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Re: Methyl B 12 shots

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My son saw Dr. Rosignal also. I liked him but I am not sure from my personal experience how much the B-12 shots helped. I know that I have heard stories from other parents that they saw a difference in thier children right away. For my son it was not so. I have discontinued the shots because after him taking them for 4 months I took him off to see a difference if any and it is not almost 3 1/2 mnths since his last shot and he is the same. I hope it helps yours like it has many others. I know that there are different things out there that many parents have tried and it works for thier children and I am very happy with that. I just know that this was not working for my son but I urge you not to get discouraged if it is the same for you. I encourage every parent to try everything they possibly can to help thier children though. that is what a parent shoud do. You never know if you don't try and give it time to work.

P.S. I would highly suggest that you get a quick shot applicator. The numbing cream that Post Haste gives you does not work! It is very tramatic for the parents and the child to have to do the shots. If they do not see the needle it is not so bad (as in using the applicator). You can request one from the doctor to write a script for it. It is the same kind of applicator that insulin takers use and it is very quick. My son would scream and we would break down everytime without the applicator. Since it has to be put in at an angle you would just angle the applicator to put it in. Just and FYI ... And waiting until they are asleep did not help for me it made it worse. My son was then terrified of going to sleep and saying no... shot...

Methyl B 12 shots

Hi... we took our 3 yr old daughter to Melbourne to see Dr Rosignol he put her on Methyl B 12 shots 3x per week. Can anyone share their experiences with the Methyl B 12. For example did you see a difference? If so what? How long before you saw changes etc... We just got our 1st mth supply from Post Haste in Hollywood..ThanksAileen

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There is a check-off list from Dr. Neubrander's mb12 website. It provides a 'before treatment' and I think a "five weeks into therapy" list of symptoms or characteristics/improvements.

That being said, our experience with our son is that within 2-3 days, he seemed clearer and more focused. He seemed more able to understand our requests/directions, less foggy. Eye contact improved and he was definitly more engaging with us and his peers. His language became more complex and he used many more words to form a sentence. He was potty trained within 2 weeks, independently. We had been on a schedule prior to this. He began to move his tongue around a lot and began to taste his fingers and arms. A little odd and considered an undesireable side effect but it passed quickly. It appeared as if he began to feel his limbs and extremities, as if he had not felt them before. He was more in tune with his body and began to feel pain and obviously the sensation of having to use the toilet. He previously had an extremely high tolerance for pain. He did stim some, not a previous behavior, and was a little aggressive at times. However, reducing the administration of the mb12 to twice per week and slowly increasing from there and administering at night right before bed made these undesireable side effects subside. He now takes a shot every other day. This seems to work best for him. Daily was too much. This is very well tolerated.

If mb12 is to work for your child, you will see results rather quickly (within 2 weeks). It helps the body process glutathione, which rids the body of toxins. There is a cycle which I am sure "badillo9" (another deniseslist member who describes biomedical very well)can describe better than I.

I would suggest making giving the shots a game. We gave ourselves shots first to show him. I think it is best to always tell your child what is expected and what is going to happen, honestly. It is a pinch sort of. We initially rewarded with a lifesaver or something, now he picks which "cheek" he wants the shot in. We have also pinched off the needle after administering the shot and let him give us the shot at times. It helps him to process the events.

If you have more questions or need more info, let me know.

Methyl B 12 shots

Hi... we took our 3 yr old daughter to Melbourne to see Dr Rosignol he put her on Methyl B 12 shots 3x per week. Can anyone share their experiences with the Methyl B 12. For example did you see a difference? If so what? How long before you saw changes etc... We just got our 1st mth supply from Post Haste in Hollywood..ThanksAileen

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Every child responds different to the therapies and treatments. Do

not try to compare results. Try to have a clean mind and not have

any ideals of what you should expect from the shots because your son

may react in a different.

If it was the first time you went to see Dr Rossignol, he probably

also put your son on some supplementation, what I will do is start

the supplementation first and then 2 or 3 weeks later start the

shots, so you can see how your child reacts to the supplements and

then how he reacts to the shots, and the first 5 weeks on the shots

do not introduce any new supplement.



> Hi... we took our 3 yr old daughter to Melbourne to see Dr Rosignol


> put her on Methyl B 12 shots 3x per week. Can anyone share their

> experiences with the Methyl B 12. For example did you see a

> difference? If so what? How long before you saw changes etc... We


> got our 1st mth supply from Post Haste in Hollywood..


> Thanks

> Aileen


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My son has been on methyl B12 for about 4 months. I did not see any dramatic differences, but within the past 2 months it seems like he is a lot more expressive and his social skills have improved a lot. He is only taking Spectrum Complete and a probiotic to keep yeast in check...otherwise we arent doing anything else (such as diet). I like to think it has helped! The numbing cream EMLA definitely has helped us, so I would request it. We apply a glob of it (dime sized?) onto a small square of a cut up ziploc bag and tape it to the butt right at bedtime. 45-60 minutes later, I clean off the cream, wipe it with an alcohol pad and give the shot. I generally give the shot at night, but I have given it to him awake. He is terrified of shots, but doesnt feel it at all. I even used the cream on my 4 yr old twins before labwork and they didnt cry at

all. Im only explaining my technique because I read that another member said the cream didnt work. Everyone is different, but its worth a try!

Subject: Methyl B 12 shotsTo: sList Date: Monday, June 23, 2008, 7:20 PM

Hi... we took our 3 yr old daughter to Melbourne to see Dr Rosignol he put her on Methyl B 12 shots 3x per week. Can anyone share their experiences with the Methyl B 12. For example did you see a difference? If so what? How long before you saw changes etc... We just got our 1st mth supply from Post Haste in Hollywood..ThanksAileen

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