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Re: Just curious....

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My problem with water is I actually really love the carbonation. Sparkling water is good but it is very expensive.

....how many of us drink diet soda. I am kicking mine to the curb, as I

am tired of the sweetener messing with my body/mind. Plus, it'll be

nice to start absorbing some calcium! I think it's a big part of my

problem. I trained myself to like it (in lieu of reg. soda), so I can

train myself to like water instead.

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You know I remember there being carbonaters that one could buy. it was

basically a flask type bottle which one could screw a charged cylinder

into and dispense carbonated water or what ever the liquid was put

into the flask. That would have to be cheaper than buying 'sparkling'

water, if the cylinders were reasonable enough.

I know what you mean about 'flat' water - its not all that interesting

or 'tasty' most times :) :)


IEing since March 2007


> >

> >

> >

> > ...how many of us drink diet soda. I am kicking mine to the curb,

as I

> > am tired of the sweetener messing with my body/mind. Plus, it'll be

> > nice to start absorbing some calcium! I think it's a big part of my

> > problem. I trained myself to like it (in lieu of reg. soda), so I can

> > train myself to like water instead.

> >

> >

> >


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I was curious about do it yourself sparkling beverages and here's what

I came up with -

http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Soda-Water- & -Home-Carbonation---Pays-For-Its\


(may have to copy and paste entire link to make it work)

and if this is off putting, then Google water carbonators and you will

find plenty of flask/small cylinder options there.



> My problem with water is I actually really love the carbonation.


> water is good but it is very expensive.



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I take it back - here's a real do it yourself CHEAP and easy way -

will give this a try myself :) Very little cost out lay and easy to

do! - Katcha


> >

> >

> >

> > ...how many of us drink diet soda. I am kicking mine to the curb,

as I

> > am tired of the sweetener messing with my body/mind. Plus, it'll be

> > nice to start absorbing some calcium! I think it's a big part of my

> > problem. I trained myself to like it (in lieu of reg. soda), so I can

> > train myself to like water instead.

> >

> >

> >


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Huh? I don't get that - plain soda water is the cheapest sparkling

soft drink around (at least over here).

If I want bubbles, I just go for soda water or tonic water (mmmmm... -

but NOT the diet version, that tastes foul, like all diet soft drinks

as far as I'm concerned - horrible aftertaste of sweeteners). I

don't care for most soft drinks though; I find them much too sweet.

I just like plain, preferably quite cold, purified tap water. We

have a built-in purifier at the office, and at home I use a simple

jug/cartridge-type purifier because I don't care for the taste of

water straight from the tap. Waaaaay cheaper than buying bottled

drinks, much more refreshing and makes me feel good (particularly

after activity - I can down half a litre in a minute).



> >

> >

> >

> > ...how many of us drink diet soda. I am kicking mine to the

curb, as I

> > am tired of the sweetener messing with my body/mind. Plus, it'll


> > nice to start absorbing some calcium! I think it's a big part of


> > problem. I trained myself to like it (in lieu of reg. soda), so

I can

> > train myself to like water instead.

> >

> >

> >


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Sally wrote:

> ...how many of us drink diet soda.

I sometimes drink diet soda but I prefer water mixed with juice or these

sirups you can use in plain water.

I usually use sweetener in coffee or tea though and sugar only if no

sweetener is available. I don't like the feeling real in sugar in coffee

produces on my teeth. They tend to feel ... I don't know ... rough? Same

with regular soda.



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> My problem with water is I actually really love the carbonation. Sparkling

> water is good but it is very expensive.


May I ask where you live? I'm asking because sparkling water is the

cheapest beverage one can buy here (Germany). Usually there is no price

difference between sparkling and non-sparkling water but some brands of

non-sparkling water[1] are more expensive. Sometimes I wonder why people

buy this water at all. It tastes exactly like tap water. Must be the

marketing strategies about minerals. :-)



[1] Makes me gag, seriously. I can't drink it.

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I don't drink diet soda at all, I don't eat or drink artificial sweeteners at all so I have just given up soda all together. Sometimes, I get a craving for a soda but it usually passes rather quickly. I tend to drink hot tea, coffee and water. I don't sweeten any of it anymore though I do add half and half to my coffee.

Sally wrote:

> ...how many of us drink diet soda.I sometimes drink diet soda but I prefer water mixed with juice or thesesirups you can use in plain water.I usually use sweetener in coffee or tea though and sugar only if no

sweetener is available. I don't like the feeling real in sugar in coffeeproduces on my teeth. They tend to feel ... I don't know ... rough? Samewith regular soda.Regardss.

-- ~c~

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I am a bona fide Diet Dr. Pepper junkie. I drink three cans a day at

work. I really try not to drink it at home in the evening because then

I can't sleep. I drink Crystal Light then, but if you're trying to

kick the sweetener, that won't do either.

I've never been a fan of just plain old water, but I'll have to try the

sparkling water idea.


> ...how many of us drink diet soda. I am kicking mine to the curb, as


> am tired of the sweetener messing with my body/mind. Plus, it'll be

> nice to start absorbing some calcium! I think it's a big part of my

> problem. I trained myself to like it (in lieu of reg. soda), so I


> train myself to like water instead.


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Sparkling water can be expensive - but not much more than a name breand diet soda. Seltzer or Club Soda is a another option if you want carbonation but something that won't make you feel crummy.

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