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The recent Mike Savage radio controversy has incited nationwide backlash that is fast becoming as equally vitriolic as the emotion underscoring the originally expressed sentiments. This is not a helpful response. In contrast, I'd like to offer an alternate perspective via my article, "Autism: A New Cultural Competency." It is newly posted to the authors' blog, Basil & Spice, and may be accessed at the following link:

Click here: Author & Book Views On a Healthy Life! - MIND AND BODY

In addition, I have posted to the "Archived Articles" portion of www.williamstillman.com several new articles including the provocative "Everyone has Autism," "The Real Autism Epidemic," "Special Schools for 'Special' Kids: If You Build Them, They will Come," and "The World Needs Autism," which is an exclusive excerpt from my new book, The Soul of Autism. Several of these appear on Basil & Spice (but not all), and this has lead to their wider circulation in several instances through Reuters national online news service.

My new book, When Your Child has Asperger's Syndrome, is a low-cost condensation of my 2005 work, The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Asperger's Syndrome, and is now available on Amazon.com and through local booksellers. Likewise, my spiritually-themed contributions found in Upper Room Books' Disciplines 2009 may be pre-ordered on Amazon.com as well.

My document, "Presuming Intellect: Ten Ways to Enrich Our Relationships Through a Belief in Competence," will be included in a forthcoming School Community Tool Kit from Autism Speaks. Watch for its announcement at www.autismspeaks.org.

Finally, my book, The Autism Answer Book, is reviewed in the current issue of the Autism-Asperger's Digest with the following endorsement, "The Autism Answer Book is a gift from the brilliant voice of an exceptional author and speaker. Stillman’s version of ‘Autism 101’ manages to face the challenges of autism head-on while imparting hope and encouragement." Further information about this book may be found at the "Bill's Books" section of my Web site.

Here's wishing a peaceful remainder of the summer to us all.

StillmanAutism Spectrum Self-Advocate, Author, and Consultantwww.williamstillman.comGet fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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