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Perhaps your " natural " treatment is not right for you. Each of us

responds differently to treatment. Request Androgel or shots and see

if this makes a difference. Make sure your estrogen levels are


Having more frequent sex will not boost your testosterone levels.



> I've been on 100 mg. " natural teestosterone for 10 days now amd am

exhausted. could this be just running up my estrogen level?


> Any answers? I assumed increased test. would cause some increase in

energy not the opposite. Last bloodtest prior to


> begining test. total--315---free---52


> Can increased sex increase test. levels?


> Jeff




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  • 1 year later...

Barb, fatigue seems to be part of this disease. I was quite a whirlwind myself

until it hit me. There are times I overdo and I always regret it. I have to

consciously make time for rest. It has to be a priority or I do not have enough

energy in reserve to do the things I have to do let alone the things I want to

do. I hope you do keep in touch. It is amazing how much it helps. Cheri :-))

[ ] Tired


Definitely learning a lot from reading on this list.

I get so exhausted from doing so little. I read where others have

this tired feeling also. Is this tiredness directly related to the

PA or do you think it is from the pain we experience?

I have never been a laid back kind of person. Have been known as

the " white tornado " , but just cannot do what I used to.

Any input would be appreciated. I do have some good news. The pain

in my shoulder has totally disappeared with continued exercises and I

have regained my range of motion. We just won't talk about the rest!

Happy New Year to each and everyone of you. Will try to post more

often, but still learning so much about this PA.


Please visit our Psoriatic Arthritis Group's informational web page at:

http://www.wpunj.edu/pa/ -- created and edited by list member


Also,in August 2001,list member Jack aka Cornishpro@... began to

conduct extensive research which he publishes as the " Psoriatic Arthritis

Research Newsletter " , monthly in our email and digest format. Many thanks to

Jack. Back issues of the newsletter are stored on our PA webpage as well as the

archives of the list.

Don't forget that the list archives comprise a tremendous amount of

information (Over three years of messages and answers).Feel free to browse them

at your convenience.

LET'S HEAR FROM SOME OF YOU LURKERS out there! If you have a comment or

question, chances are there is a person who has been around a while who can help

you out with AT LEAST an educated guess for an answer! If not,we can steer you

in the right direction with a good website to go to,

Blessings and Peace,

Atwood-Stack, Founder

Alan , Web & List Editor

Jack , Newsletter Editor

Pat Bias, List Editor

Ron Dotson, List Editor

Orin, List Editor

, List Editor

and any others who help in any way (thank you!)


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I was fatigued as well, and my rhuemy checked my TSH (thyroid) and it

was under producing big time. I am on Syntheroid now and feel 100%

better. Might want to have that test run on your next round of

labs.. perhaps PA effects it somehow as I have never had the problem

in the past.

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I do believe my middle name has become tired. I know that fatigue is a

common thread which binds us all. But I am wondering if I am the only person


is experiencing this terrible sleepiness. It has been bad for about 4 weeks

now. I will take my evening cocktail of drugs and usually am asleep at 10 PM.

I get up around 6:30 am. But, lately I get up and am just exhausted. I get

my boys up, dressed, bed made and if I sit even for a second I am in a deep

sleep. Last Saturday and Sunday I sleep through both days. I got up for an our

here or there to eat or get a drink, but honestly I sleep nearly 42 of the 48


No new drugs, just the extreme fatigue. At dinner I fell asleep at the

table. My boys got a laugh, but frankly it is beginning to scare me. Any one


my shoes or with any advice?


Hickory, NC

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In a message dated 1/1/2004 1:46:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, NITTYG writes:

> I get so exhausted from doing so little. I read where others have

> this tired feeling also. Is this tiredness directly

> related to the

> PA or do you think it is from the pain we experience?

Hi Barb, my doctor has a great explanation (sorry to the rest of the group, I

know I have written this before)...she equates autoimmune disease to a civil war

going on in our bodies...because our bodies are constantly fighting, they are

never really at rest. So we need a lot more rest than the average person to

make up for all of the energy our bodies spend fighting. I have had the

experience of being able to go into remission if I give myself extra time to

rest on a regular basis, even if I think I don't need it.

Anyway, to combat the fatigue, she also recommends taking a folic acid

supplement, which I think has helped me...

Hang in there,

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-- How disconcerting it must be to sleep so much. I don't know how

anybody handles this disease with children who need care. Luckily mine were

grown before I was dx. I do what I call " work then recover " which is about all

I can handle most of the time. I work fulltime and it seems that I do very

little else. When I get home at night I eat, fall asleep, wake up, go to bed

then do the same thing the next day. Saturday is my rest day and except for

moderating the chat room in the afternoon and taking my mom shopping after, I

don't do anything else. On Sunday I get ready for the week to come, laundry,

ironing, etc. and sometimes we go visit friends or have dinner here. Nothing

like my pre-PA days. I would suggest you talk to your doctor and see is you

might benefit from the tests that a sleep clinic can do. My husband has apnea

and it got so bad that he fell asleep all the time. I was afraid he would fall

asleep at the wheel! He didn't believe me when I told him that he needed to get

some help for it but when he was in the hospital last year for an unrelated

problem the nurses were appalled at how he breathed when asleep. It is one of

those quiet problems that sneaks up on a person. He finally went to the sleep

clinic and after the test, which showed severe apnea, he got the machine that

is worn at night to regulate breathing. He is a new man. He is energetic,

awake all day, I no longer worry about him falling asleep at the wheel and his

moods are improved too! This may not be your problem as we all know that PA

contributes to extreme fatigue but it is worth a look. As has been mentioned

many times before, we tend to blame everything on PA and overlook other

conditions that may contribute to our health picture. I wish you good luck with

your search for an answer. Cheri :-))

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Anne & Cheri,

Thanks for the thought of apnea. I have bee tested in my early twenties (now

33) and it is not a problem. I wish that were it because it is able t be dx

and fixed (for lack of a better word). I hope t see my doctor this week and

maybe I can get more answers!

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Do you snore? That degree of sleepiness could be sleep apnea. I thought my

problem was insomnia but when I had a sleep study I found that I had sleep

apnea and with treatment with a CPAP machine I am less sleepy and enjoying

life more Anne


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In a message dated 1/2/2004 9:11:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

tron2k1@... writes:

I was fatigued as well, and my rhuemy checked my TSH (thyroid) and it

was under producing big time. I am on Syntheroid now and feel 100%

better. Might want to have that test run on your next round of

labs.. perhaps PA effects it somehow as I have never had the problem

in the past.

I bet that is possible because I think I started the joint pain around the

same time I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid.


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In a message dated 1/7/2004 1:10:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, fam24 writes:

> labs.. perhaps PA effects it somehow as I have never had the problem

> in the past.

> I bet that is possible because I think I started the joint

> pain around the

> same time I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. Janet

Hi Janet, thyroid is autoimmune too, so it is not uncommon for people who are

destined to get multiple autoimmune diseases to get them all at the same

time...my PA started when my hypothyroid, pernicious anemia and celiac

started...was lots of fun figuring out all of that at the same time:-)

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  • 9 months later...


I would love any information on tiredness. My 4 year old act really tired.

He is very easy and does what he is told. We have know really behavior or

autistic issues i.e. stemming or not understanding. He is speaks however his

speech is delayed. The biggest problems seem to be with social and

tiredness. He is very social with us but not as much with kids in his class.

I am

not sure if it is because he is tired or what.

Any help would be great.


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I personally was dealing with constantly being tired up until a few months ago.

I found that by adding a good multivitamin and magnesium that was enough to give

me the boost that I needed to get through the day.

dazseaton@... wrote:


I would love any information on tiredness. My 4 year old act really tired.

He is very easy and does what he is told. We have know really behavior or

autistic issues i.e. stemming or not understanding. He is speaks however his

speech is delayed. The biggest problems seem to be with social and

tiredness. He is very social with us but not as much with kids in his class.

I am

not sure if it is because he is tired or what.

Any help would be great.


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> I would love any information on tiredness. My 4 year old act really


This is the adult manifestation of phenol intolerance, altho some kids

have this problem also. Try No-Fenol enzyme, epsom salt baths, or

removing high phenols from his diet, see if that helps


It can also be vitamin/mineral deficiency or a few other things.


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  • 3 years later...


My husband who has MS takes PROVIGIL when he needs to sometimes. It a

drug prescribed for narcolepsy so it`s given " off label " for MS but

most doctors will do it I think.

It gives you focus without being " speedy " but like most things it

probaby helps to just take it now and then, as found he needed

more and more each time to get to the same awake state. Now he rarely

takes it and struggles thru the work day without but it`s good for


Good luck.


-- In low dose naltrexone , " " <pjmjpm@...> wrote:



> Hi,i have had ms for about 40 years and still get around but now i


> benn so tired.I am on low dose naltrexone too and was wondering if


> of you found anything that helps with tiredness.I know that ms causes

> this but there has to be something i can take.


> Thanks for any suggestions


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Yes there is a pill that helps with tiredness and it's cheap too ...4AP actually gives quite a good boost so don't take it before bed...unless your love life is suffering ha ha ha.it helps there too!


Keep smilin

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Hi Bev,

I forgot about provigal,and i did take it in the past when i was

working and it did help me out through the day and then after being

on it for about 2 years it started giving me tightness in the chest

and i stopped taking it.


In low dose naltrexone , " cat707k " <bevhk@...> wrote:


> Hi

> My husband who has MS takes PROVIGIL when he needs to sometimes.

It a

> drug prescribed for narcolepsy so it`s given " off label " for MS but

> most doctors will do it I think.

> It gives you focus without being " speedy " but like most things it

> probaby helps to just take it now and then, as found he


> more and more each time to get to the same awake state. Now he


> takes it and struggles thru the work day without but it`s good for

> emergencies.

> Good luck.

> Bev















> -- In low dose naltrexone , " " <pjmjpm@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hi,i have had ms for about 40 years and still get around but now


> have

> > benn so tired.I am on low dose naltrexone too and was wondering


> any

> > of you found anything that helps with tiredness.I know that ms


> > this but there has to be something i can take.

> >

> > Thanks for any suggestions

> >


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I have Crohns disease, also considered as an auto immune disease. I started using LDN in sept, one year ago. I have been tired long before I started using LDN, due to the disease itself, but I got a bit more tired when I started using LDN. I needed two naps a day at it's worse, I slept 8-9 hours every night, maybe more sometimes, and I went to bed earlier than I used to. I couldn't understand why. I have come to the conclusion that when the body is under severe diseases' stress, some gets overly tired. The grade of the inflammation and other actions taking place in the body may decide these reactions. When the immune system is functioning better again, due to LDN, it will probably take some months or more to repair and fix old damages done to our poor boodies, and the body may react to all these actions taking place. Both on a physical and a psychological level. The tiredness disappeared after almost a year for me. I have recently been under some

stress again, I have had a minor flare and felt the tiredness again, but not at all to the same degree as earlier. This is over now, I have got my energy back and have just had some perfect days lately.

So, wait and hope for your body to work better again.

With all the best

:-) Ingrid

[low dose naltrexone] TiredHi,i have had ms for about 40 years and still get around but now i have benn so tired.I am on low dose naltrexone too and was wondering if any of you found anything that helps with tiredness.I know that ms causes this but there has to be something i can take.Thanks for any suggestions------------------------------------

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I tried Provigil and it gave me Anxiety.... Hugs & Blessings,CrystalLDN_Users Group Owner Diagnosed November 2004 with Secondary Progressive MS, Transverse Myelitis and an

Advocate for LDN!! 3 years on LDN with Skip's Pharmacy..... Crystal's MS,TM & LDN Website Crystal's LDN Gift Shop Crystal's LDN Support Group Skip's Compounding Pharmacy LDN Website [low dose naltrexone] Re: Tired


Hi Bev,

I forgot about provigal,and i did take it in the past when i was

working and it did help me out through the day and then after being

on it for about 2 years it started giving me tightness in the chest

and i stopped taking it.


In low dose naltrexone, "cat707k" <bevhk@...> wrote:


> Hi

> My husband who has MS takes PROVIGIL when he needs to sometimes.

It a

> drug prescribed for narcolepsy so it`s given "off label" for MS but

> most doctors will do it I think.

> It gives you focus without being "speedy" but like most things it

> probaby helps to just take it now and then, as found he


> more and more each time to get to the same awake state. Now he


> takes it and struggles thru the work day without but it`s good for

> emergencies.

> Good luck.

> Bev















> -- In low dose naltrexone, "" <pjmjpm@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hi,i have had ms for about 40 years and still get around but now


> have

> > benn so tired.I am on low dose naltrexone too and was wondering


> any

> > of you found anything that helps with tiredness.I know that ms


> > this but there has to be something i can take.

> >

> > Thanks for any suggestions

> >


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PAUL: Below is description of some natural supplements that are good

for energy. Fatigue, of course, is a very real symptom of MS. I take

alot of supplements, and actually take all of the below everyday.

If you wanted to start with one or two, I would definitely take a

good B-Complex-100 with breakfast (the co-enzymated B-Complex is

best; Country Life and Kal each make one). MSer's have a hard time

absorbing B vitamins, so it is good to supplement. Also NADH

sublingual (Source Naturals) is very important as it happens to be

good for MS. Actually, the Gotu Kola is good for MS also. Be

careful with DMAE; if you have depression, it might make it worse.

Ginseng is ALWAYS good to take and helps with adrenal exhaustion.

You can try any or all of these. Remember vitamins and minerals

should be taken with food; herbs and amino acids on an empty stomach

(1/2 hr. before meals).

Hope this helps,


PS A year ago when I was first dx, I was sleeping 12 hrs/night; now

I'm down to about 8-9. I don't know if the supplements are helping

or not, but they aren't hurting, so I continue taking them.

" Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng) - one of the most popular energy boost

herbs for athletes and exercisers, eleuthero acts to increase your

stamina and adapt to external stress.

Gotu Kola - long used in Indian medicine, gotu kola improves brain

function and strengthens tissues and blood vessels. Gotu kola acts as

a rejuvenator and a tonic, with anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Besides energy boost herbs, the following nutrients are also known to

enhance energy levels and fight fatigue.

Vitamin B Family - the B family of vitamins is known for its energy

boosting abilities, particularly B12, Biotin and Folic Acid. B

vitamins help fight fatigue by helping our body use the sugar glucose

(fuel) and aiding in the formation of red blood cells (energy


MSM, DMAE, NADH - natural substances that have all been shown to

increase energy levels and fight fatigue. "

> > -- In low dose naltrexone, " " <pjmjpm@> wrote:

> > > Hi,i have had ms for about 40 years and still get around but

now i have benn so tired.I am on low dose naltrexone too and was

wondering if any of you found anything that helps with tiredness.I

know that ms causes this but there has to be something i can take.

Thanks for any suggestions

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  • 1 year later...

Boy is today a tired day! I woke up later then usual, took my time getting

ready for work and finally dragged myself out the door. Right now am drinking

coffe hoping that it will do the trick. After the three day weekend, I was

feeling great, but today it feels as though the energy has been sucked right out

of me. There is weather from Hermine to the south of us and it's supposed to

hit us around lunch time, so maybe it's the weather. All I want to do today is

curl up and take a nap. I've got five more years until retirement and days like

this make it difficult.

Meg in MO

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sorry you are feeling so bad.... i too am amazed that anyone with RA

can work at all. if you can, then i'm glad for you.

these tired days are coming more and more for me. seems to be the

normal for me now. i don't have many good, energetic days anymore.

boy, when i do ... !! i feel like God has blessed me , one more


hope you feel better soon, its so hard to work that way.


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I can also identify with the fatigue. I only work 3 days a week now (I'm 68 and

most folks my age have BEEN retired!) but some days I have to drag myself out.

My husbands says I've quit cooking, and he jokes about getting rid of our

kitchen. That works for me. I'm not worth much when I get home! I mostly sit

at a computer all day at work, and right now my hands hurt just from typing.

Hang in there! you'll make it.

Roselyn, Louisiana


> Boy is today a tired day! I woke up later then usual, took my time getting

ready for work and finally dragged myself out the door. Right now am drinking

coffe hoping that it will do the trick. After the three day weekend, I was

feeling great, but today it feels as though the energy has been sucked right out

of me. There is weather from Hermine to the south of us and it's supposed to

hit us around lunch time, so maybe it's the weather. All I want to do today is

curl up and take a nap. I've got five more years until retirement and days like

this make it difficult.


> Meg in MO


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