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I was originally just sending this to Sue but would like other's input as

well...I'm trying to reach a consensus here about a few things. Please help

by sending info you think will help... thanks.

Sue in Las Vegas (and there are lots of others too)...You have done so

outstanding with your weight loss and I read with great interest your

comments a couple of weeks ago regarding how many calories to eat to reach a

certain weight. I mean this is what we always heard and I always thought it

to be true...i.e.) if you want to weigh 150 don't eat more than 1800

calories, etc....However, there is so much conflicting info...like our

metabolisms have changed because of WLS, or we have screwed up our

metabolism because of previous yo-yo dieting, only eat low carb, or just that

the rules don't apply to us anymore...only low fat, fat doesn't matter, less

than 10 carbs, 30 , 60, drink protein drinks, don't drink them, etc....nuff

to make you crazy!!! I know we all must find our own way...but... You have

obviously done it right for you with your remarkably loss...I have gone from

321 to 185 (I am now hovering about 185-190 and am 5'7 " ) I have started

drinking protein drinks in the morning (32 grams and thinking I can get the

rest from food) and walking about 40 minutes a day at least 4x per week...I

have been at my weight for 6 months, so I can't really call it a plateau, I

guess....but I refuse to resign myself to the fact I won't reach my goal

weight and that isn't just a number either...I mean satisfaction with my

weight loss in terms of how I look, etc...I want to lose another 25 pounds at

least and just can't seem to do it. So I am confused about a few things...do

you stick to a very low carb diet and if so, how many carbs? Did you just

count calories, eat only when you were hungry (I am definitely a lot more

hungry than I use to be), exercise your $%^ & off? All of the above at the

same time? And another questions to you and Michele and others...how much

different are requirements for distal and proximal? I am proximal...as far

as protein goes, I assume you count it in your overall caloric intake for the

day? ...three drinks would equal about 500 calories then for me. I know I've

asked a variety of things but just when I think I know what I'm doing, I

realize I don't know squat!!! and the scale isn't moving!!!!The bottom line

is I would like suggestion on how to get rid of these last 25-30

pounds...could someone or several someones give me advice on actual food

intake, exercise, etc. and if you have already done this in the past please

repeat your advice because I know others will benefit from it too... Maybe a

good swift cyber kick in the butt is what I need!!!

Thanks, Louise

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I'm the first to admit that I am not as educated as others on the protein,

carb, fat and etc requirements. All I can tell you is what I know that has

worked for me.

One thing my doctor speaks of at seminar is that the RNY (I think it's just

that one) has a side effect of speeding up the metabolism. He says they

don't know why, it just does. I think in a way that's one reason why I

don't need as much sleep as I used to. Now I get maybe 6 hours a night, and

can't nap at all.

It seems to me that the same thing that happened to me is happening to you.

In May I was 188 and am now holding at 181. Now although that's not my goal

weight it's ok with me. I have always said, when people asked what I wanted

to get to, that it was about a look not a number. And now I'm finding

that's true. We have one girl in our group who went from 367 to 119. What

an accomplishment. But she still eats only 3 ounces a meal, takes 72 pills

a day (vitamins!) and worked damn hard to get to that number. Is she

living? In my opinion, no. She still letting food rule her life. She

looks great, but I have questions about will she be able to maintain it.

Only time will truly tell.

I myself, am not a huge supporter of all the protein that folks take. I

know that if I did these shakes or bars that I would be treating them as a

snack not a meal and overeating. And that would lead to grazing and we all

know where that gets us!

My doctor asks that we eat 3 meals a day, not 2 not 5. To him it's about

learning how to eat again and good eating habits. This is the rules that he

gives us when we leave the hospital. Now remember, they don't come on stone

tablets....but this is what he has found works.




(Two to two and one half should be enough....if in doubt, weigh your

meals before serving.)

3. SOLID FOODS ( " Chew foods " ) NOT SOFT OR LIQUID FOODS (not " slidey,

slippery " foods)

4. NO CARBONATED BEVERAGES (Not even diet sodas!)

(Don't pop your staples or stretch your pouch!)

5. AT LEAST 30 MINUTES PER MEAL. (Don't INHALE your food.)


(No distractions, be aware of what is passing through your lips at all



(Don't mix; as space is limited, since liquids empty more rapidly than

solids, drink first, then eat. Allow 30-45 minutes after solids to take

more liquids.)




I generally follow these rules and when I am finding that I'm struggling I

go back to them. For me, they make a difference. I don't track carbs, fat

and whatever. I eat 3 to 4 times a day, normal table food. I find that I

gravitate towards foods that are good for me, veggies, legumes, salads etc.

I find if I listen to the cues my body is giving me I do ok. When I track

my calories I find that I am taking in between 1000 and 1200 a day.

I've also found out from the plastic surgeon that I have about 30 to 40 lbs

of flesh hanging on me that needs to come off. So I am really at my goal

weight. There's not a damn thing I can do about the flesh, you can't tone


Hopefully I haven't rambled too much Louise, I hope this helps some!


Sue in Las Vegas

Open RNY 10/26/98

From 500 lbs to 181!

Dr Barry L Fisher



" You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it

true. "

~ Bach

Advice needed

I was originally just sending this to Sue but would like other's input as

well...I'm trying to reach a consensus here about a few things. Please help

by sending info you think will help... thanks.

Sue in Las Vegas (and there are lots of others too)...You have done so

outstanding with your weight loss and I read with great interest your

comments a couple of weeks ago regarding how many calories to eat to reach a

certain weight. I mean this is what we always heard and I always thought it

to be true...i.e.) if you want to weigh 150 don't eat more than 1800

calories, etc....However, there is so much conflicting info...like our

metabolisms have changed because of WLS, or we have screwed up our

metabolism because of previous yo-yo dieting, only eat low carb, or just


the rules don't apply to us anymore...only low fat, fat doesn't matter, less

than 10 carbs, 30 , 60, drink protein drinks, don't drink them, etc....nuff

to make you crazy!!! I know we all must find our own way...but... You


obviously done it right for you with your remarkably loss...I have gone from

321 to 185 (I am now hovering about 185-190 and am 5'7 " ) I have started

drinking protein drinks in the morning (32 grams and thinking I can get the

rest from food) and walking about 40 minutes a day at least 4x per week...I

have been at my weight for 6 months, so I can't really call it a plateau, I

guess....but I refuse to resign myself to the fact I won't reach my goal

weight and that isn't just a number either...I mean satisfaction with my

weight loss in terms of how I look, etc...I want to lose another 25 pounds


least and just can't seem to do it. So I am confused about a few


you stick to a very low carb diet and if so, how many carbs? Did you just

count calories, eat only when you were hungry (I am definitely a lot more

hungry than I use to be), exercise your $%^ & off? All of the above at the

same time? And another questions to you and Michele and others...how much

different are requirements for distal and proximal? I am proximal...as far

as protein goes, I assume you count it in your overall caloric intake for


day? ...three drinks would equal about 500 calories then for me. I know


asked a variety of things but just when I think I know what I'm doing, I

realize I don't know squat!!! and the scale isn't moving!!!!The bottom line

is I would like suggestion on how to get rid of these last 25-30

pounds...could someone or several someones give me advice on actual food

intake, exercise, etc. and if you have already done this in the past please

repeat your advice because I know others will benefit from it too... Maybe a

good swift cyber kick in the butt is what I need!!!

Thanks, Louise

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