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Not a great two days :(

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Well, I'm new to IE and already I had a...party in my mouth.

I was trying to choose between two things to eat, feeling I should

just have one, and I weighed myself (I know, I know) and saw that I

hadn't gained my first few days of IEing...and I didn't want to start

gaining now, and...and...

I don't know what happened...I exploded and just partied in my mouth

for about two hours.

Today I wanted a fresh start, but I ate three times and I very much

overate at my third meal. Very much. (Though not a party in my mouth

last night by any means...)

I was so disgusted with myself today...with my bulging

stomach...God...I lost the plot.

I feel very bad.

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I can only tell you the things I tell myself when I feel like this

(which is a lot lately):

This is not another diet.

This is not a quick fix.

This will take time.

There will be setbacks.



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