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Re: My eating obstacle course today...Two out of three...not bad...:)

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Sounds like A+ work all around :) Just being able to be aware and sit

with these insights is awesome. Definitely ground breaking work for

later good practices too. I was particularly impacted by -

>There's just something about someone else preparing free visually

> appetizing foods that still overrides my better sense.

These external triggers are as challenging as the ones we develop in

ourselves too. Left over from the 'diet cheat list'?!? Like it doesn't

count if its made by someone else?!? - LOL!!

Good job, congrats :)


IEing since March 2007


> So, I went to a panel discussion on a green/sustainability initiative

> in my area today for the second day in a row. They served food at the

> event yesterday...so I knew that they would be serving food again

> today. Well yesterday, I was successful at honoring my body cues

> somewhat...when my mouth told me that I had enough of a chocolate cup

> I was knawing on, I threw it away. Yay! Yet, I ate when I wasn't quite

> hungry and threw my body off. I came home last night and felt

> compelled to eat again though I wasn't hungry and got a stomach ache.


> Day 2:


> Challenge 1: Food Offered at Reception

> Today, I ate again when I wasn't hungry because food was offered at

> the post-forum reception. Some part of me feels like I would be

> missing out if I didn't eat it. There's just something about someone

> else preparing free visually appetizing foods that still overrides my

> better sense. I also realized that food calms me in these settings...I

> don't like mingling and talking about whatever...I'd rather sit and

> have a more intimate conversation. Guess what? I got the same antsy

> feeling about food when I arrived home again...I wanted to eat when I

> wasn't hungry.


> Challenge 2: Gas Station Convenience Store

> On my return home, I went to a gas station with my mom. I've noticed

> that I always feel compelled to buy some food product when I go into a

> gas station convenience store. Rows and rows of candy bars, chips,

> cookies, sodas...sensory overload...must buy...must buy. I realized

> that I felt this pressure, I really felt the pressure, and noticed

> that I could buy something and I really didn't want anything. I walked

> out of the store without buying something. Woo Hoo! Walking out of

> that store without something felt like lifting heavy weights. I hope

> one day to be immune from feeling that pressure.


> Challenge 3: Arrival Home - Still Antsy

> I still wanted to get rid of the antsy feeling created by eating when

> I wasn't hungry at the reception. I went into the kitchen...ate a

> couple of grapes. Thought to myself, just drink some water and see if

> your body state changes. Drank some water and sat with myself. The

> antsy feeling went away! More heavy lifting.


> I saw something today...when I eat when I'm not hungry, it causes a

> sort of chain reaction...I'm more likely to eat when not hungry again.

> I can offer myself something just as appetizing and prepared by

> someone else at a later point in the day when I'm actually hungry to

> prevent my compulsion to eat during these events and eliminate

> feelings of deprivation. Convenience stores cause sensory overload for

> me. I've experienced time and again how my body state will change by

> just sitting with myself. Definitely heavy lifting and I'm getting

> stronger.


> Two out of three is pretty good.


> L.


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I think that is awesome, you're doing great! Keep up the fantastic

work. I know exactly what you mean too about being antsy if you're

not hungry but not eating...I'm feeling that right now! Haha. Good

job sitting with yourself, you're doing great!


> So, I went to a panel discussion on a green/sustainability initiative

> in my area today for the second day in a row. They served food at the

> event yesterday...so I knew that they would be serving food again

> today. Well yesterday, I was successful at honoring my body cues

> somewhat...when my mouth told me that I had enough of a chocolate cup

> I was knawing on, I threw it away. Yay! Yet, I ate when I wasn't quite

> hungry and threw my body off. I came home last night and felt

> compelled to eat again though I wasn't hungry and got a stomach ache.


> Day 2:


> Challenge 1: Food Offered at Reception

> Today, I ate again when I wasn't hungry because food was offered at

> the post-forum reception. Some part of me feels like I would be

> missing out if I didn't eat it. There's just something about someone

> else preparing free visually appetizing foods that still overrides my

> better sense. I also realized that food calms me in these settings...I

> don't like mingling and talking about whatever...I'd rather sit and

> have a more intimate conversation. Guess what? I got the same antsy

> feeling about food when I arrived home again...I wanted to eat when I

> wasn't hungry.


> Challenge 2: Gas Station Convenience Store

> On my return home, I went to a gas station with my mom. I've noticed

> that I always feel compelled to buy some food product when I go into a

> gas station convenience store. Rows and rows of candy bars, chips,

> cookies, sodas...sensory overload...must buy...must buy. I realized

> that I felt this pressure, I really felt the pressure, and noticed

> that I could buy something and I really didn't want anything. I walked

> out of the store without buying something. Woo Hoo! Walking out of

> that store without something felt like lifting heavy weights. I hope

> one day to be immune from feeling that pressure.


> Challenge 3: Arrival Home - Still Antsy

> I still wanted to get rid of the antsy feeling created by eating when

> I wasn't hungry at the reception. I went into the kitchen...ate a

> couple of grapes. Thought to myself, just drink some water and see if

> your body state changes. Drank some water and sat with myself. The

> antsy feeling went away! More heavy lifting.


> I saw something today...when I eat when I'm not hungry, it causes a

> sort of chain reaction...I'm more likely to eat when not hungry again.

> I can offer myself something just as appetizing and prepared by

> someone else at a later point in the day when I'm actually hungry to

> prevent my compulsion to eat during these events and eliminate

> feelings of deprivation. Convenience stores cause sensory overload for

> me. I've experienced time and again how my body state will change by

> just sitting with myself. Definitely heavy lifting and I'm getting

> stronger.


> Two out of three is pretty good.


> L.


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I saw something today...when I eat when I'm not hungry, it causes a

sort of chain reaction...I' m more likely to eat when not hungry again.

I totally relate to this: I think that if I eat when not really hungry

(for whatever reason), it makes me anxious. Then I get nervous and

start asking myself (1) what if I do it agian?!? (eat when not hungry),

and (2) when WILL I be hungry again? (slight mental panic) At that

point food is definitely on my mind and anxiety is surrounding my

thought about it. As you stated: " I've experienced time and again how

my body state will change by just sitting with myself " - I've found

this to be helpful, too. I try to get my mind off of food and off of

eating, and I realize that my anxiety started from not eating when

really hungry. Once I understand how it started, it's easier for me to

relax and let my body sort of " reset " itself. At this point, hopefully

my anxiety and thoughts about food have decreased, and later on, my

hunger just sort of sneaks up on me :)

~~Thanks for posting about this, Latoya!

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