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Re: SCD Beginner

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>Hi :

Your post could have been written by me. I too have had u/c since

1993 and mine was almost non-existent for the first 10 years, little

flare ups here and there. However, the past 5 years I've been on

prednisone more than I was off. I was also on Asacol pretty regularly

over the years. Since starting SCD in October, I have never felt

better. My bleeding, etc., stopped pretty quickly, but I wasn't on

prednisone at the time. That might be the reason you still have

symptoms. Also I was fanatical about the diet. And a big benefit

for me was the weight loss. I had gotten very heavy over the years

from the prednisone and now I have gone done about 4 sizes since

SCD! Anyway, stick with the diet. It could be the prednisone is

making it harder. I have noticed that for the past month I have been

on antibiotics and a cough syrup for a respiratory infection I can't

seem to shake and although I don't have symptoms, my stomach seems

bloated and I don't feel quite as good as I did, but I finished my

last pill yesterday so I should be great again in a few days.


> Hi All,


> I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I was diagnosed in

> 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild. Since my diagnosis

> I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I use to have a

> mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to just about


> 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of the drugs and my

> doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I don't know much

> about it but what I've read seems pretty scary.


> I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and I'm

> taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it seems

> that most find much releif after about a week or two. This has not

> been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8

> movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but not

> sure if it the prednisone kicking in.


> I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to happen so I would

> appreciate any advice.


> Thanks.




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Hi Peggy,

Thanks for the reply. I've wondered about the medications and their

effect. I'm still taking 40mg daily of prednisone and 12 tabs of

Asacol. I use the prednisone more for a safety blanket than anything.

I work in NYC and have an hour commute with public transit and use

the prednisone to stablize myself for the trip. I may back off the

meds for a couple of days and see what happens, can't get any

worse :). How soon was it before you saw major changes in your


Thanks again.

> >Hi :

> Your post could have been written by me. I too have had u/c since

> 1993 and mine was almost non-existent for the first 10 years,


> flare ups here and there. However, the past 5 years I've been on

> prednisone more than I was off. I was also on Asacol pretty


> over the years. Since starting SCD in October, I have never felt

> better. My bleeding, etc., stopped pretty quickly, but I wasn't on

> prednisone at the time. That might be the reason you still have

> symptoms. Also I was fanatical about the diet. And a big benefit

> for me was the weight loss. I had gotten very heavy over the years

> from the prednisone and now I have gone done about 4 sizes since

> SCD! Anyway, stick with the diet. It could be the prednisone is

> making it harder. I have noticed that for the past month I have


> on antibiotics and a cough syrup for a respiratory infection I


> seem to shake and although I don't have symptoms, my stomach seems

> bloated and I don't feel quite as good as I did, but I finished my

> last pill yesterday so I should be great again in a few days.


> Peggy




> > Hi All,

> >

> > I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I was diagnosed


> > 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild. Since my


> > I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I use to have


> > mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to just about

> every

> > 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of the drugs and


> > doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I don't know much

> > about it but what I've read seems pretty scary.

> >

> > I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and I'm

> > taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it


> > that most find much releif after about a week or two. This has


> > been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8

> > movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but


> > sure if it the prednisone kicking in.

> >

> > I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to happen so I would

> > appreciate any advice.

> >

> > Thanks.

> >

> >

> >


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Hello Mara,

I had a baseline done on my blood count and all were normal. My

doctore mentioned to me that 6MP would be altering both my white and

red blood counts. Now this might just be my ignorance but I'm worried

about anything that will alter something so cruical and normaly in

balance. On the other hand I'm sure the prednisone is causing a whole

wack of problems on it's own. I read an article of a person that was

hospitalized after starting 6mp.

Are you taking 6mp while on the SCD? I have started the diet but it's

only been 2 weeks. I did the starter diet for 2 days and have started

the yogurt. I think I may need to go back to the starter diet for a

bit longer and hold off on salads, fruits and other meats for while.

Thanks for your support.


> > Hi All,



> Hi ,


> Welcome to the group.


> >

> >

> > I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I was diagnosed in

> > 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild. Since my diagnosis

> > I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I use to have a

> > mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to just about


> > 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of the drugs and


> > doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I don't know much

> > about it but what I've read seems pretty scary.



> Many of us have used it at one point or another. It's a standard

> drug, and much less scary, IMO, than prednisone. For instance,

> I've been on colazol and 6MP, but never prednisone.


> What about the description seems scary? Perhaps we can

> reassure you.


> Also, have you ever tried remicade infusions? That might be

> helpful.



> >

> > I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and I'm

> > taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it


> > that most find much releif after about a week or two. This has not

> > been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8

> > movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but not

> > sure if it the prednisone kicking in.

> >



> What have you been eating?


> Did you start with the beginner diet and then introduce new

> foods only very slowly? Have you introduced the yogurt yet,

> starting with a small dosage?


> Here's a food reintroduction chart that is helpful for beginners.

> (It's just a **suggested** order of what has worked well for others,

> so you don't have to follow it to the letter.)


> http://www.pecanbread.com/new/scdfoods1.html


> scroll down the page for the chart.


> > I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to happen so I would

> > appreciate any advice.


> Best of luck with the diet.


> Mara


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> Hello Mara,


> I had a baseline done on my blood count and all were normal. My

> doctore mentioned to me that 6MP would be altering both my white and

> red blood counts. Now this might just be my ignorance but I'm worried

> about anything that will alter something so cruical and normaly in

> balance. On the other hand I'm sure the prednisone is causing a whole

> wack of problems on it's own. I read an article of a person that was

> hospitalized after starting 6mp.


> Are you taking 6mp while on the SCD?

Yeah, I was on it for several years. Stopped in the spring

after I had severe die-off after beginning the SCD diet with

high fever and elevated liver enzymes. My doctor told me

stop at the point because I had fever - and it suppresses your

immune system - so not good for you under those conditions.

I stayed off of it until this week actually. I've been going

through the 7 month flare and mentioned to him that I was

off of it still and should I start up again, because I thought

a little medical backup might be helpful at this point. After

doing some blood work he put me back on one a day. (I

was on 2X a day originally.)

Here's more about it:


> I have started the diet but it's

> only been 2 weeks. I did the starter diet for 2 days and have started

> the yogurt. I think I may need to go back to the starter diet for a

> bit longer and hold off on salads, fruits and other meats for while.

Definitely don't do raw veggies or salad or fruit.

Cook and peel all your vegetables -- zucchini is good to start

with and carrot and spinach. (cucumber doesn't need

to be cooked). Meat is okay but I'd hold off on introducing

other fruits besides banana and apple and pears - cooked

and peeled. Make apple or pear sauce. try the cheesecake -

that's yummy and satisfying.




> Thanks for your support.






>>> Hi All,



>> Hi ,


>> Welcome to the group.




>>> I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I was diagnosed in

>>> 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild. Since my diagnosis

>>> I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I use to have a

>>> mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to just about

> every

>>> 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of the drugs and

> my

>>> doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I don't know much

>>> about it but what I've read seems pretty scary.



>> Many of us have used it at one point or another. It's a standard

>> drug, and much less scary, IMO, than prednisone. For instance,

>> I've been on colazol and 6MP, but never prednisone.


>> What about the description seems scary? Perhaps we can

>> reassure you.


>> Also, have you ever tried remicade infusions? That might be

>> helpful.




>>> I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and I'm

>>> taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it

> seems

>>> that most find much releif after about a week or two. This has not

>>> been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8

>>> movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but not

>>> sure if it the prednisone kicking in.




>> What have you been eating?


>> Did you start with the beginner diet and then introduce new

>> foods only very slowly? Have you introduced the yogurt yet,

>> starting with a small dosage?


>> Here's a food reintroduction chart that is helpful for beginners.

>> (It's just a **suggested** order of what has worked well for others,

>> so you don't have to follow it to the letter.)


>> http://www.pecanbread.com/new/scdfoods1.html


>> scroll down the page for the chart.


>>> I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to happen so I would

>>> appreciate any advice.


>> Best of luck with the diet.


>> Mara








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Prednisone nearly destroyed my immune system




>> Hello Mara,


>> I had a baseline done on my blood count and all were normal. My

>> doctore mentioned to me that 6MP would be altering both my white and

>> red blood counts. Now this might just be my ignorance but I'm worried

>> about anything that will alter something so cruical and normaly in

>> balance. On the other hand I'm sure the prednisone is causing a whole

>> wack of problems on it's own. I read an article of a person that was

>> hospitalized after starting 6mp.


>> Are you taking 6mp while on the SCD?





Carol F.

Celiac, SCD 8 years,MCS, Latex Allergy



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Sounds familiar. I too have UC and my flares came sooner and sooner only to be helped by prednisone. Well, 2 flares ago, prednisone wasn't doing a very good job and my GI doc wanted to put me on an immune surpressor(sp?) and I would've had to get lab tests 2x/week. That freaked me out and i started searching elsewhere for other alternatives (more natural and things that will help with the cause of my disease, not just symptoms). I came across many things - one of which was SCD. Before I found SCD, I saw a naturopath who told me to cut out sugar, wheat, dairy and soy and see how that goes. It helped some, but not enough. Then I added SCD to my life and it helped more, but I couldn't get completely out of the flare fast enough. I am not trying to be too impatient, but I have 2 young children and can't just lock myself in the house for days and days. For example, I would have to stop nursing my baby to run to the bathroom :-( Anyway, I decided to put myself back on prednisone to help the inflammation along and I only had to start at 20mg. I had formed stools 1-2x/day after 1 week on Prednisone.

My point? I think the healing my gut was able to do with the dietary changes enabled the prednisone to do its job and I wasn't negating the good prednisone was doing by putting more sugary, starchy foods into my body. Take into consideration that I was doing diet changes for 2-3 months before I added the prednisone.

Hang in there and give your body a chance to heal with your diet changes. Also, it was harder to follow SCD with prednisone since it makes me crave certain foods and makes me hungry, but I tried to stick to it as best as I could. And I didn't gain as much weight as other times (w/pred) since I wasn't putting junk in my mouth when I was hungry.

Sorry so long, but hope it helps,


UC12 yrs, SCD almost 100% 3.5 months

-------------- Original message --------------

Hi All, I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I was diagnosed in 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild. Since my diagnosis I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I use to have a mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to just about every 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of the drugs and my doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I don't know much about it but what I've read seems pretty scary. I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and I'm taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it seems that most find much releif after about a week or two. This has not been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8 movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but not sure if it the prednisone kicking in. I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to happen so I would appreciate any advic


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Thanks Darcy, this is most helpful.

Sounds familiar. I too have UC and my flares came sooner and sooner only to be helped by prednisone. Well, 2 flares ago, prednisone wasn't doing a very good job and my GI doc wanted to put me on an immune surpressor(sp?) and I would've had to get lab tests 2x/week. That freaked me out and i started searching elsewhere for other alternatives (more natural and things that will help with the cause of my disease, not just symptoms). I came across many things - one of which was SCD. Before I found SCD, I saw a naturopath who told me to cut out sugar, wheat, dairy and soy and see how that goes. It helped some, but not enough. Then I added SCD to my life and it helped more, but I couldn't get completely out of the flare fast enough. I am not trying to be too impatient, but I have 2 young children and can't just lock myself in the house for days and days. For example, I would have to stop nursing my baby to run to the bathroom :-( Anyway, I decided to put myself back on prednisone to help the inflammation along and I only had to start at 20mg. I had formed stools 1-2x/day after 1 week on Prednisone.

My point? I think the healing my gut was able to do with the dietary changes enabled the prednisone to do its job and I wasn't negating the good prednisone was doing by putting more sugary, starchy foods into my body. Take into consideration that I was doing diet changes for 2-3 months before I added the prednisone.

Hang in there and give your body a chance to heal with your diet changes. Also, it was harder to follow SCD with prednisone since it makes me crave certain foods and makes me hungry, but I tried to stick to it as best as I could. And I didn't gain as much weight as other times (w/pred) since I wasn't putting junk in my mouth when I was hungry.

Sorry so long, but hope it helps,


UC12 yrs, SCD almost 100% 3.5 months

-------------- Original message --------------

Hi All, I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I was diagnosed in 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild. Since my diagnosis I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I use to have a

mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to just about every 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of the drugs and my doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I don't know much about it but what I've read seems pretty scary.

I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and I'm taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it seems that most find much releif after about a week or two. This has not

been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8 movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but not sure if it the prednisone kicking in. I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to happen so I would

appreciate any advic e.Thanks.

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At 08:38 AM 2/1/2008, you wrote:

I'm new to the SCD diet but an

old pro with UC.


Well, that's a story we hear around the SCD lists quite a bit. Welcome to

the list. We're glad to have you, but sorry you needed to join us, if you

follow me.

>> I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and

I'm taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it seems

that most find much relief after about a week or two. This has not been

the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8 movements a

day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but not sure if it the

prednisone kicking in. <<

Keep in mind that some people can experience almost miraculous responses

to SCD. For the rest of us, especially the ones who, like you, have been

sick for a number of years, can take longer.

You didn't reach this point in your illness overnight. So it may take

awhile to reverse things and get yourself back on track. The bleeding is

often the last symptom to go.

I was slower to see physical results, but my husband saw mental-emotional

changes within two months.


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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