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Intuitive Eating Teleworkshop

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Hi Everyone,

Just a quick email to let you know that I’m teaching an 8 week

teleworkshop starting this Thursday at 5:30pm Pacific time. It’s really

good for people who are just beginning with IE or even those who have never

heard of it, and also for people who want to reinforce the concepts of IE. I

find it’s also a lot of fun to be in that group format.

We meet once a week for 90 minutes on a teleconference line and we also

have our own private forum to stay in touch and get help throughout the week. I

know a few people in this group have taken it since I started teaching it last


I almost forgot to tell all of you about it! So this is late notice but

if you want to join us, I will give you the special $79 off price through this

Thursday. As of tomorrow it will be full price, so call or email me so I can

get you set up with the discounted price. Please email me with any questions

off list so we don’t clutter the board with messages that others may not

be interested in.

By the way, if you have read the book Am I Hungry? and have some

reservations about the content of the class, let me know and I’ll tell

you how I approach it. I do it my way with my own style. J

Here’s the info:

Would you like to learn how to eat

whatever you want and still lose weight – without die*ting?

Then I'd love for you to join me for an exciting new workshop called Am I Hungry? starting

Thursday, October 16th.


In just 8 weeks, you will learn surprisingly easy techniques to help you take charge of your weight for life. You


· Rediscover the secret to eating what you want when you want

· Stop obsessing about food, eating, and your weight

· Free yourself to live the happy, healthy

life you deserve

· Experience the pleasure of eating foods you love without


· Learn the truth about nutrition without confusing,

arbitrary rules

· Never again exercise to earn

food or punish yourself for eating

· Boost your metabolism effortlessly and naturally

· Increase your energy and fitness levels easily and painlessly

· Nourish your body, mind, and

spirit so you can enjoy excellent health and

abundant energy

So sign up today – and learn everything you need to know to become an

Intuitive Eater– the kind of person who can eat what she wants and not

gain weight.

I promise, the way you look at food, eating, and your body will never be the

same again!

Just go to the Break Out of Diet Prison page

to learn more or to sign up. Please feel free to call or email me with any


Remember – sign up through the website on Sunday, but

Monday morning, the discount will be gone and you need to register directly

through me.



Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

Get your report, " The 6 Steps to Guilt-Free Eating "

by visiting http://www.HealthierOutcomes.com

Check out the upcoming Am I Hungry?

seminar beginning October 16th: http://www.BreakOutofDietPrison.com

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