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8 more days till surgery....... kinda non sm/ac

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Hi everyone,

Well the number of days till surgery are getting lower. I have found that

Im a little more at peace than a few weeks ago. I just try to think positive.

That this WILL help me. You guys have helped so much with the cards and


I need to vent a little here, so yall please excuse me. I feel comfortable

talking about this with you guys.

Some of you might remember we were going to seel our house and move all

before surgery, well, Thankfully that didnt pan out and Im nice and

comfortable here, and going to stay.

However........ A week ago a person who had moved far away from here recently

moved less than a mile from my home. He is not a part of my imediate family.

He is a monster. He molested me when I was 12. For years I told no one. Im

just now getting it out in therapy. It feels good.

Anyway, I have been given a choice to file charges against him. No one is

pushing me to do this. Its my decision. I dont know what to do about this. I

want him to pay, but I do not want to go to trial and have to testify.

especially with him there.

What really puts in a kink to the whole situation is that.... He is my

sisters ex- husband. They have 4 kids together. He has not been paying child


I need to make a decision about this very soon. I cannot believe this is

happining 8 days before major surgery.... my lord, I will be glad to go into

surgery just to get away from it all. I will be in pain....not thinking of

this LOL

I felt kind of weird at first tellling you guys, I have only talkied about

this with family, and very close freinds.... see, They all want to kill

him......lol. So you can imagine the suggestions Im getting from them.

I want an outsider. a third partys opinion. Or just a few thoughts you maight


I know this is hevy stuff, but you guys are always here for me for ACM/SM. I

have become close to so many of you. I hope that any of you know you can ask

me anything too.... we are all a family here.....

love you guys, in GA

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