Guest guest Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 What about other drugs like methotrexate? Jolene In a message dated 9/18/2009 11:42:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Cofade_2000@... writes: I just got off the phone with the Enbrel Support Team, one of their RN's, they give 24/7 phone support. They say: They have yet to have any research with the H1N1 Vaccine, plus they say we cannot take live vaccines. H1N1 Vaccine is live (even if attenuated, it still has live virus in it), plus this is from their website: All vaccines should be brought up-to-date before starting ENBREL. Patients taking ENBREL should not receive live vaccines. and third: _http://www.infowarshttp://www.http://www.inhttp://www.inhttp://www._ ( Now, I am not one to tell anyone what to do, but I am not a SHEEPLE that can be led blindly to take something that is not researched, being forced down my throat, and third a law was passed saying that the State Legislators, nor the drug companies can be held liable for the effects of the H1N1 vaccine, that really makes me suspect. I dont know about anyone else, but I will rebel and fight against taking it. There is NO research, according to Enbrel with the H1N1 Vaccine and its reaction to the drug. I think those of us that take Enbrel have enuf to worry about with the drug itself. 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