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Re: Don't want to cook, don't want to eat, or do I?

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See comments below - Katcha


> That is my latest issue: " I don't really have an appetite and usually

> I'm full after eating a rather small amount of food. Sometimes it turns

> out that the food I cooked isn't what I really wanted at all - so why

> bother cooking? "

Would something uncooked be better? Or are you expecting to DESIRE the

food so strongly that you want to consume it immediately?


> I don't like convencience food anymore. It's several days in a row now

> that I didn't cook anything and I start to notice that I'm eating more

> sweets (oh, these chocolate covered oreos are quite good tasting as I

> learned a few minutes ago). I don't really crave anything of the stuff I

> usually cook. I tried flipping through recipes but nothing really seems

> to be appealing right now.

I am learning that as I tune in on eating 'only' what I want - I have

to also remember that my body isn't going to tell me - Oh, do eat

fresh green beans steamed lightly - but rather lead me in the

direction of - psst -> hint hint - vegetables!


> I'm beginning to wonder if diety thinking is sneaking its way in again

> more and more. I'm eating more and more stuff that is supposed to be

> " healthy " and that I " don't mind eating " . I also noticed that I didn't

> touched salads in a while. I liked the variety of prepackaged mixed

> salads abroad and can't find the same variety here. It kind of ruined

> salad for me (I hope this will pass).

Again, the word 'healthy' means different things to us. It can mean

fresh and at peak of nutrition or be a LABEL used to flag good vs. bad

(aka diet mentality). Let your body tell you how 'healthy' a food is

for you.

I've gone thru different stages of liking and not liking some foods. I

used to adore the texture of a crisp mixed salad as well as delighting

in the sight of the mixture of colors, shapes and textures of the

salad. But I've also found that if I eat a salad often, then I don't

like it as much. Variety is attractive to me which means that I will

like things for a while and then move on to another new desired food.


> I also hate restaurants since a few months. We want to go out to a

> restaurant tomorrow with my mother and her partner. I don't really want

> to. I hate going to restaurants. I also hate eating together with my

> thin mother announcing that she's " had enough " . Yes, mom... what about

> simply stopping to eat? We's get it without you announcing " how full you

> are " . Bleh. I HATE that. I hope I can stop myself from being sarcastic

> about it tomorrow.

That's a tough one, the 'veiled' comment that on the surface appears

to be sooooo innocent, but wounds like a whip!! Maybe you could be

prepared to counter her usual comment in a way that lets her know you

find it unnecessary and perhaps gets her to see your point of view?

" Hmmm Mom, I am wondering if you are truly satisfied, full or just

stopping because you think that's enough? I am working on discovering

my own internal satisfaction level so I am noticing such things in

others as an example. But I also know that the bottom line is to know

when I am satisfied. " (just an example)

One other thing occurred to me too - the difference between the German

words for full and satisfied. One our first trip to Germany, we

learned that we didn't say - Das ist genug! [that's enough] but rather

the more polite Ich bin satt. [i am satisfied] I bet your mom is

really not as much satisfied herself as she is doing what she thinks

is acceptable to those who see her?!?


> I also struggle with eating " normal " things like rolls with butter and

> cheese or jam or whatever. It seems so... weird to eat this. I prepared

> rolls with spreads on it and realized I couldn't eat it. I took a bite

> and was disgusted by the thought that I would have that in my stomach in

> a few minutes.

I can't help but wonder if you are 'rejecting' food because you so

want to loose weight? Has food become the 'enemy'? Or are you getting

more refined in your tastes?


> And at the moment the panic strikes. I'm panicking about failing my exam

> in October. One month is over. One third of the time and I feel like I

> have done NOTHING! The last few days were a catastrophe! I only did a

> few questions, read nothing and was lazy as one can be! If I continue

> like this, I have no chance to pass. I'm really panicking right now. One

> third of the time is over! I can't imagine that! :-(((

> 4 weeks gone. Only 11 remaining. 15 weeks is short anyway. And I feel

> like I did nothing during the last four weeks. Dammit!

I too postponed doing 'large required work' (term papers etc.) until

the last minute. I HATED doing these as I felt they were not a

reflection of what I knew nor really something that the instructors

wanted to read either. Somehow I always managed to complete the

assignment and get thru the course just fine. I bet you do too! If it

really bugs you, start just a little of it. Like eating, you can do

more later when you are ready :) :)

BEST to you - ehugs, Katcha


> Regards

> s.


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