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Re: Sleepless nights and Nightmares- HELPFUL RESOLVE

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Hi Group:

I almost resolved my sleep problems EXCEPT when you lay in bed a long time for

normal sleeping, the PAIN of being still gets me, like having to get up for the

day, or going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, even after pain

medication, the stiffies...hurt, cant do much about that - YET!!.

Regarding sleepless nights and nightmares:

You have to make your bedroom your sanctuary:

First, it must be physically clean....dont go to sleep in a messy room, put

things in their place, get rid of clutter....also, every once in a while change

the furniture around, so the room is different, if you cant change the

furniture, change whats on top of the dressers to another place, change the pix

on the wall around, etc...change something, every once in a while..

Second it must be 'spiritually' cleaned by opening the windows (negativity needs

an exit), letting the fresh air in, smoke up the room with incense, one can use

sage, dragon's blood resin incense, or if you cant use incense, put some FRESH

basil or mint (or spearmint) ripped and bruised in cool water, in a 99 cents

spray bottle (keep steeping, ripping and combining the herbs with the water

until the fresh herbs scent the water) and then spray it all over the room,

especially in the corners. Then, I use those little camphor cubes, crushed into

powder, under the sheets on the mattress, and in the pillows, it helps me

breathe better (I realize not everyone can use this), or as an alternative some

fresh lavender, put into the pillows.

Third, Noise/Light. Some of us need light to sleep, some need night lights,

closet light or TV Light. I took the phone out of my room, (if you cant, you

cant), I just try to make sure all my children are ok, before I go to bed. I am

still guilty of sleeping with the TV and sometimes dreams are directly related

to what you hear on the boob tube, so turn it off, or mute the noise or lower


Lastly, I put a journal by my bed, to record my dreams, I recognize that

sometimes they dont make sense, but like pieces of a puzzle, somedays they do, I

believe when you dream in color, its prophetic, so I write them down, I dont

jump right out of bed (Ok, well I cant anyways - L0L:)) I recall, I write the

dreams down, then I go about my day...they will make sense some days.

I hope this helps someone.....I have other things I do, but this is not for

everyone, but I think the above just may be.


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That's so interesting. I love some of your points. My room is clean and

uncluttered but I would love to move the furniture. I was always after

to that for me...now he's gone so I have to wait and see if maybe one of

the grands could do that. I'm always switching the dresser top items.

Love to open the windows but its been so hot... I have to get on a step

stool to be able to get enough leverage to do that. I get on the step

ladder enough so I can pull the window up from above. I can't do ut any other

way. when the temps get better, I'll be opening them up.

I know that many times I dream about something I saw on tv that day.

Thank you for the good tips. I have some vanilla in my room...candles.

But lavendar sounds nice too.


In a message dated 8/10/2010 11:50:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Cofade_2000@... writes:

Hi Group:

I almost resolved my sleep problems EXCEPT when you lay in bed a long time

for normal sleeping, the PAIN of being still gets me, like having to get

up for the day, or going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, even

after pain medication, the stiffies...hurt, cant do much about that - YET!!.

Regarding sleepless nights and nightmares:

You have to make your bedroom your sanctuary:

First, it must be physically clean....dont go to sleep in a messy room,

put things in their place, get rid of clutter....also, every once in a while

change the furniture around, so the room is different, if you cant change

the furniture, change whats on top of the dressers to another place, change

the pix on the wall around, etc...change something, every once in a while..

Second it must be 'spiritually' cleaned by opening the windows (negativity

needs an exit), letting the fresh air in, smoke up the room with incense,

one can use sage, dragon's blood resin incense, or if you cant use incense,

put some FRESH basil or mint (or spearmint) ripped and bruised in cool

water, in a 99 cents spray bottle (keep steeping, ripping and combining the

herbs with the water until the fresh herbs scent the water) and then spray it

all over the room, especially in the corners. Then, I use those little

camphor cubes, crushed into powder, under the sheets on the mattress, and in

the pillows, it helps me breathe better (I realize not everyone can use

this), or as an alternative some fresh lavender, put into the pillows.

Third, Noise/Light. Some of us need light to sleep, some need night

lights, closet light or TV Light. I took the phone out of my room, (if you

cant, you cant), I just try to make sure all my children are ok, before I go

to bed. I am still guilty of sleeping with the TV and sometimes dreams are

directly related to what you hear on the boob tube, so turn it off, or mute

the noise or lower it.

Lastly, I put a journal by my bed, to record my dreams, I recognize that

sometimes they dont make sense, but like pieces of a puzzle, somedays they

do, I believe when you dream in color, its prophetic, so I write them down,

I dont jump right out of bed (Ok, well I cant anyways - L0L:)) I recall, I

write the dreams down, then I go about my day...they will make sense some


I hope this helps someone.....I have other things I do, but this is not

for everyone, but I think the above just may be.



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