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SchaferAutismReport: Savage's Comments Infuriate Autism Community

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Reader Supported Vol. 12 No. 107p In This Issue: • • MEDIASavage's Comments Infuriate Autism Community Savage: "S-T-U-P-I-D. That's The Mental Illness Most of These Kids Have." • • • PEOPLEPolice Looking For Missing Autistic TeenTerror Police Detain UK Autistic BoyDealing With Autism As Children Become TeenagersValley of Dreams A Smashing Success in Raising Funds for

Autism! • TREATMENTRobot Playmates May Help Children With Autism • CARE"Found" - New Autism Safety Program Launced • • • COMMENTARYBoo Hoo Hoo For ‘The Savage Nation’ Celebrity Smackdown: Peet vs McCarthy Peet & the Ripple Effect:

Actress Intensifies Vaccine Debate, Rather than Quell It Send your LETTER DEADLINEJuly 24 - Thursday! For AugustAutism Events CalendarSubmit listing here free! the Autism Calendartm hereHundreds of Local Autism EventsMEDIASavage's Comments Infuriate Autism Community Autism Researchers, Groups Find Common Ground in Condemning Radio Jock By Dan Childs, ABC News.tinyurl.com/68zt2b NOTE: See transcript of Savage radio show following this piece.

-ed As autism organizations and medical professionals alike voice their outrage at inflammatory comments made by controversial talk radio host Savage, about most autistic children simply being "brats," the head of the network that employs him appears to be taking measures to pull out of a public relations tailspin. Savage, who in the past, has taken aim at the legitimacy of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral disorders, called autism a "fraud" and a "racket" during his July 16 broadcast, adding that "n 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out." In light of strong public reaction to his statements, Savage issued a statement, further explaining his comments. "My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical

community's attempt to label too many children or adults as 'autistic'," the statement read. "Just as some drug companies have over-diagnosed 'ADD' and 'ADHD' to peddle dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this cartel of doctors and drug companies is now creating a national panic by over-diagnosing 'autism,' for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis!" In a response to ABC News' request for comment, Mark Masters, the CEO of Talk Radio Network, sent the same statement that had been posted on Savage's Web site. The statement has done little to blunt reactions to his strong comments, which have forged an unlikely alliance between a number of autism groups that claim doctors are overlooking the true causes of the disorder, and autism researchers in the mainstream medical community. "I would say it is the

lowest form of attention-seeking, and the best response is silence," said Dr. Minshew, director of the Center for Excellence in Autism Research (CeFAR) at the University of Pittsburgh. "Tune out and his sponsors will turn him off. Declare a day of mourning for those who suffer and a day of prayer for those who care by not calling or responding." "I think we're seeing a trend within talk radio -- anger toward people with autism," said Kim Stagliano, managing editor of the popular blog Age of Autism. "As we learn more about autism, there seems to be an acceptable level of tolerance within society, but within talk radio, the sympathy has turned into scorn." And Esteep, national manager of the autism advocacy group Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) says Masters has e-mailed her organization and invited them, along with the National Autism Association, to be guests on Savage's show to "make amends

with the autism community." But it is unclear whether the autism community is ready to bury the hatchet. " Savage is spectacularly uninformed about this major national health crisis," Esteep said. "His comments were beyond insulting and are tantamount to blaming parents for their child's cancer. "Perhaps 99 percent of his listeners should stop tuning in."Groups Differ on Appropriate Response Autism experts say Savage's statements threaten to alter the public's understanding of the disorder. "It is unfortunate that, just as the public is beginning to be better informed about autism and related disorders, a prominent individual in the media with a wide audience should spread misinformation," said Loveland, professor of

psychiatry and behavioral sciences and pediatrics at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston. "Although it's his right to believe and to say what he wishes, his statements should not go un-challenged by the medical, scientific and advocacy communities." But, while those in the autism community overwhelmingly disagree with Savage's viewpoint, there is as yet no consensus as to what action, if any, should be taken. Some say that ignoring the comments is the best approach. "Mr. Savage is obviously a complete ignoramus, who knows not the first thing about autism," said Deborah Fein, autism researcher and professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut. "However, I doubt he believes what he said; he is obviously just trying to get media and public attention, which he has succeeded in doing." "The less attention given to Mr.

Savage, the better," agreed Marguerite Kirst Colston, spokeswoman for the Autism Society of America. But, the nation's other major autism groups have suggested that a stronger response is needed. In a statement issued today, the National Autism Association said that representatives from the organization have agreed to be on a panel on Savage's show to respond. "We've asked for an apology, a retraction, and a chance to get to our side on this issue," the statement read. "We don't want to respond with an attack, we want to educate him and his listeners." The advocacy group Autism Speaks urged a response in the interest of further educating the public about the nature of autism. "One important goal of increasing awareness about autism is to foster a greater level of acceptance and understanding of the very real and significant challenges it

poses to individuals with the disorder and their families," read a statement issued today by Autism Speaks. "[T]here are those who are apparently incapable of feeling compassion. They deserve our pity, not our scorn." Stagliano disagreed: "We don't need to 'pity' Mr. Savage, like Autism Speaks suggests; we need to educate him." Brief Commentary: Savage is a loud steady voice that reaches 8 million people a week. He has been using the media to promote hurtful negative stereotypes of children and families with autism. This is a threat to the immediate and longer term wellbeing of the autism community, a community who relies on the publics good will for acceptance and support. Savage is not a three-year-old having a temper tantrum to be best ignored. For

a major autism organization to not address such challenges to the community is negligent and disappointing. Pity does not belong only to Savage, but also a measure goes to weak willed national organizations who profess to lead and speak for the autism community but fail to do so effectively in the face of real threat. After two decades of traditional nice autism advocacy and politically safe research we are hardly near any conclusive answers to the treatment for autism. Acting nice is not working. Time for some acting up! Let's start with confronting the ignorant new three stooges: Savage, Hollywood actor Peet tinyurl.com/5tfg7a and newspaper columnist Sowell tinyurl.com/5pcu64 . -Lenny Schafer, editor. Today's SAR is provided through the support of paid subscription readers. - THANK YOU - $35 for 1 year - or free!www.sarnet.org Copyright Notice: The above items are copyright protected. They are for our readers' personal education or research purposes only and provided at their request. Articles may not be further reprinted or used commercially without consent from the copyright holders. To find the copyright holders, follow the referenced website link provided at the beginning of each item. Lenny Schafer editor@... The Schafer Autism Report is a non-profit corporation Unsubscribe here: www.sarnet.org/frm/unsub2.htm _______________________________________________SARnets mailing listSARnets@...http://lists.igc.org/mailman/listinfo/sarnetsYou can unsubscribe send

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