want it. I know that you won't want

chocolate cake everyday! I will wait for hunger because hunger tells

me when you are ready to handle more food. When I get the urge to

eat without hunger, I know that you need help and you know food has

helped in the past. What I know now is that I can think, feel, and

do other things that will help you feel better and more whole than

using food ever will.

You are a body with senses, a head, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two

ears, two arms, two legs, etc...you are made for expression and

movement. When you move regularly, the energy that I take in through

food is creatively channeled out in the world. I can choose to move

and move more at anytime to help you feel and experience more

balance...to help transform intense emotions...to feel joy in this

life. I can walk, talk, jump, dance, skip, hop, sing, breath deeply,

visualize, yes eat, drink, and just sit with myself. With more and

more practice of the IE principles, we are creating and discovering

a way of living that we longed for and yet surpasses what we thought

was even possible.


When something inspires me this much, like IE, I know that I'm on

the right path.

Sending a big hug to you Dawn,


Practicing IE Since Jan '08

Tonight I sat with my feelings a bit and did some self talk.


> myself that I CAN have whatever I want when I am hungry. Chocolate

> cake. PB cups. Whatever. And it feels..I don't know...better a bit?


> I'm going to keep working on this thought. Talking to myself and

> really beginning to hash out some of my fears that have obviously

> thrown me into a tailspin.


> This is NOT A DIET.


> It's not.


And I need to believe that in my very core before I can begin to

heal the other demons.

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