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Baking fun

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OK, maybe I'm not the first person to 'discover' these, but I just

baked my first batch of chocolate chip cookies using Extra Dark

Chocolate Chips. I am usually a milk chocolate type of person when it

comes to eating chocolate candy, but for cookies these CHOCOLATE

little gems are sooo yummy! Even dear hubby who usually eats one or

two and that's enough, eagerly wanted more.

I love eating the foods I LOVE, and finding the best ones is wonderful

too. Besides we had our first snow today (didn't last), so its baking

time :) :)


IEing since March 2007

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mmmmmm I'm not really a dark chocolate type of person, but those sound

yummy! I'm excited to do some baking and for Christmas cookie season

to come. Every year I dread it and this year I am actually looking

forward to it. I just got the Kraft Food & Family magazine in the

mail, and I'm excited to go through it tonight and find some really

good desserts to make!


> OK, maybe I'm not the first person to 'discover' these, but I just

> baked my first batch of chocolate chip cookies using Extra Dark

> Chocolate Chips. I am usually a milk chocolate type of person when it

> comes to eating chocolate candy, but for cookies these CHOCOLATE

> little gems are sooo yummy! Even dear hubby who usually eats one or

> two and that's enough, eagerly wanted more.


> I love eating the foods I LOVE, and finding the best ones is


> too. Besides we had our first snow today (didn't last), so its baking

> time :) :)


> Katcha

> IEing since March 2007


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mmmmmmm.....sounds good! I love baking stuff this time of year. I just bought a magazine that's all cookies and baking tips for cookies. It's a special edition of Fine Cooking. I can't wait to try some of the recipes!

I'm starting to enjoy cooking and baking again. When I was dieting I would buy all kinds of cookbooks but I never did much with them except read them and imagine all the things I could make if I wasn't dieting. But now I get to make anything I want!!


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

Subject: Baking funTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 7:27 PM

OK, maybe I'm not the first person to 'discover' these, but I justbaked my first batch of chocolate chip cookies using Extra DarkChocolate Chips. I am usually a milk chocolate type of person when itcomes to eating chocolate candy, but for cookies these CHOCOLATElittle gems are sooo yummy! Even dear hubby who usually eats one ortwo and that's enough, eagerly wanted more. I love eating the foods I LOVE, and finding the best ones is wonderfultoo. Besides we had our first snow today (didn't last), so its bakingtime :) :)Katcha IEing since March 2007

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Aren't those the best? I find I can use less of them in the batch and

still get that intense chocolate hit, too. Yum!!

I love baking in the winter - what better way to keep your kitchen



> OK, maybe I'm not the first person to 'discover' these, but I just

> baked my first batch of chocolate chip cookies using Extra Dark

> Chocolate Chips. I am usually a milk chocolate type of person when it

> comes to eating chocolate candy, but for cookies these CHOCOLATE

> little gems are sooo yummy! Even dear hubby who usually eats one or

> two and that's enough, eagerly wanted more.


> I love eating the foods I LOVE, and finding the best ones is wonderful

> too. Besides we had our first snow today (didn't last), so its baking

> time :) :)


> Katcha

> IEing since March 2007


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OOOOHHHH...sounds so yummy. Dark chocolate is even supposed to be good for you too!!!

God Bless,


To: IntuitiveEating_Support From: jain_daugh@...Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 00:27:46 +0000Subject: Baking fun

OK, maybe I'm not the first person to 'discover' these, but I justbaked my first batch of chocolate chip cookies using Extra DarkChocolate Chips. I am usually a milk chocolate type of person when itcomes to eating chocolate candy, but for cookies these CHOCOLATElittle gems are sooo yummy! Even dear hubby who usually eats one ortwo and that's enough, eagerly wanted more. I love eating the foods I LOVE, and finding the best ones is wonderfultoo. Besides we had our first snow today (didn't last), so its bakingtime :) :)Katcha IEing since March 2007 Stay up to date on your PC, the Web, and your mobile phone with Windows Live Click here

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MMMMMmmmmmmm..... Chocolate chip coockies! Okay, now I know what I'm

baking next with my new found baking abilities, a batch of cookies with

extra dark chips.

I have a friend who is a fantastic cook and baker. She volunteers where

I work and yesterday she brought in the most delicious cookies I've

ever ate.

I love working with volunteers all day. They are always bringing in

yummy stuff. When I was dieting it drove me nuts. Now I just enjoy it.



> OK, maybe I'm not the first person to 'discover' these, but I just

> baked my first batch of chocolate chip cookies using Extra Dark

> Chocolate Chips. I am usually a milk chocolate type of person when it

> comes to eating chocolate candy, but for cookies these CHOCOLATE

> little gems are sooo yummy! Even dear hubby who usually eats one or

> two and that's enough, eagerly wanted more.


> I love eating the foods I LOVE, and finding the best ones is wonderful

> too. Besides we had our first snow today (didn't last), so its baking

> time :) :)


> Katcha

> IEing since March 2007


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