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Fwd: [CasiClubhouse] FW: [Vaccination-Liberation] Blaylock conference call - ...

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Everyone needs to know that the wa the BEST conference

call I have ever heard on vaccines in my entire life! And this is NO lie.

Unfortunately, the recording didn't " take " and so it will not be

memorialized, as I also was counting on. yes, at this point, I wish we

all had a back up recorder in place. But this didn't happen so we would like to

" beg " Dr. Blaylock to come back for a call. Yes, we DO want to record

it but your participation with Q & A and being part of the " Saying NO to

Vaccines " history is imperative. The questions were all excellent and on

point with autism and dealing with both doctor's prescriptions for the

aftermath and excitoxic contributions exacerbating the problem.

What can I say? Dr. Blaylock is a man after every mother's heart that is aware

-- he has mine. He speaks with the authority of a former neurosurgeon that

knows how the brain truly functions and how the poisons we are injecting as

well as the diet truly affect the developing brain and nervous system. His

demeanor is honest, forthright and compelling to anyone with ears to hear and

eyes to see. This needs a recording. Kimberley

Medlin is an awesome host, asking the right questions any searching mother

would want to ask, and has a relaxed manner of communicating that makes you

feel a part of the dialogue. Well, that is it -- an awesome experience that I

wish was memorialized. So, since it was not, how many of the people on this

list would like to see a repeat performance, get on the call, and help market

the end product via the web to those who truly need this message (everybody)??


and I both agree that this needs to be done but we need to know how much you

will support this effort by Kimberley and Dr. Blaylock.

Please respond to either vaclibcoldreams OR kimberley1972msn with

the subject " yes, rescedule conference call " if you agree with

us that this needs to be recorded and memorialized.

In the Spirit of Truth,

Ingri Cassel, director

Vaccination Liberation

P.O. Box 457

Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869





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