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Re: Principle 10 - Honor Your Health--Gentle Nutrition

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Hi Arnie - good to see you. I wondered where you'd been!

This chapter had a few things that stuck out for me. I know a few

people have mentioned the phrase " In matters of taste, consider

nutrition. In matters of nutrition, consider taste " here. This one

resonates with me because, while dieting, I ate things I didn't

particularly care for because they were supposedly the most

nutritious. Fat free plain yogurt, sugar free fat free pudding mix,

fat free cheeses. Blech. I went full fat on everything (except the

yogurt, which I haven't been able to look at since I quit WW) and have

now found that I actually prefer the low fat stuff. skim or 1% milk,

2% cheese or light sour cream doesn't taste any different to me than

the full fat stuff.

The other point that stuck with me was that eating poorly for a day,

week, or even a month, was not going to negatively impact our overall

health in the long run. That helped me relax and realize if I eat one

piece of fruit today, none tomorrow, and three the next it was ok.

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I think I am almost at the point of this. I have finally gotten to the point of not eating foods I don't like. I have even found myself feeling guilty for eating foods that do not please my palate. I agree with Jennie, though, some days I crave fruits and veggies and others I do not. I think that the overall picture is what is important.

My Blog

Hi Arnie - good to see you. I wondered where you'd been! This chapter had a few things that stuck out for me. I know a few people have mentioned the phrase " In matters of taste, consider nutrition. In matters of nutrition, consider taste " here. This one

resonates with me because, while dieting, I ate things I didn't particularly care for because they were supposedly the most nutritious. Fat free plain yogurt, sugar free fat free pudding mix, fat free cheeses. Blech. I went full fat on everything (except the

yogurt, which I haven't been able to look at since I quit WW) and have now found that I actually prefer the low fat stuff. skim or 1% milk, 2% cheese or light sour cream doesn't taste any different to me than

the full fat stuff. The other point that stuck with me was that eating poorly for a day, week, or even a month, was not going to negatively impact our overall health in the long run. That helped me relax and realize if I eat one

piece of fruit today, none tomorrow, and three the next it was ok. -- ~c~

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It's so important that Tribole and Resch chose a word like " gentle " to

describe nutrition. " Gentle " is a word that I can really feel and for

me it's about expressing care to myself. After all of the hardships

I've put my body through, I think it's essential that I be more

compassionate, balanced, and gentle in relationship with it.

Fundamentally, I do believe that the Earth provides a bounty of food

choices for us for a reason. On a deep level, I believe in consuming

whole foods whenever possible and pleasurable for me. In matters of

nutrition, taste, touch, smell, and visual stimulation are essential.

I had some fresh pico de gallo last night with blue chips and it was

heavenly. The look, smell, taste and interplay of red tomato and red

onion, green lime and herbs...wow.

Personally, I didn't eat broccoli and several other vegetables, which

are staples for me now until I was 18 years old because my family

never cooked certain veggies. When I saw most veggies in restaurants,

they were usually overcooked and soggy...not very appealing. I really

took the time to get to know and prepare different foods outside of my

comfort zone to my liking and ignored the " yuck " labels that many

associate with certain vegetables. As with just about everything, I've

discovered that I need to find the truth for myself and experiment

with what tastes and feels good to me. I've discovered a variety of

visual and taste pleasures. For example, the electric orange of

carrots and the deep reds and greens of peppers look beautiful to

me...bushels of broccoli look like mini forests to me and I admire the

strength of trees. By eating a variety of foods, I know that I get the

strength that those foods offer. It's also nice and a true privilege

to be able to buy and eat a variety of whole foods as well as more fun

taste pleasure foods. IE has helped me bring more awareness to how

different foods affect me...which foods help me feel more whole,

balanced, and strong and recognize that certain foods have a less than

optimal affect on me. I can make more informed choices about what I

eat with this knowledge and understanding about myself.


Practicing IE Since Jan '08

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Thanks Arnie for starting these posts! When you started I planned on re-reading the book with you. I think I did the first 3 chapters and then I just didn't have time everyweek. I didn't have time to read the posts here at all and without that reminder I forgot to read the chapters. I can't believe we're on Principle 10 already!

I read this chapter the first time I read the book 2 years ago but I haven't read it since. I didn't think I was ready and I still don't. It would be too easy to turn IE into a diet using that chapter. I have been trying to eat a few more fruits and veggies lately though. I started going to the Farmers Market but I've only been buying fuits & veggies that I LOVE. I got some great raspberries and broccoli last week and really enjoyed them. I've also started trying some different frozen veggies. I've only bought peas for years because they were the only ones I liked. I tried some green beans awhile ago and they were pretty good too. It's great to eat the foods you really like and not stuff that you feel like you should eat.


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

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Hi Kipkabob,

It's been a pleasure starting the little principle discussions. I

don't always feel comfortable just chiming in, so it's been nice to

have this little way to give back something to this group.



> Thanks Arnie for starting these posts!  When you started I planned

on re-reading the book with you.  I think I did the first 3 chapters

and then I just didn't have time everyweek.  I didn't have time to

read the posts here at all and without that reminder I forgot to read

the chapters.  I can't believe we're on Principle 10 already!


> I read this chapter the first time I read the book 2 years ago but

I haven't read it since.  I didn't think I was ready and I still

don't.  It would be too easy to turn IE into a diet using that

chapter.  I have been trying to eat a few more fruits and veggies

lately though.  I started going to the Farmers Market but I've only

been buying fuits & veggies that I LOVE.  I got some great

raspberries and broccoli last week and really enjoyed them.  I've

also started trying some different frozen veggies.  I've only bought

peas for years because they were the only ones I liked.  I tried some

green beans awhile ago and they were pretty good too.  It's great to

eat the foods you really like and not stuff that you feel like you

should eat.



> Kipkabob

> (Intuitive eating since September 2006)







> Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and

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