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Our decision to go with GHT for a non GHD RSS child

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Hi Everyone,

Perhaps this email will resonate with those of you trying to decide whether to

go with GHT. Please write me and let me know what you think and how your own

decision making is going.

Today was our check-in with Dr. Harbison in NYC. In a nutshell, the purpose of

today's visit was to decide whether to go with GHT. is 36 months, has RSS

(although, not many obvious markers, and not extremely small, Dr. H. believes

quite strongly that he has RSS).

As of today, he is in the 5th% weight (27 pounds 3z), less than the 5th% for

height (35.5 " ). His weight gain has been fantastic (mainly because of periactin

and our own relaxation around meals, I think). His height has been tracking at

the same curve. We have decided to go with the GHT. Whew. We are now about to

embark on that trip! So, if our insurance approves everything we will be

starting in January.

Some comments from today's visit that impacted our decision:

--Even though his height has gained, Dr. H. said that if the height doesn't

really jump up in the same way the weight has, it probably will never catch up

without GHT (She mentioned this because Tony and I were asking her if we should

wait 3 more months before making the GHT decision, to see if 's weight gain

will translate into catchup growth later).

--She doesn't know of an RSS kid who DIDN'T benefit from GHT.

--Impossible to measure nighttime GH secretions in a child as small as .

Her belief is that RSS kids to indeed show less than adequate nightime

production of GH

--Her philosophy is simple: A child should enter kindergarten with as close to

his height potential as possible so that his early school experiences are as

positive as possible. Therefore, she sees no reason for us to delay our decision

to start GHT.

--Even though appears to be tracking towards a 5'3-5'4 adult height, she

said that would be a best case, left untreated. If he hits puberty early she

said all bets are off. Left untreated, an RSS male could be much shorter, even

if he has mild RSS. (She offered this because I was feeling that if could

reach 5'4 untreated, that wasn't so bad).

--She again stressed that the Italian study regarding testicular mass was not a

useful study.

--She also does not take seriously any theories suggesting thyroid problems are

linked to RSS.

--If were her child, she would definitely start him on GHT. The advantages

are not just linear growth, but muscle mass, strength, endurance and speech

(weak muscle tone in 's mouth is affecting his anunciation)>

A Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to All,


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