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Subject: 6/12/08 / STUDY/ CONFIRMS Vaccine-Autism LinkTo: "Sue Thorpe" Date: Thursday, June 12, 2008, 7:16 PM

Hidden CDC Data Confirms Vaccine-Autism LinkPress Release Contacts:For Immediate Release CoMeD President [Rev. K. Sykes(Richmond, VA) ]June 12, 2008 CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (LakeHiawatha, NJ) ]WASHINGTON, DC – A newly published study in the Journal of theNeurological Sciences,[1] [1] the official journal of the Worl dFederation of Neurology,[2] [2] links mercury from the Thimerosal invaccines with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.This study represents six years worth of effort by independentresearchers to gain access to hidden US Centers for Disease Controland Prevention (CDC) data in the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). In2003, the Government Reform Committee of the US House ofRepresentatives asserted, "(a)ccess by independent researchers to theVaccine Safety Datalink database is needed for

independent replicationand validation of CDC studies regarding exposure of infants tomercury-containing vaccines and autism."Nonetheless, this new analysis of some of the data in the carefullyguarded VSD database, documenting the mercury poisoning of ageneration of American children, would never have been possiblewithout the intervention of Congressional leaders, parent autismadvocacy groups, and legal experts. Ironically, only a fewindependent researchers have gained even this limited level ofrestricted access to the VSD database, despite the fact that the VSDProject is funded by hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.The new study, led by Dr. Young, Ph.D., a professor ofepidemiology at the Washington University School of PublicHealth and Health Services, examined the CDC-supplied medicalvaccination records from the VSD of 278,624 children, born from 1990through

1996.This study calculated the average mercury exposure children incurredfrom routine childhood Thimerosal-containi ng vaccines, by year ofbirth, during their first year of life. After calculating averagemercury exposure by year of birth, the study then estimated theprevalence rates of various medical diagnoses for children born ineach of the years examined.The prevalence rate of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorderscorrelated with the average mercury exposure children received:increasing/decreasi ng levels of mercury exposure from routinechildhood Thimerosal-containi ng vaccines resulted in correspondingtrends in prevalence rates of these diagnoses. By contrast, medicaloutcomes presumed to be unrelated to mercury exposure did notcorrelate with the average levels of mercury exposure from routinechildhood Thimerosal-containi ng vaccines.Depending upon the specific

neurodevelopmental disorder examined(autism, autism spectrum disorder, tics, emotional disturbance,attention deficit disorder-hyperactiv ity disorder, anddevelopmental/ learning disorder), the observed overall risk of autismand other neurodevelopmental disorders was significantly higher (about2- to 6- fold) following an additional 100 micrograms of mercuryexposure. For autism alone, the overall risk was about 2.5-foldhigher following an additional 100 micrograms of mercury exposure.These results demonstrate that the suspicions of those serving on theGovernment Reform Committee were correct: "…(t)o date, studiesconducted or funded by the CDC that purportedly dispute anycorrelation between autism and vaccine injury have been of poordesign, under-powered, and fatally flawed. The CDC's rush to supportand promote such research is reflective of a philosophical conflict inlooking fairly at emerging

theories and clinical data related toadverse reactions from vaccinations. "To financially support further research conducted by independentinvestigators in the VSD, please use the PayPal link on CoMeD'swebsite, http://www.mercury- freedrugs. org, for your tax-deductiblecontributions. CoMeD, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501©(3) corporationactively engaged in legal, educational and scientific efforts to stopall use of mercury in medicine, and to ban the use of allmercury-containing medicines.[1][1] Young HA, Geier DA, Geier MR. Thimerosal exposure ininfants and neurodevelopmental disorders: An assessment ofcomputerized medical records in the Vaccine Safety Datalink. J NeurolSci. 2008 May 1 4. [Epub ahead of print] Article available at:http://www.pharmalo t.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2008/05/thimeros al-vaccine- study.pdf[2][2] The World Federation of Neurology is a non-governmentalorganization associated with the World Health Organization (WHO).

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