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Re: lyme disease/ bell's palsy in gut

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Yes it is the same doctor. I had originally taken my son to him. But now I am looking for myself regarding my stubborn yeast overgrowth. I just had my GP agree to give me a double dosage of Diflucan and see if that helps.

I found that eggs , carrots and nuts irritate my mouth.

I wish I knew what to eat and what to avoid.

Right now I am eating lots of yogurt, may be too much, I don't know, bananas,and chicken.

My stools are formed, but greyish looking. I do not know if it is as a result of eating so much yogurt.

If only someone could guide me, that would help a lot.

My yeast/fungi is mostly seen in my mouth, with a thick white/yellowish layer on my tongue, gums etc.but it is in my whole system for sure, as my stomach gets queasy after I took probiotics. They just do not agree with me, that is the reason I upped the amount of yogurt, but again I do not know if it is the right thing to do.

Thanks for whoever can give me some solid advice,

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Dr. Leo Galland received mention by Elaine in her writings and it was favorableIs this the same as the doctor you are asking about?http://www.fatresistancediet.com/chapters/titles/leo-galland,-m.d..htmOn Jan 31, 2008, at 7:54 AM, aproposof@... wrote: dr galland Is he recommended as a doctor? Can he treat candida/yeast/fungi overgrowth? Can we do it just with scd or a limited version of it? Thanks for any input, Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year. Carol F.Celiac, SCD 8 years,MCS, Latex Allergyhttp://www.celiac.com/authors/143/Carol-Frileghhttp://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/gfcf-diet/sc-diet.htm

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*Click on the e-mail address. Put in subject: SCDiet help, please. Puttheir names on your contact list. ****These people are a blessing**** Askif they are still on the scdiet or not. If not, let me know, so I can takethem off the list of SCD pals in your area.SCD PALS**"susan white" susan.c.white@... UKTheSpecificCarbohydrateDiet.doc(0.04 MB) See attachment aboveSCD PALS w/Candida experiene will help** Sheila Trenholm sheilatrenholm@... SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC I tried the enzyme (which is SCD legal).**Meg megcook77@... **Debra DBO dosborn7@... **Sally Mosher upbeatdietetics@... **"Kim Mumbower" kimmumb@... **" Mulder-Slater" andrea@... ** Mansfield-Devine trish@... **Tammy Quilty Tquilty tquilty@... May I put your name and e-mail address on the list of those w/candidaexperience so that after you have been on the SCDiet for a year you can helpothers in your area to find doctors, foods, stores, encouragement, and SCDinformation? Let me know, please. NEWBIES"Cathe Schmidt" cathe616@... 12-08 ? CANDIDA AND YEAST INFECTIONhttp://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/knowledge_base/kb/low_carbohydrate_scd.htm CANDIDA DIET AND TESTThe SCD™ Knowledge Base Clostridium Difficile Testing http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/knowledge_base/kb/clostridium_difficile_testing.htm writes:Besides stool tests there are two other MUCH simpler ways to get c.diffdiagnosed,ut traditional MDs don't use these tests, onlyholisitically-oriented MDs and other health practitioners use them:

Anorganic acids [urine] test. These tests measure the levels of toxinsreleased by clostridia, anerobic bacteria in general and fungus. I wasdiagnosed with a huge overgrowth of clostridia (don't know what strainbecause the test doesn't identify specific strains, only genuses; it doesn'tculture the bacteria, it only reveals the toxins they release) andsuccessfully treated with flagyl. Another test used to detect c. diff is ablood test that reveals antibodies to various pathogenic bacteria, includingclostridia. Its called an ulcerative colitis blood test panel.In addition, writes:I have just heard that metametrix labs will let people outside the US ordertheir test directly. Just to review what I have written about c. diff testsa number of times now, there are THREE ways to diagnose it; 1) stool(traditional test-- hard to get a postive) 2) urine 3) blood (antibodies).Holistic MDs use the latter 2 tests and consider

them much more reliable.Metametrix uses the urine test which tests for the TOXINS c. diff gives off.It also tests for yeast and other bacterial toxins. So the test will tellyou 1) if you have c. diff and if so, how much of an overgrowth 2) if youhave yeast overgrowth 3) if you have bacterial overgrowth. 4) whether yourovergrowth is more fungal or bacterial, i.e. the ratio.What the test does NOT tell you :1) What strain of yeast you might have2) What other strains of bacteria it is picking up (besides c. diff).Also, Metametrix cannot give you a prescription. So this test would bepurely informational for you.**Pam Ferro Nurse in Cape Cod area: wrote:Has the stool been tested? I would suggest using fresh garlic, one clovedaily for yeast. developed a great yeast fighter, fresh carrotjuice + one clove of garlic in a juicer. We are no longer using meds in ourpractice, natural antifungals and S. boulardii

are working well, as long asthe child stays 100% compliant on the SCD*" & Charlene Flikkema" Wrote: Used as an anti-fungal/anti-parasite. Candizyme on top at bed time onan empty stomach. It is made by Renew Life. I have had C. Diff three timesand find that GSE keeps that in check. It can also be used to help yeastissues. All this to say that it isn't for everyone and is not specificallyor everyone who has UC. Many who take it are taking it for reasons that aresupplemental to the IBD. Charlene UC 8 years SCD 5 1/2 years I live inCanada. It might be under another name in the States.** wrote:Itching sounds like candida, and the little beggar likes living in folds ofskin, so it will certainly colonise inflamed or weakened tissue. If it'scandida, it's definitely hormonally related - I suffered endlessly with itin my 20s until I read some self-help books by Kilmartin (try Amazon).Try

these: * Above all, see a doctor and explain your symptoms, preferablyat a genito-urinary clinic where they aren't squeamish about examining you.If you have a sexual partner/s, take them along - thrush can be transferredback and forth, with only one of you showing symptoms. * The doctor will probably prescribe Nystan, Diflucan or some such treatment, which may be a combination of oral treatment, cream and pessaries. In the absence of this, live yoghurt inserted into the vagina with an applicator may hhelp (though I've not found it useful once thrush has really taken hold) * Don't have sexual intercourse while the tissue is inflamed. If you really must, usecondoms to prevent transfer of thrush spores to your partner * Cut as much sugar out of your diet as possible - don't eat things like fruit, especiallybananas * Add vinegar to your bath (bathe, don't shower) * Don't use any product on your perineal area that contains

perfume or colouring. Thisincludes pant liners, toilet paper, baby wipes, etc * Never touch your perineal area with soap, EVER. Instead, use plain water, vinegar water or emulsifying ointment - it's sold by pharmacies and is a paraffin-wax based water soluble cream with no colour or scent. If they don't stock it, ask if they have anything similar - this is a British product * Don't wear trousers or jeans, EVER, only wear skirts* Don't wear tights (panty hose) - wear stockings * Leave off underwear whenever you can (the objective of all of the above is to keep the perineal area cool) * Change to pure cotton briefs. These must be washed at high temperatures to kill spores. Use a hypoallergenic wash powder or pure soap flakes, do a double rinse, and don'tuse fabric softener. If you have to wash at a low temperature, iron thecrotch area of your knickers with a hot iron. * I would also avoid tampons. If you must use them, put a drop of

vinegar on the end before insertion and change them frequently. * If you have the habit of perching on a chair or stool at work with your perineum hard against the seat, learn to sit back, open your legs and let some air get in there!* If you are prone to candida, you must avoid antibiotics like the plague. That's all I can remember for now, but all this will surely help. There is nothing quite as exquisitelyawful as the misery of thrush, so good luck, sisters. :) Trish SCD 13 months. UC 25 years** MommaLu3@... wrote:No side effects at all. It simply clears up my yeast infection quicklyand easily with Diflucan . Check with your doctor. MommaLu**Debra DBO wrote:I have been on the SCDiet a year in March, and on the Candida version sinceDecember. I feel better than I have ever felt in my life!! Plus--now thatI know what I am dealing with, I have saved money because I am no

longersearching and being misdiagnosed by doctors who did not believe orunderstand what was going on in my body. My version is the SCdiet yogurtmade only with goat milk, greens and protein (organic chicken, "safe" fish),no nuts, 1/4 serving of fruit/day --now, but not initially when on thecandida diet, the electrolyte drink made with sea salt, lemon, and water, 6times per day, 5 T coconut oil/day, garlic tea I have stabilized weight,increased energy beyond belief, regulated menstrual cycles, hair loss hasstoppe, no more cravings, constipation, or mood swings. I feel like I justwoke up after 30 years of brain fog. Debra**Sally Mosher will help w/CandizymeCandizyme (I'm still using it...but you need to start that slowly.Recommended dose is 3 capsules at night 2 or more hours after eating) Istarted with 1...and initial had some bad cramping, all OK now. It israther pricey, but I feel worth it. Google that product and

you will comeup with a myriad of company's......check them all out as the prices do vary.***Nina Gilmore will help w/DiflucanI had chronic yeast infections of one type or another (esophageal, vaginal)before SCD and was almost constantly battling them with antifungal meds likeoral Diflucan. Now on SCD, I notice that my yeast problems are much reduced- almost nonexistant. Most of the remaining issues I have can be attributedto monthly female hormone fluctuations, likely not an issue for men. :-) I usedprobiotic supplement called "Custom Probiotics". It has to be ordered by phone and involves shipping and freezer storage. When I run out or am travelling, I use an alternative product made by Nature's Way (available at my local Whole Foodsmarket) called "Primadophilus Reuteri". No bifidus in it. My doc haspproved this one as well, but I can't assert that it's 100% SCD safe.Another tip

for yeast infections is to limit sugars -- i.e. less honey andfewer high sugar fruits. Yeast seems to thrive on sugar, at least accordingto my doctor. Best to you, Nina in MA** Schiffman wrote:I got candida from eating too much dried fruit -- a real no-no for anyone atrisk for candida infection. It's been a slow recovery since I am notwilling to take an prescription drugs to help with it. I started withGrapeSeed Extract (GSE) --1,000 to 1,500 mg a day -- and that helped to keepit from getting worse, but not enough to make it all better. I haverecently found the value of homeopathy...I bought the homeopathic treatmentfor Candida for women (common yeast infection) even though the Candida isnot presenting itself that way for me. Since homeopathy can't harm you evenif you take the wrong formula (or even if you injest the whole bottle), Ithought I'd give it a try. It seems to be working...my Candida is presentin

the area around my stoma (common for ostomates) -- it shows up as tinyred dots on the skin around the stoma and itches a lot...since starting thehomeopathy, the itching has decreased tremendously and the red dots seem tobe going away (hard to tell since I only saw it once since starting thehomeopathy -- I can only inspect the area when I change the ostomy adhesivewhich is every 4 days.) I plan to use the homeopathy until it's gone, andcontinue with GSE to keep it from coming back. Do an online search fornatural cures and treatment for Candida (or "candida diet"), and you shouldcome across some other helpful advice...especially what foods to avoid(because dried fruit is legal on SCD but not for a candida diet, but for themost part, SCD is very helpful compared to SAD.) HTH SCD 6 months CD 24 yrs, ileostomy 1.5 yrs taking a whole bunch of supplements! **"" candidase..We use candiase and have had wonderful success. We started with 1/2 acapsule 1 time per day, then 1/2 at every meal, then 1 full capsule at everymeal. Right now we are doing a yeast protocol (the great and low method),with Digest gold (1 cap), virastop (1 cap) and candidase (1 cap) at eachmeal. He has done wonderful with this round. After 3-4 weeks on this wewill continue candidase every night for maintanence. He is 2 3/4 year oldand 37 pounds.andrea mother of Caden 2 3/4 years old SCD since 2/05 and Emmalynn 13 monthsInformation from my files on:**ELAINE WROTE:* http://www.wholeapproach.com DR. BIELSKI The diet Bielski gives you is exactly like SCD. If you can'tstick to SCD, you will have problems with his diet. The difference is he asks you to eliminate honey, cheese ( moldy) and fruit

while being treated for candida, parasites or systematic bacteria and mold overgrowth.The supplements prescribed reflect your vitamin deficiencies, you purchasethem on your own. You're responsible for making sure they comply with SCDYou need to do some work on your own concerning SCD and what he advises during the course of healing. When you are seriously malnourished from disease and too skinny to function he asks you to try to include foods likebrown rice. I don't agree with this point of view. My impression is that hehas legal reasons he says this. Just say you don't want to eat this food. End of story.**ELAINE WROTE: *I imagine the yeast infection is not intestinal?* Dr. Orion Truss(referenced in the chapter in BTVC on the brain connection)wrote his book, "The Missing Diagonosis".CANDIDA DIET AND TEST**Aggieo WROTE: Candida can be diagnosed with a stool sample kit from Great Smokies Lab.

* http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com* http://www.gsdl.com 1 Ashville.NCHow does one know if candidiasis/yeast is a concern?* http://www.panix.com/~candida/aldehyde.shtml * http://www.garynull.com/index.html ** & French cgfrench@...**USES Nystatin Powder Start slowly then increase dose for CANDIDA Orderit from your Doctor* http://www.drwhitaker.com LA area.Your doctor would have to administer the test kit to you and you follow theinstructions andsend it to the lab.The anti-candida diet (a form of theSCD), basically eliminates

fruits, starchy vegetables and honey from thediet.Candida and Probiotics:* http://www.phototour.minneapolis.mn.us/candida/summary.html * http://www.phototour.minneapolis.mn.us/candida/index.html General info on Candida--symptoms and treatment* http://www.healthexcel.com/docs/_cand1.html Role of Intestinal Yeast in Bowel Disorders* http://www.freelaunch.com/crohn/aug95/candida.html How to Control Yeasts and Fungi* http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/book/bk6sect1.html A long list of links to Web sites about Candida* http://www.panix.com/~candida/ CHRONIC CANDIDA TO GET COLLOIDS SILVER** Dmath3@... wrote: The book is "Silver Colloids"by Prof. J. Gibbs, * http://www.silver-colloids.com He does recommend another brand of CS (Alpha-Omega Health Products).**Cat DEBORAH AND MAX SCD poster dog WROTE:* HTTP://WWW.CSPROSYSTEMS.COM aproposof@... wrote: Yes it is the same doctor. I had originally taken my son to him. But now I am looking for myself regarding my stubborn

yeast overgrowth. I just had my GP agree to give me a double dosage of Diflucan and see if that helps. I found that eggs , carrots and nuts irritate my mouth. I wish I knew what to eat and what to avoid. Right now I am eating lots of yogurt, may be too much, I don't know, bananas,and chicken. My stools are formed, but greyish looking. I do not know if it is as a result of eating so much yogurt. If only someone could guide me, that would help a lot. My yeast/fungi is mostly seen in my mouth, with a thick white/yellowish layer on my tongue, gums etc.but it is in my whole system for sure, as my stomach gets queasy after I took probiotics. They just do not agree with me, that is the reason I upped the amount of yogurt, but again I do not know if it is the right thing to do. Thanks for whoever can give me some solid advice, Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

________________________________________Loving Care Grammy Gay CD-1994,SCD-1997 Web Site: http://www.SCDiet.net/ Warning:personal posts on the list serves can be googled.Put in Subject: SCD or I may not see your post to me. Tell me where you live to find SCD Pals and Doctors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCD Store:http://www.scdiet.com/store/index.html Chalmers*LIST OF SCD FOODS: Email to scdiet@... at no charge. In the subject put CARD REQUEST Give

your name and address to get it snail mail.

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