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Re: New question

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I think I understood everything except for this line: " Why can't it

work to kindly allow less healthy choices when I need to in place of

other healthy food I would have eaten? " Could you say more about this?

Are you saying that you made a list of taboo foods and are going down

that list legalizing/making peace with each food?

I've made peace gradually with different foods throughout my practice

of IE. I've choose to make peace with a food only when I started to

crave the food or had an interest in a food (at the grocery store).

This is partly what the " intuitive " part of IE is about for

me..responding and working with my needs and wants as I have them.

For example, I love chocolate pudding cups. Before IE, I would buy one

of those 4 cup packs by Jello and I would eat the 4 cups within a 24

hour period. After starting IE, I was buying groceries and my body was

like oh, I'd like some of that jello pudding. So, I bought it. I ate

the first cup when I felt hungry and really tasted it. I asked myself

if I wanted another cup. I didn't. So, I also ate some more filling

food too. The acts of learning to honor my hunger and my satisfaction

factor seemed to be enough to help me make peace with this food. A

week later, I still had 1 of the 4 cups left and that brought me a

real sense of accomplishment and freedom. I may have bought a 4 pack

one more time this year, but other than that I haven't wanted jello


Now, like you I have foods that I don't think I'll ever get tired of

(that are more regular items) in my food bag like ice cream and potato

chips that have been discussed. Some foods, I keep in the house

regularly and some food like chips and ice cream, I only buy when I

want them because I can get chips and ice cream anywhere at just about

anytime. So, again when I wanted some honey dijon chips that I love, I

bought them. As I ate them I really tasted them. I like eating a

sandwich with them so I did that. Then, I found myself munching on

them over the next day because they are so good and convenient (no

cooking), which part of me had a problem with because they are pretty

high calorie. I haven't felt the need to buy those chips again. Though

my brother had a bag of chips in the cabinet the other day. I got a

yearning for the warmth and taste of potato and again they are so

convenient. So, again, I tried to really taste the chips as I ate them

and found myself munching on them over the course a couple of days.

This time though, I still had chips in the bag after several days. So,

I've made peace gradually. I can also keep ice cream in the fridge

longer following this process.

Does my experience help answer your question?


I would just like to make those choices

> occassionally, not daily.


> Love to hear feedback...thanks!


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i think that i would lose weight if i could quit my dr.peppers.i hate the low calorie drinks.im wondering if i would just force my slef to stick with it for awhile then i might get use too it.i really wish i could do that!and also when i diet i get a craving for a hunny bun.and those things are so fattening!i think mybest bet for now is to train myself to get off of sugar.i dont think i eat alot of regular foods.idont buy chips.i dont keep anything at home thats conveinent.i dont buy a case of dr peppers to keep at home.because if i do then i will drink more of them.it cost more to go buy one can coke at a time,but thats the only way for me not to drink to many of them.but i do keep sweets around.we always have cookies.and i love cookies.im putting a stop to that now.im buying fruit instaed.especially grapes.i love grapes.i think thatmay help.i think for my

chocklate cravings i may just make pudding.im not buying the ones already made up.if its less conveinent to get too then im not as likely to have any as often .just some thoughts i felt like to share.blinkyou.commyspace.com/rachel_tahir

Subject: Re: New questionTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 11:11 AM

Sally,I think I understood everything except for this line: "Why can't itwork to kindly allow less healthy choices when I need to in place ofother healthy food I would have eaten?" Could you say more about this?Are you saying that you made a list of taboo foods and are going down that list legalizing/making peace with each food?I've made peace gradually with different foods throughout my practice of IE. I've choose to make peace with a food only when I started to crave the food or had an interest in a food (at the grocery store). This is partly what the "intuitive" part of IE is about for me..responding and working with my needs and wants as I have them. For example, I love chocolate pudding cups. Before IE, I would buy one of those 4 cup packs by Jello and I would eat the 4 cups within a 24 hour period. After starting IE, I was buying groceries and my body was like oh, I'd like

some of that jello pudding. So, I bought it. I ate the first cup when I felt hungry and really tasted it. I asked myself if I wanted another cup. I didn't. So, I also ate some more filling food too. The acts of learning to honor my hunger and my satisfaction factor seemed to be enough to help me make peace with this food. A week later, I still had 1 of the 4 cups left and that brought me a real sense of accomplishment and freedom. I may have bought a 4 pack one more time this year, but other than that I haven't wanted jello pudding. Now, like you I have foods that I don't think I'll ever get tired of (that are more regular items) in my food bag like ice cream and potato chips that have been discussed. Some foods, I keep in the house regularly and some food like chips and ice cream, I only buy when I want them because I can get chips and ice cream anywhere at just about anytime. So, again when I

wanted some honey dijon chips that I love, I bought them. As I ate them I really tasted them. I like eating a sandwich with them so I did that. Then, I found myself munching on them over the next day because they are so good and convenient (no cooking), which part of me had a problem with because they are pretty high calorie. I haven't felt the need to buy those chips again. Though my brother had a bag of chips in the cabinet the other day. I got a yearning for the warmth and taste of potato and again they are so convenient. So, again, I tried to really taste the chips as I ate them and found myself munching on them over the course a couple of days. This time though, I still had chips in the bag after several days. So, I've made peace gradually. I can also keep ice cream in the fridge longer following this process. Does my experience help answer your question?Latoya I would just like to make those choices > occassionally, not daily.> > Love to hear feedback...thanks!>

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I have been doing that.

I consider myself alergic to sugar because when I start eating it I

can't quit. I have been sugar free for over 22 years. So even though

I do IE I do it with out sugar. For me why open that pandoras box if

I have been free of it for 22 years.

I do many other things like that and have just changed my thinking.

Another example I love pot pies and had not had one in years and

since I started IE I have had a few and loved everyone.

But right now I would love to get back into my " skinny jeans' more.

So I have a quideline that says for now I can have when ever I want

but some things only at breakfast. What this does is makes sure I

really, really really want it. I have a lot of foods that for now I

only eat at breakfast.


Has anyone tried taking so many of the positive concepts in intuitive

eating, such as " there is no such thing as failure, this is a

process, be kind to yourself, positive self-talk, no condemnation,

etc. " and jumping to end of the book, which encourages healthy eating

like most other plans? That is one long sentence...sorry!

We are given an outline of amounts of servings of healthy food groups

to aim for once we become mentally healthy with this whole thing.

What I am wondering is why can't we make peace with food while making

mostly healthy choices? I don't want to feel crumby inside, but do

because of all the unhealthy choices I made this past week, allowing

foods back into my house I tried to avoid. I don't honestly think I

will ever get tired of choclate or bread and butter. I may gain 20

lbs. trying, but I am just not willing to go there. Why can't it

work to kindly allow less healthy choices when I need to in place of

other healthy food I would have eaten?

Is this making sense to anyone out there? It seems I can take all

that wonderful advice about patience and kindness to self and mostly

avoid dealing with all the food on my list that has been taboo. I

know I should still have the mindset all things are permissible, so I

don't want to rebell. I would just like to make those choices

occassionally, not daily.

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You are so right about me! I was trying to keep the dieting

mentality and combine it with the IE. Must have been my last chance

diet attempt. With my " guidelines " I found myself rebelling on the


TO BE FREE! I have to just let go and rest, don't I? Pay attention

to what my body needs and when it needs it. It sounds so simple.

You are right about the the " healhty " thing. Straight from dieting

mentality...ugh! Thanks for calling me on it and trying to help. I

appreciate it. I was already realizing what I was doing to myself.

I just have to trust that the IE is possible for me and give up the

rest. I seem like such a tough case to myself having paid attention

to dieting for most of my life. I am 49 now. Lots of de-programming

to do! Thanks again!

> >

> > Yeah, that is really hepful. Thanks so much for taking the time!


> > will try to explain what I meant by that one question. I am

using a

> > servings per day guide, such as is reccommended for healthy


> > near the end of the book. So say I have servings of this or that

> > left over near the end of the day. If I craved chocolate or ice

> > cream, I could allow myself to go a head have a serving of it,

> > knowing it was a trade off for healthier choices. Calories for

> > calories, so to speak. Does that make sense? I would be


> > myself to have, " everything is permissilbe " still the main goal


> > mind. It would help with the moderation part. My first week, I

> > tried to make peace with chocolate and candy by bringing it into


> > house in a large quantity. Didn't work.... ate is all in a few

> > days. So I can see I will need to go with the approach of going


> > buy only what I want at the moment to make peace with it. Having

> > most of these foods in the house is just too hard right now and


> > unwise. I want to feel good too as I go through the process.

> >

> > Again thanks so much for your help!

> >

> > Sally

> >


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