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Re: Principle 6 - Discover the Satisfaction Factor

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I didn't really get the importance of this principle until the last

few weeks and I've been practicing IE since January. Feeling satisfied

is so key to me feeling at peace with food.

Today, I was struck by the passage about how many people " lament the

past and worry about the future (what will I eat, how will I work off

these calories), but very rarely do they focus on the actual

experience of eating " (p. 137). I caught myself doing just this at

breakfast. I did take the time to think about what I wanted and then

the meal was over and I hadn't really experienced the food I ate and

found myself on the prowl for something else. I realized that this

happens (i.e., a lack of awareness when I'm eating) due to certain

mental states...like when I'm distracted and thinking about something

else. The solution is as simple as taking time to clear my mind,

become present, and find calm before eating.

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Principle 6 – Discover the Satisfaction Factor -

Its astonishing how much I needed to become conscious of tasting when

I work on this principle. Eating had become an automatic,

shovel-the-food-in process for me. Part rebellion and part guilt for

eating what I 'shouldn't be' were the driving factors. Yet when I

started to eat what I really wanted, it was difficult to un-do the

habit of fast eating.

Another thing that I found made it difficult for me to taste and savor

was that too often I was eating when I was overly hungry which

triggered an EAT NOW! pattern.

However yesterday I bought some peanut M & Ms, ate about a dozen and

couldn't believe how STALE these tasted. I closed the package, found

the receipt and will be returning these to the store. That is a biggie

for me. I really was mindful while I ate the few I did - it was like I

couldn't or didn't want to believe that these were stale tasting, I

was seeking that taste and it took more than one to 'prove' to myself

that yes, it was the candy, not my tastebuds.

Arnie, that is such a big lesson and so usual a one too - to just eat

what you really want or suffer a 'grazing' attack seeking it out. Good

work on your part and great job for keeping this Principle Lessons

going :)

ehugs, Katcha

IEing since March 2007

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