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Welcome Lelani and

Isnt sodium volproate similar to valproic acid? My son was on this and

was weaned (actually we quit cold turkey in hospital) when initiating

the diet because we were told that it can interfere with the diet.

There are so many things that can interfere with the diet including

soaps, creams, sun screens, too much water, acidic foods (they tend to

alkalinize Mike but not sure if this is a problem for others as well),

and even toothpaste/mouthwash. Some medications can also interfere with

the diet, allergy meds, and some childrens pain relievers as lots of

childrens medications contain sugar/carbs.


Lelani on wrote:


> Hi fellow keto parents,


> My name is Lelani on and my family and I live in Johannesburg,

> South Africa. After surfing the internet I came across your group on

> yahoo. What a relief to find other parents with similar situations.

> Reading your archives was fascinating and so much that I could

> identify with.


> Our story started on 19 January 2002 when I witnessed our son 's

> first drop attack. About an hour later another drop attack followed

> and I instinctively knew that something was wrong. I thought that it

> might be epilepsy. My sister suffers from epilepsy and although I had

> never witnessed a drop attack before, as my sister only suffers from

> tonic-clonic seizures, there was something familiar about it.


> We visited our paediatrician two days later and he started " the

> tests " . To cut a very long and painful story short. In the following

> weeks, it was no longer limited to drop attacks, but myoclonic (also

> labelled salaam seizures), tonic-clonic, absence, " twitches " (I

> suppose type of myoclonic seizures). We went through the honeymoon

> phases with various drugs, thinking they would work and then being

> bitterly disappointed.


> To me one of the worst emotional trials, was first of all dealing with

> the thought that your child has epilepsy and then clinging to the

> stats that 80% of epilepsy sufferers supposedly have their seizures

> controlled by drugs. Only to find your child is not one of those.


> In April 2002 he was diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, a type of

> epilepsy I am sure many of you are familiar with. Surfing the internet

> searching for information on LGS was frightening to say the least. The

> prospects for my child were too unbearable to consider. On giving the

> diagnosis the doctor mentioned the ketogenic diet and not knowing much

> about it, I almost disregarded it out of hand. His description of it

> was horrific. Anyhow when faced with the prognosis of LGS my husband

> and I started investigating the keto diet and my son started the diet

> in May 2002.


> Our time on the diet has been very trying to say the least. has

> really struggled to get to 4+ ketone levels and stay there. During

> this time we have done so much investigation and discovered so many

> things that were affecting the diet.


> Only in the last two weeks have things started stabilising a bit and

> his seizures have also started reducing. His improvement, I believe is

> due to an emotional improvement. We have sent him back to school and

> this has done wonders for his emotional well-being and seems to

> greatly affect his response to the diet. Due to the slow start we have

> not started reduction in medication but hope to start that soon. He is

> currently on Epilim (Sodium Volproate), Topomax (Topiramate) and

> Urbanol (Clobazam). I hope you recognise these drugs because the names

> are obviously our SA names.


> Anyhow, that is our story. I am so pleased to be a part of this group

> and hope to find some answers from experienced parents on the diet and

> maybe even be able to provide some answers myself.


> Regards,


> Lelani on, son aged 4 ketokid.









> ---------------------------------

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Welcome to the group! You'll find wonderful support and great advice here.

I've been investigating the diet for a couple months and we FINALLY started Aug

5th. My daughter Karley is 8 and although hungry she is adjusting well. We

will begin the process of drug weaning soon too. I wish you much success in the

future with the diet and seizure control.


Mom to Karley, ketokid since Aug 5th 2002

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Welcome to the list Lelani.

in PA

Lelani on wrote:

Hi fellow keto parents,

My name is Lelani on and my family and I live in Johannesburg, South

Africa. After surfing the internet I came across your group on yahoo. What a

relief to find other parents with similar situations. Reading your archives was

fascinating and so much that I could identify with.

Our story started on 19 January 2002 when I witnessed our son 's first

drop attack. About an hour later another drop attack followed and I

instinctively knew that something was wrong. I thought that it might be

epilepsy. My sister suffers from epilepsy and although I had never witnessed a

drop attack before, as my sister only suffers from tonic-clonic seizures, there

was something familiar about it.

We visited our paediatrician two days later and he started " the tests " . To cut a

very long and painful story short. In the following weeks, it was no longer

limited to drop attacks, but myoclonic (also labelled salaam seizures),

tonic-clonic, absence, " twitches " (I suppose type of myoclonic seizures). We

went through the honeymoon phases with various drugs, thinking they would work

and then being bitterly disappointed.

To me one of the worst emotional trials, was first of all dealing with the

thought that your child has epilepsy and then clinging to the stats that 80% of

epilepsy sufferers supposedly have their seizures controlled by drugs. Only to

find your child is not one of those.

In April 2002 he was diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, a type of epilepsy

I am sure many of you are familiar with. Surfing the internet searching for

information on LGS was frightening to say the least. The prospects for my child

were too unbearable to consider. On giving the diagnosis the doctor mentioned

the ketogenic diet and not knowing much about it, I almost disregarded it out of

hand. His description of it was horrific. Anyhow when faced with the prognosis

of LGS my husband and I started investigating the keto diet and my son started

the diet in May 2002.

Our time on the diet has been very trying to say the least. has really

struggled to get to 4+ ketone levels and stay there. During this time we have

done so much investigation and discovered so many things that were affecting the


Only in the last two weeks have things started stabilising a bit and his

seizures have also started reducing. His improvement, I believe is due to an

emotional improvement. We have sent him back to school and this has done wonders

for his emotional well-being and seems to greatly affect his response to the

diet. Due to the slow start we have not started reduction in medication but hope

to start that soon. He is currently on Epilim (Sodium Volproate), Topomax

(Topiramate) and Urbanol (Clobazam). I hope you recognise these drugs because

the names are obviously our SA names.

Anyhow, that is our story. I am so pleased to be a part of this group and hope

to find some answers from experienced parents on the diet and maybe even be able

to provide some answers myself.


Lelani on, son aged 4 ketokid.


Get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs.


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest


Welcome to the list! I am also 31 and will be celebrating my wedding

anniversary next month too - ten whole years, can hardly believe it!

I am so so sorry to hear of your losses. What is 's web site, I

don't think you posted the address?

Then I have to have a HSG which

> I am scared about, and a MRI. I am 7DPO today, so who knows....GOD


> hope I am pg so I don't have to go through that!!! My RE said he

> wants us to wait, he doesn't want us to ttc IF I am not pg due to


> unknown!


> How do you guys do this? was conceived with no troubles.....6

> months after me going off the bcp (11 years of it) So I NEVER


> I would have these troubles!


This sounds so much like what I went thru. I was on bc for years and

never imagined I'd have problems (do any of us think ever we will,

really?). I conceived twice, so have never had any problems there,

but carrying to term, that's another story. I thought when I went

for my HSG I'd just get reassurance that everything was OK. Wow, was

I in for the shock of my life! I never even knew there was such a

thing as MAs before that test. My dr. might as well have been

saying " blah blah blah BLAH blah BLAH " after saying " you have a

bicornuate uteurus " ! (I found out later I was actually SU not BU).

For what it's worth, I didn't think my HSG was all THAT bad. Some

cramping, etc., and as soon as the test was done the pain was totally

gone. My uterine biopsy was worse! But I also know from reading the

posts here that different women have totally different experiences

with the HSG. In any case, know it only lasts for a few minutes, and

it is useful in giving you an accurate dx.

As for having to wait. None of us likes the waiting game. But it

sounds as if your RE is aggressive and will make your wait to ttc as

short as possible. And the tests he performs might end up being

extremely valuable to your future pregnancies, so keep that in mind!

Keep us posted!


31, 2 m/c, SU resected

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Hi Tina,

Thanks sweetie! It is funny what you think will be so easy turns out

to be so hard! What is MA? I hear people saying that but don't know

what it is. Here I thought I knew all the lingo..hahahah

Happy early Anniversary! Thanks for the welcome...glad to know there

are others out there to talk to, even though I wish we were

all " normal " as others say and that we all could get pg at a drop of

a hat!


> Kath


> Welcome to the list! I am also 31 and will be celebrating my


> anniversary next month too - ten whole years, can hardly believe it!


> I am so so sorry to hear of your losses. What is 's web site,


> don't think you posted the address?


> Then I have to have a HSG which

> > I am scared about, and a MRI. I am 7DPO today, so who


> I

> > hope I am pg so I don't have to go through that!!! My RE said he

> > wants us to wait, he doesn't want us to ttc IF I am not pg due to

> the

> > unknown!

> >

> > How do you guys do this? was conceived with no


> > months after me going off the bcp (11 years of it) So I NEVER

> thought

> > I would have these troubles!

> >


> This sounds so much like what I went thru. I was on bc for years


> never imagined I'd have problems (do any of us think ever we will,

> really?). I conceived twice, so have never had any problems there,

> but carrying to term, that's another story. I thought when I went

> for my HSG I'd just get reassurance that everything was OK. Wow,


> I in for the shock of my life! I never even knew there was such a

> thing as MAs before that test. My dr. might as well have been

> saying " blah blah blah BLAH blah BLAH " after saying " you have a

> bicornuate uteurus " ! (I found out later I was actually SU not BU).


> For what it's worth, I didn't think my HSG was all THAT bad. Some

> cramping, etc., and as soon as the test was done the pain was


> gone. My uterine biopsy was worse! But I also know from reading


> posts here that different women have totally different experiences

> with the HSG. In any case, know it only lasts for a few minutes,


> it is useful in giving you an accurate dx.


> As for having to wait. None of us likes the waiting game. But it

> sounds as if your RE is aggressive and will make your wait to ttc


> short as possible. And the tests he performs might end up being

> extremely valuable to your future pregnancies, so keep that in mind!


> Keep us posted!


> Tina

> 31, 2 m/c, SU resected

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  • 5 years later...

Welcome Mikki so glad to have you back with us. Eva

Hello everyone, I was on this list a few years ago and it was very helpful but then "life got in the way" and the list volume was too high to keep up with and I thought I could do it myself. .. well, wrong!!! So I'm back!

I'm Mikki, I'm 42 years old, work full time as a data analyst for a transplant center, have 4 kids (13 yo girl, 6 yo boy, and 4 yo twin boys), and working on my PhD in genetics part time. Life stays pretty crazy for me :) Since starting work on my PhD, my exercise program has gone down the tubes and I've gained 30 lbs :( Now I'm staring 200 lbs in the face (and barely cramming myself into my work clothes), my blood pressure is high, my cholesterol is high, my fitness level is the pits, my self-esteem due to these things is rock-bottom.

I feel like I'm facing a tipping point with my weight and health and need to start moving in the right direction NOW. My best friend (who is 43 and has a 5 year old son - we were pregnant together) lays dying in the palliative care unit as of yesterday, from metastatic breast cancer. All of the things I listed above are risk factors for breast cancer (and my grandmother died of it in her 50's) ... so beyond feeling like an out-of-control failure and hating the feeling, I really owe it to myself and my family to get my act together.

Along with the stresses of the past week with my friend, I realized yesterday that in order for a traditional diet to work, you have to CARE 24 hours, 7 days a week, for MONTHS - to be able to resist eating what is available or comfortable or just plain yummy in that moment, EVERY TIME. And, let's face it, I just DON'T. 23 hours a day, (or 22, or 21), I care enough to try, but inevitably I'm making cookies or a pie with my kids, or there is free lunch with my meeting, or I'm stressed/unhappy/whatever, and I eat something I "shouldn' t".

Intuitive eating works to help me keep my sanity, I just need to give it a chance. Obviously I didn't put it entirely into action the last time, so I'm getting back into the support group and trying to come up with the funds to sign up with Gillian for coaching as I really think I need it! Also, instead of thinking that I have to put 10 hours a week in at the gym (which I don't have!), I have purchased a series of DVD's that are designed to be done in 10-minute increments at home -THAT I can do :)

Well, I look forward to getting to know you all and thanks for listening...


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Hi Mikki!

Nice to " meet " you :) I'm Whitney. WOW a PhD program! That's awesome. I'm hoping

to get

my PhD in Sociology or Social Work in a few years, I'm currently in graduate

school for my

masters of social work & work as a domestic violence advocate for a battered


shelter & volunteer for a hospice. We have 2 small children, ages 4 & 6, we're

very involved

in sports and the community, my son plays football, and my daughter plays

soccer, and

my DH plays football and softball on 2 leagues :/

Thank goodness this season is about to end and we'll get a short break before


& basketball season starts!

Anyway I am pretty new to this group and have been pretty quiet lately. I

haven't read the

book about IE so I'm just winging it from the website, but finally got the book


*happy dance* so I'm looking forward to squeezing it in.

I know what you mean about gaining when life gets in the way, I was in the same

boat. I

have a " goal weight " of 140 and hopefully with the help of actually listening to

my body,

will hit that this year sometime.

Nice to " meet " you, and take care of yourself!

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Hi Whitney, nice to meet you :). You keep pretty busy, too!

Good idea about the library too , I will have to look in mine!


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VCU Health System


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VCU Health System


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Welcome back Mikki :) I hope your resuming of your IE journey helps

you more this time too. It really is hard make changes that we know

are necessary, but feel so odd in comparison to the patterns of eating

we have developed up until the present.

Best to you, Katcha

IEing since March 2007

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome so glad to have you with us. Eva

Hi everyone! I'm . I live in Louisiana but I'm currently working in Indiana. I'm married with a 11 year old daughter. I just bought the Intuitive Eating book and started reading it a couple of days ago. I'm really hoping that this will work for me, since nothing else has seemed to. I've battled with overeating and my weight for most of my life. I've battled with bulimia for the last 10 years or so. I'm so tired of food and eating being such a daily struggle and how much of my day is wasted on thinking about it and feeling guilty for having a problem with it. I'm ready to learn how to get past that and be ok with food again. In my family, food was always a central part of everything we did. Good grades? let's cook. bad day? eat. bored? go grab something to munch on. Now it's my first reaction, to grab something to eat and eat until i can't eat anymore. then the guilt from overeating, or eating "bad foods" again when i said i was done with it. So much of my self esteem is caught up in this struggle with food and my weight. It's painful to talk about and it's become like a big dirty secret that I have to hide from everyone. I'm so tired of the struggle. I really hope this is a turning point for me. I need it to be, for myself and my daughter. ------------------------------------

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Hi everyone! I'm . I live in Louisiana but I'm currently

working in Indiana. I'm married with a 11 year old daughter.

I just bought the Intuitive Eating book and started reading it a

couple of days ago. I'm really hoping that this will work for me,

since nothing else has seemed to. I've battled with overeating and my

weight for most of my life. I've battled with bulimia for the last 10

years or so.

I'm so tired of food and eating being such a daily struggle and how

much of my day is wasted on thinking about it and feeling guilty for

having a problem with it. I'm ready to learn how to get past that and

be ok with food again.

In my family, food was always a central part of everything we did.

Good grades? let's cook. bad day? eat. bored? go grab something to

munch on. Now it's my first reaction, to grab something to eat and

eat until i can't eat anymore. then the guilt from overeating, or

eating " bad foods " again when i said i was done with it.

So much of my self esteem is caught up in this struggle with food and

my weight. It's painful to talk about and it's become like a big

dirty secret that I have to hide from everyone. I'm so tired of the

struggle. I really hope this is a turning point for me. I need it to

be, for myself and my daughter.

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Hi , welcome to the group!

My Blog

Hi everyone! I'm . I live in Louisiana but I'm currently working in Indiana. I'm married with a 11 year old daughter. I just bought the Intuitive Eating book and started reading it a couple of days ago. I'm really hoping that this will work for me,

since nothing else has seemed to. I've battled with overeating and my weight for most of my life. I've battled with bulimia for the last 10 years or so. I'm so tired of food and eating being such a daily struggle and how

much of my day is wasted on thinking about it and feeling guilty for having a problem with it. I'm ready to learn how to get past that and be ok with food again. In my family, food was always a central part of everything we did.

Good grades? let's cook. bad day? eat. bored? go grab something to munch on. Now it's my first reaction, to grab something to eat and eat until i can't eat anymore. then the guilt from overeating, or

eating " bad foods " again when i said i was done with it. So much of my self esteem is caught up in this struggle with food and my weight. It's painful to talk about and it's become like a big

dirty secret that I have to hide from everyone. I'm so tired of the struggle. I really hope this is a turning point for me. I need it to be, for myself and my daughter. -- ~c~

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Welcome ! I'm new too, my name is Bonnie. I could easily take your email and apply everything you said to my own life. Keep at it, your daughter will thank you!


To: IntuitiveEating_Support Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 8:44:42 AMSubject: introducing myself

Hi everyone! I'm . I live in Louisiana but I'm currently working in Indiana. I'm married with a 11 year old daughter. I just bought the Intuitive Eating book and started reading it a couple of days ago. I'm really hoping that this will work for me, since nothing else has seemed to. I've battled with overeating and my weight for most of my life. I've battled with bulimia for the last 10 years or so. I'm so tired of food and eating being such a daily struggle and how much of my day is wasted on thinking about it and feeling guilty for having a problem with it. I'm ready to learn how to get past that and be ok with food again. In my family, food was always a central part of everything we did. Good grades? let's cook. bad day? eat. bored? go grab something to munch on. Now it's my first reaction, to grab something to eat and eat until i can't eat anymore. then the guilt from overeating, or

eating "bad foods" again when i said i was done with it. So much of my self esteem is caught up in this struggle with food and my weight. It's painful to talk about and it's become like a big dirty secret that I have to hide from everyone. I'm so tired of the struggle. I really hope this is a turning point for me. I need it to be, for myself and my daughter.

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  • 2 months later...

I would like to hear about the system.

Introducing Myself

Hello There!I'm a new member to this group - joined just before Xmas. I've been working on Intuitive Eating for a year and a half - with a therapist and a nutritionist - as well as reading the book - and its just recently started kicking in. I was lost a bit in the beginning (rating my hunger felt like throwing darts blindfolded!) but the more I do it the more it makes sense. Every day seems to get easier and easier. Legalizing foods was really tough - but I found a great system - and so if anybody ever wants me to share it - let me know.What I'm now finding difficult - is staying grounded in a world that seems determined to push me back to the diet mentality. Its amazing how once you start walking away from it - you see it everywhere. I felt like I needed a support system of likeminded people - so I went to the book's website - and found you all. Thanks for letting me join!

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Welcome! We always love to hear what has worked for others...so please share!!!God Bless,Dayna:)To: IntuitiveEating_Support From: lissabette@...Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 21:50:42 +0000Subject: Introducing Myself

Hello There!

I'm a new member to this group - joined just before Xmas. I've been working on Intuitive

Eating for a year and a half - with a therapist and a nutritionist - as well as reading the book

- and its just recently started kicking in. I was lost a bit in the beginning (rating my hunger

felt like throwing darts blindfolded!) but the more I do it the more it makes sense. Every day

seems to get easier and easier. Legalizing foods was really tough - but I found a great

system - and so if anybody ever wants me to share it - let me know.

What I'm now finding difficult - is staying grounded in a world that seems determined to

push me back to the diet mentality. Its amazing how once you start walking away from it -

you see it everywhere. I felt like I needed a support system of likeminded people - so I went

to the book's website - and found you all.

Thanks for letting me join!

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Welcome Milly!

I am especially interested in hearing how you have done working on IE with a nutritionist -- I just found someone here where I live (, CA) who was trained in IE and I am thinking of working with her. I am thinking the focused individual support would be very helpful, indeed.

Has anyone else gotten individual coaching with a trained IE specialist?

Thanks much,

Subject: Introducing MyselfTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 1:50 PM

Hello There!I'm a new member to this group - joined just before Xmas. I've been working on Intuitive Eating for a year and a half - with a therapist and a nutritionist - as well as reading the book - and its just recently started kicking in. I was lost a bit in the beginning (rating my hunger felt like throwing darts blindfolded! ) but the more I do it the more it makes sense. Every day seems to get easier and easier. Legalizing foods was really tough - but I found a great system - and so if anybody ever wants me to share it - let me know.What I'm now finding difficult - is staying grounded in a world that seems determined to push me back to the diet mentality. Its amazing how once you start walking away from it - you see it everywhere. I felt like I needed a support system of likeminded people - so I went to the book's website - and found you all. Thanks for letting me


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I would love to know how you found an IE nutritionist! I feel like the Lone Intuitive Eater in my city! I think if they did a news article on me that the city might start a witch hunt for the one person who refuses to diet! (all kidding aside, my friends and family are very supportive, even though no one has joined me in my adventure!) Any tips on locating a nutritionis would be appreciated!



To: IntuitiveEating_Support Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:31:09 PMSubject: Re: Introducing Myself

Welcome Milly!

I am especially interested in hearing how you have done working on IE with a nutritionist -- I just found someone here where I live (, CA) who was trained in IE and I am thinking of working with her. I am thinking the focused individual support would be very helpful, indeed.

Has anyone else gotten individual coaching with a trained IE specialist?

Thanks much,

From: Milly <lissabetteyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: [intuitiveEating_ Support] Introducing MyselfTo: IntuitiveEating_ Support@yahoogro ups.comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 1:50 PM

Hello There!I'm a new member to this group - joined just before Xmas. I've been working on Intuitive Eating for a year and a half - with a therapist and a nutritionist - as well as reading the book - and its just recently started kicking in. I was lost a bit in the beginning (rating my hunger felt like throwing darts blindfolded! ) but the more I do it the more it makes sense. Every day seems to get easier and easier. Legalizing foods was really tough - but I found a great system - and so if anybody ever wants me to share it - let me know.What I'm now finding difficult - is staying grounded in a world that seems determined to push me back to the diet mentality. Its amazing how once you start walking away from it - you see it everywhere. I felt like I needed a support system of likeminded people - so I went to the book's website - and found you all. Thanks for letting me


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I don't know exactly how many people there are but it is growing but in the south it seems like they have not hurt of IE Eva

Hey Eva - I live in a small town too - 750 population - how about yours?KatchaIEing since March 2007>> I am the Lone IE in my town because the town I live in is small andin the > south nobody has heard of IE that is why I love this group and theother two IE > support groups that I am on they help and support me a lot I don'tknow if I > could do this without them. Eva>------------------------------------

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I found my IE nutritionist through an eating disorder group. I live in Mass - the group is called MEDA in Newton, MA. Maybe there are some similar type organizations in you area/state? You could also try your insurance company - they may be able to direct you to someone. I hope this helps.


IE since Aug 08

From: Milly <lissabetteyahoo (DOT) com>Subject: [intuitiveEating_ Support] Introducing MyselfTo: IntuitiveEating_ Support@yahoogro ups.comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 1:50 PM

Hello There!I'm a new member to this group - joined just before Xmas. I've been working on Intuitive Eating for a year and a half - with a therapist and a nutritionist - as well as reading the book - and its just recently started kicking in. I was lost a bit in the beginning (rating my hunger felt like throwing darts blindfolded! ) but the more I do it the more it makes sense. Every day seems to get easier and easier. Legalizing foods was really tough - but I found a great system - and so if anybody ever wants me to share it - let me know.What I'm now finding difficult - is staying grounded in a world that seems determined to push me back to the diet mentality. Its amazing how once you start walking away from it - you see it everywhere. I felt like I needed a support system of likeminded people - so I went to the book's website - and found you all. Thanks for letting me


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I worked with Gillian who is the Head Moderator for this group. She

also does what is called a " Am I Hungry? " tele-workshop based on the

same book by Dr. May. I believe Katcha also did the

workshop as well. It definately got me on the right direction with

IE and helped me reconize how hard I was on myself, especially

around exercise. Some people I think are fine with reading the book

and this support group, but many do need additional support. I

believe Latoya has done a lot of outside work as well so Latoya, if

you have any input that would be great.

Wishing you the best on your journey and search.




> P.S. So, no one has yet gone to an IE coach or nutritionist?












> Subject: Re: Introducing Myself

> To: IntuitiveEating_Support

> Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 8:29 AM







> Hi Bonnie and all,


> There is a list here in the Links section of IE Counselors. I don't

> know how up to date it is, but at least its a start. You may want


> go to this group's owner's web site -


> http://www.healthie routcomes. com


> to see if she has a list there too. She is an IE coach and has


> with quite a few of the members here so you could get personal

> recommendations as well.


> Best to you - Katcha

> IEing since March 2007



> >

> > I would love to know how you found an IE nutritionist! I feel


> the Lone Intuitive Eater in my city! I think if they did a news

> article on me that the city might start a witch hunt for the one

> person who refuses to diet! (all kidding aside, my friends and


> are very supportive, even though no one has joined me in my

> adventure!) Any tips on locating a nutritionis would be


> >

> > :)

> > Bonnie


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Nah, I don't have any IE coach suggestions. My practice with IE has

been done through the book, this support group, and various techniques

explored over the past several years. I also have three years of

training (MA in transpersonal psych)to be a therapist, which I decided

not to do...so I'm sort of my own built in " coach " , an expert in my

own personal process, and am willing to experiment and find the info

on what I'm working with at the time. :)

I haven't work with a IE Coach/Nutritionist.

I believe Latoya has done a lot of outside work as well so Latoya, if

you have any input that would be great. Wishing you the best on your

journey and search.

> Alana

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Thank you for that suggestion, Alana... I took a look at the dvd set and the teleworkshop, and they do sound like they would be very helpful. I think I am just wanting to work with somebody one-on-one initially (I have only been tenuously walking this path for the last month or so). But once I have a few sessions under my belt, I think it would be great to have the dvd's to watch whenever I am needing reminders of the basic tenents of IE.

Thanks again and Happy New Year, everyone!

> > From: Katcha

<jain_daugh@ ...>> Subject: [intuitiveEating_ Support] Re: Introducing Myself> To: IntuitiveEating_ Support@yahoogro ups.com> Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 8:29 AM> > > > > > > Hi Bonnie and all,> > There is a list here in the Links section of IE Counselors. I don't> know how up to date it is, but at least its a start. You may want to> go to this group's owner's web site -> > http://www.healthie routcomes. com> > to see if she has a list there too. She is an IE coach and has worked> with quite a few of the members here so you could get personal> recommendations as well. > > Best to you - Katcha> IEing since March 2007>

> > >> > I would love to know how you found an IE nutritionist! I feel like> the Lone Intuitive Eater in my city! I think if they did a news> article on me that the city might start a witch hunt for the one> person who refuses to diet! (all kidding aside, my friends and family> are very supportive, even though no one has joined me in my> adventure!) Any tips on locating a nutritionis would be appreciated!> > > > :)> > Bonnie>

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, Gillian does do one-on-one coaching and I wouldn't be

surprised that others do too. I enjoyed group teleconferences in that

I get to hear what other say too and have learned from them as well as

from the leader (Gillian in my case). Hope you find what you need :)


IEing since March 2007


> Thank you for that suggestion, Alana... I took a look at the dvd set

and the teleworkshop, and they do sound like they would be very

helpful. I think I am just wanting to work with somebody one-on-one

initially (I have only been tenuously walking this path for the last

month or so). But once I have a few sessions under my belt, I think it

would be great to have the dvd's to watch whenever I am needing

reminders of the basic tenents of IE.


> Thanks again and Happy New Year, everyone!



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