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Re: I like Intuitive eating

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Hello Arnie,

This is great, that you came to appreciate ie like that. So hard to eat ie when traveling. I will be in your situation in november for 10 days and it worries me a lot. I will also have to follow a group and eat when they eat, in restaurants I will not choose, etc... Is there anything you can think, that would have help you with ie, over your trip?


Subject: I like Intuitive eatingTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Saturday, October 11, 2008, 2:05 AM

What it really comes down to for me at this point is that I have really come to enjoy Intuitive Eating. I'd like to relay what my last couple weeks have been like. I hope this doesn't get too long.A couple weeks ago I had to go out of town for a conference. It just happened that the conference was in the city that my sister lives in. So I took a few extra days before the conference to visit her. My sister is ten years older than me and as far back as I can remember she has been dieting.But those few days were a little difficult for me since there is nothing but diet food in her house. I did hit a grocery store and pick up a few things I like, but all the same, family dynamics that always play out and the shortage of enjoyable food took its toll.Then I went and stayed at the hotel that the conference was at for a few days. The conference was exhausting. It would start at 8:00am and

be over most days at 10:00pm. The hotel was in a remote area and the only restaurants I could find near the hotel were a Mac's and a Subway. I've never liked hotel food. I think all hotels get their food from the same central hotel kitchen that just pumps out bland crap. (I really hope there are no hotel chefs here, or maybe I just stay at bad hotels.)I guess the point of that whole story is that by the time I got home, I was totally off my IE game. A more experienced IEer probably could have handled that week better, but it took me days to get back to being able to sense anything in an intuitive way. I'm just happy to have survived to play another day. But the surprising thing was how much I missed Intuitive Eating. I really wanted to get back to it. I didn't realize how much I love IE. It feels so good to be able to enjoy food as much as I have learnt to in the past couple months by

eating intuitively. So a big thanks to everyone here, because everyone who has posted here has helped me in some way.ArnieIEing since Aug. 08

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" I like intuitive eating " ~ that's really cool. Who ever says I

really miss my diet and I want to get back to it? No one that I

know. It's fortunate that time away from a practice, a process, or

even a person helps us realize how important it/they are...gives us

an opportunity " to miss " something in our lives and reaffirm our

commitment to it/them.

Whether I'm home or away, I try to go back to basics...to home

base...am I hungry? am I getting full/satisfied?, how can I move

today? Are stressors/emotions clouding my eating process? I went

visiting family twice this past summer and something told me to take

some snacks and breakfast food along with me because it's really

easy to just go out to Mc's to pick up something for breakfast

or to eat when I'm not hungry because I don't know when my next meal

will come being with family and visiting people. I took a couple of

apples, some cinnamon toast bread, a small canister of cashews and

dried cranberries. Although, I didn't have the most optimal IE

eating experiences when I was there, having those snacks/breakfast

items did allow me to wait for my hunger at times, helped me start

some days off with foods that I like and were not just convenient,

and I knew that I would have food if I got hungry.

Your message helped me realize that the ability to eat intuitively

is always there inside me now even when I eat to deal with non-

hunger needs.


Practicing IE since Jan '08

But the surprising thing was how much I missed Intuitive Eating. I

really wanted to get back to it. I didn't realize how much I love

IE. It feels so good to be able to enjoy food as much as I have

learnt to in the past couple months by eating intuitively. So a big

thanks to everyone here, because everyone who has posted here has

helped me in some way.

> Arnie

> IEing since Aug. 08

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Arnie, that is AMAZING!!



> What it really comes down to for me at this point is that I have

> really come to enjoy Intuitive Eating. I'd like to relay what my last

> couple weeks have been like. I hope this doesn't get too long.


> A couple weeks ago I had to go out of town for a conference. It just

> happened that the conference was in the city that my sister lives in.

> So I took a few extra days before the conference to visit her. My

> sister is ten years older than me and as far back as I can remember

> she has been dieting.


> But those few days were a little difficult for me since there is

> nothing but diet food in her house. I did hit a grocery store and

> pick up a few things I like, but all the same, family dynamics that

> always play out and the shortage of enjoyable food took its toll.


> Then I went and stayed at the hotel that the conference was at for a

> few days. The conference was exhausting. It would start at 8:00am and

> be over most days at 10:00pm. The hotel was in a remote area and the

> only restaurants I could find near the hotel were a Mac's and a

> Subway. I've never liked hotel food. I think all hotels get their

> food from the same central hotel kitchen that just pumps out bland

> crap. (I really hope there are no hotel chefs here, or maybe I just

> stay at bad hotels.)


> I guess the point of that whole story is that by the time I got home,

> I was totally off my IE game. A more experienced IEer probably could

> have handled that week better, but it took me days to get back to

> being able to sense anything in an intuitive way. I'm just happy to

> have survived to play another day. But the surprising thing was how

> much I missed Intuitive Eating. I really wanted to get back to it. I

> didn't realize how much I love IE. It feels so good to be able to

> enjoy food as much as I have learnt to in the past couple months by

> eating intuitively. So a big thanks to everyone here, because

> everyone who has posted here has helped me in some way.


> Arnie

> IEing since Aug. 08


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I love IE too, its so SANE making for me. Good for you to allow

yourself to go with the flow that you experienced in your week away

from home. A similar thing happened to me over the summer when we had

3 sets of visitors in 6 weeks time. Besides loving to bake and cook,

which visitors trigger me to do, I also tend to not pay attention to

my eating as my focus switches over to visiting. I know I overate

during this time, but what was different this time from previous times

was that I didn't beat myself up over it as well as knowing I

could/would revert to better IE practices when my (IE) focus returned.

Love hearing from you and how IE has come to be something you can live

with. Isn't that the best thing for all of us ;-) Great to have you

here too :)

ehugs, Katcha

IEing since March 2007


> What it really comes down to for me at this point is that I have

> really come to enjoy Intuitive Eating. I'd like to relay what my last

> couple weeks have been like. I hope this doesn't get too long.


> A couple weeks ago I had to go out of town for a conference. It just

> happened that the conference was in the city that my sister lives in.

> So I took a few extra days before the conference to visit her. My

> sister is ten years older than me and as far back as I can remember

> she has been dieting.


> But those few days were a little difficult for me since there is

> nothing but diet food in her house. I did hit a grocery store and

> pick up a few things I like, but all the same, family dynamics that

> always play out and the shortage of enjoyable food took its toll.


> Then I went and stayed at the hotel that the conference was at for a

> few days. The conference was exhausting. It would start at 8:00am and

> be over most days at 10:00pm. The hotel was in a remote area and the

> only restaurants I could find near the hotel were a Mac's and a

> Subway. I've never liked hotel food. I think all hotels get their

> food from the same central hotel kitchen that just pumps out bland

> crap. (I really hope there are no hotel chefs here, or maybe I just

> stay at bad hotels.)


> I guess the point of that whole story is that by the time I got home,

> I was totally off my IE game. A more experienced IEer probably could

> have handled that week better, but it took me days to get back to

> being able to sense anything in an intuitive way. I'm just happy to

> have survived to play another day. But the surprising thing was how

> much I missed Intuitive Eating. I really wanted to get back to it. I

> didn't realize how much I love IE. It feels so good to be able to

> enjoy food as much as I have learnt to in the past couple months by

> eating intuitively. So a big thanks to everyone here, because

> everyone who has posted here has helped me in some way.


> Arnie

> IEing since Aug. 08


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Nat, there is only one thing I can think of that I will take with me

on future trips that I didn't have with me at the start of this one.

That is some confidence in my own ability to reject the diet


Here is what I mean by that. We will all have periods in our lives

when eating intuitively will not be easy. Travelling is certainly

hard, having to eat with others makes it hard, great emotional upsets

makes it hard, exhaustion, etc. This list could be very long. So we

do the best with the hand we have been dealt.

In my case it was only for a week. I can live with a week of less

than optimal conditions. The important thing for me was to remember

that this doesn't constitute a failure on my part. This is not a diet

that I have to do %100 or not at all. It is not what goes in my mouth

that makes me an intuitive eater, it is what goes on in my mind and

my heart that makes me an IEer.

So if under bad conditions you find yourself eating a little more

because you can't find the food you really want to eat, or you have

to eat at the same time as everyone else, know it is okay. Have

confidence that you are still an IEer in good standing. IE is a

mindset, not a set of rules.


IEing since Aug 08



> Subject: I like Intuitive eating

> To: IntuitiveEating_Support

> Received: Saturday, October 11, 2008, 2:05 AM







> What it really comes down to for me at this point is that I have

> really come to enjoy Intuitive Eating. I'd like to relay what my


> couple weeks have been like. I hope this doesn't get too long.


> A couple weeks ago I had to go out of town for a conference. It


> happened that the conference was in the city that my sister lives


> So I took a few extra days before the conference to visit her. My

> sister is ten years older than me and as far back as I can remember

> she has been dieting.


> But those few days were a little difficult for me since there is

> nothing but diet food in her house. I did hit a grocery store and

> pick up a few things I like, but all the same, family dynamics that

> always play out and the shortage of enjoyable food took its toll.


> Then I went and stayed at the hotel that the conference was at for


> few days. The conference was exhausting. It would start at 8:00am


> be over most days at 10:00pm. The hotel was in a remote area and


> only restaurants I could find near the hotel were a Mac's and


> Subway. I've never liked hotel food. I think all hotels get their

> food from the same central hotel kitchen that just pumps out bland

> crap. (I really hope there are no hotel chefs here, or maybe I just

> stay at bad hotels.)


> I guess the point of that whole story is that by the time I got


> I was totally off my IE game. A more experienced IEer probably


> have handled that week better, but it took me days to get back to

> being able to sense anything in an intuitive way. I'm just happy to

> have survived to play another day. But the surprising thing was how

> much I missed Intuitive Eating. I really wanted to get back to it.


> didn't realize how much I love IE. It feels so good to be able to

> enjoy food as much as I have learnt to in the past couple months by

> eating intuitively. So a big thanks to everyone here, because

> everyone who has posted here has helped me in some way.


> Arnie

> IEing since Aug. 08



















> Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and

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Hi Latoya,

How could I not like IE? I get to eat what I want, when I want. After a

couple months of that I can't imagine eating any other way. What could

be better?

What you said about aking some stuff with you is probably a good idea.

I didn't because I wasn't expecting have difficulty, but it would have

saved me some late night trips to the hotel convenience store for junk

food I didn't really want.



> Arnie,


> " I like intuitive eating " ~ that's really cool. Who ever says I

> really miss my diet and I want to get back to it? No one that I

> know. It's fortunate that time away from a practice, a process, or

> even a person helps us realize how important it/they are...gives us

> an opportunity " to miss " something in our lives and reaffirm our

> commitment to it/them.

> >

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Hi Katcha,

Thats's a great saying, that IE is SANE making. That's exactly what

it is for me too. At first I was very apprehensive, because it is so

different from what I had been taught to do for so many years. But

after only 2.5 months I have shed pretty much all of that

apprehension. I like that I don't have to fret about every little

thing when eating intuitively. I can't fail. That makes it SANE



IEing since Aug 08

> >

> > What it really comes down to for me at this point is that I have

> > really come to enjoy Intuitive Eating. I'd like to relay what my


> > couple weeks have been like. I hope this doesn't get too long.

> >

> > A couple weeks ago I had to go out of town for a conference. It


> > happened that the conference was in the city that my sister lives


> > So I took a few extra days before the conference to visit her. My

> > sister is ten years older than me and as far back as I can


> > she has been dieting.

> >

> > But those few days were a little difficult for me since there is

> > nothing but diet food in her house. I did hit a grocery store and

> > pick up a few things I like, but all the same, family dynamics


> > always play out and the shortage of enjoyable food took its toll.

> >

> > Then I went and stayed at the hotel that the conference was at

for a

> > few days. The conference was exhausting. It would start at 8:00am


> > be over most days at 10:00pm. The hotel was in a remote area and


> > only restaurants I could find near the hotel were a Mac's

and a

> > Subway. I've never liked hotel food. I think all hotels get their

> > food from the same central hotel kitchen that just pumps out


> > crap. (I really hope there are no hotel chefs here, or maybe I


> > stay at bad hotels.)

> >

> > I guess the point of that whole story is that by the time I got


> > I was totally off my IE game. A more experienced IEer probably


> > have handled that week better, but it took me days to get back to

> > being able to sense anything in an intuitive way. I'm just happy


> > have survived to play another day. But the surprising thing was


> > much I missed Intuitive Eating. I really wanted to get back to

it. I

> > didn't realize how much I love IE. It feels so good to be able to

> > enjoy food as much as I have learnt to in the past couple months


> > eating intuitively. So a big thanks to everyone here, because

> > everyone who has posted here has helped me in some way.

> >

> > Arnie

> > IEing since Aug. 08

> >


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Hi, this is a little bit of a tanget, but reading through this thread I couldn't help but think:

" How incredibly lucky we are to have the amazing luxury of being able to choose, EVERY SINGLE DAY, what we really crave and want to eat to satisfy our every whim/desire. Until quite recently, no one in the entire history of the world had the luxury of being only a few minute of any enticing food that their mind could conceive of, and even with today's technology, there are BILLIONS of people who either don't know where their next meal is coming from, or are limited entirely by what is available. "

So, lets take the time to be grateful for the amazing plentitude of modern life in the developed countries that we live in, that we have these choices every single day.

And when circumstances dictate that we occassionally are faced with food choices that are not exactly to our liking at that moment, we are still wonderfully pampered human beings that this is a rare event :)

this is not meant to be a soap-box, just a realization on my part that no matter how I may whine to myself about how hard I think I have it, I am incredibly lucky to have the choices that I have, and I'm taking a moment to be grateful for my good fortune.



What it really comes down to for me at this point is that I have really come to enjoy Intuitive Eating. I'd like to relay what my last couple weeks have been like. I hope this doesn't get too long.

A couple weeks ago I had to go out of town for a conference. It just happened that the conference was in the city that my sister lives in. So I took a few extra days before the conference to visit her. My

sister is ten years older than me and as far back as I can remember she has been dieting.But those few days were a little difficult for me since there is nothing but diet food in her house. I did hit a grocery store and

pick up a few things I like, but all the same, family dynamics that always play out and the shortage of enjoyable food took its toll.Then I went and stayed at the hotel that the conference was at for a few days. The conference was exhausting. It would start at 8:00am and

be over most days at 10:00pm. The hotel was in a remote area and the only restaurants I could find near the hotel were a Mac's and a Subway. I've never liked hotel food. I think all hotels get their

food from the same central hotel kitchen that just pumps out bland crap. (I really hope there are no hotel chefs here, or maybe I just stay at bad hotels.)I guess the point of that whole story is that by the time I got home,

I was totally off my IE game. A more experienced IEer probably could have handled that week better, but it took me days to get back to being able to sense anything in an intuitive way. I'm just happy to have survived to play another day. But the surprising thing was how

much I missed Intuitive Eating. I really wanted to get back to it. I didn't realize how much I love IE. It feels so good to be able to enjoy food as much as I have learnt to in the past couple months by eating intuitively. So a big thanks to everyone here, because

everyone who has posted here has helped me in some way.ArnieIEing since Aug. 08

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You are so right Mikki. We are lucky to be living when and where we

do. The choices many of us have in food (and some other essentials)

are staggering. We are probably better off than most rulers

throughout history. Thanks for the reminder. It is easy to take for

granted the abundance we enjoy.


IEing since Aug. 08


> > What it really comes down to for me at this point is that I have

> > really come to enjoy Intuitive Eating. I'd like to relay what my


> > couple weeks have been like. I hope this doesn't get too long.

> >

> > A couple weeks ago I had to go out of town for a conference. It


> > happened that the conference was in the city that my sister lives


> > So I took a few extra days before the conference to visit her. My

> > sister is ten years older than me and as far back as I can


> > she has been dieting.

> >

> > But those few days were a little difficult for me since there is

> > nothing but diet food in her house. I did hit a grocery store and

> > pick up a few things I like, but all the same, family dynamics


> > always play out and the shortage of enjoyable food took its toll.

> >

> > Then I went and stayed at the hotel that the conference was at

for a

> > few days. The conference was exhausting. It would start at 8:00am


> > be over most days at 10:00pm. The hotel was in a remote area and


> > only restaurants I could find near the hotel were a Mac's

and a

> > Subway. I've never liked hotel food. I think all hotels get their

> > food from the same central hotel kitchen that just pumps out bland

> > crap. (I really hope there are no hotel chefs here, or maybe I


> > stay at bad hotels.)

> >

> > I guess the point of that whole story is that by the time I got


> > I was totally off my IE game. A more experienced IEer probably


> > have handled that week better, but it took me days to get back to

> > being able to sense anything in an intuitive way. I'm just happy


> > have survived to play another day. But the surprising thing was


> > much I missed Intuitive Eating. I really wanted to get back to

it. I

> > didn't realize how much I love IE. It feels so good to be able to

> > enjoy food as much as I have learnt to in the past couple months


> > eating intuitively. So a big thanks to everyone here, because

> > everyone who has posted here has helped me in some way.

> >

> > Arnie

> > IEing since Aug. 08

> >

> >

> >


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