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Re: SCD Beginner

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Thanks Ferna,

This is true, I'll back of the pred slowly and keep the diet going.

Thanks for the support.

Hi ,Glad you've discovered the SCD and welcome to the group.You mentioned you may back off your meds for a couple of days . . . prednisone is a pretty powerful drug and people are usually weaned off it gradually versus stopping cold turkey or taking it on a " as needed " basis, even if for a few days. You may want to talk to your doc how best to adjust your meds (especially prednisone) so that doing so doesn't cause possible havoc to your system.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.Well wishes to all. ferna, UC/CD, SCD 97, 05, 06, No Meds

-----Original Message-----

I may back off the meds for a couple of days and see what happens, can't get any worse :).

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> Hi All,

Hi ,

Welcome to the group.



> I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I was diagnosed in

> 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild. Since my diagnosis

> I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I use to have a

> mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to just about every

> 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of the drugs and my

> doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I don't know much

> about it but what I've read seems pretty scary.

Many of us have used it at one point or another. It's a standard

drug, and much less scary, IMO, than prednisone. For instance,

I've been on colazol and 6MP, but never prednisone.

What about the description seems scary? Perhaps we can

reassure you.

Also, have you ever tried remicade infusions? That might be



> I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and I'm

> taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it seems

> that most find much releif after about a week or two. This has not

> been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8

> movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but not

> sure if it the prednisone kicking in.


What have you been eating?

Did you start with the beginner diet and then introduce new

foods only very slowly? Have you introduced the yogurt yet,

starting with a small dosage?

Here's a food reintroduction chart that is helpful for beginners.

(It's just a **suggested** order of what has worked well for others,

so you don't have to follow it to the letter.)


scroll down the page for the chart.

> I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to happen so I would

> appreciate any advice.

Best of luck with the diet.


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Thanks Mara, will do!

> Hello Mara,>> I had a baseline done on my blood count and all were normal. My> doctore mentioned to me that 6MP would be altering both my white and

> red blood counts. Now this might just be my ignorance but I'm worried> about anything that will alter something so cruical and normaly in> balance. On the other hand I'm sure the prednisone is causing a whole

> wack of problems on it's own. I read an article of a person that was> hospitalized after starting 6mp.>> Are you taking 6mp while on the SCD?Yeah, I was on it for several years. Stopped in the spring

after I had severe die-off after beginning the SCD diet withhigh fever and elevated liver enzymes. My doctor told mestop at the point because I had fever - and it suppresses yourimmune system - so not good for you under those conditions.

I stayed off of it until this week actually. I've been goingthrough the 7 month flare and mentioned to him that I wasoff of it still and should I start up again, because I thoughta little medical backup might be helpful at this point. After

doing some blood work he put me back on one a day. (Iwas on 2X a day originally.)Here's more about it:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6MP > I have started the diet but it's> only been 2 weeks. I did the starter diet for 2 days and have started> the yogurt. I think I may need to go back to the starter diet for a

> bit longer and hold off on salads, fruits and other meats for while.Definitely don't do raw veggies or salad or fruit.Cook and peel all your vegetables -- zucchini is good to startwith and carrot and spinach. (cucumber doesn't need

to be cooked). Meat is okay but I'd hold off on introducingother fruits besides banana and apple and pears - cookedand peeled. Make apple or pear sauce. try the cheesecake -that's yummy and satisfying.


>>> Thanks for your support.>> >> >>>>> Hi All,>>>>>> Hi ,>>>> Welcome to the group.>>

>>>>>>>>> I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I was diagnosed in>>> 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild. Since my diagnosis>>> I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I use to have a

>>> mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to just about> every>>> 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of the drugs and> my>>> doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I don't know much

>>> about it but what I've read seems pretty scary.>>>>>> Many of us have used it at one point or another. It's a standard>> drug, and much less scary, IMO, than prednisone. For instance,

>> I've been on colazol and 6MP, but never prednisone.>>>> What about the description seems scary? Perhaps we can>> reassure you.>>>> Also, have you ever tried remicade infusions? That might be

>> helpful.>>>>>>>>>> I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2 weeks now and I'm>>> taking it in stride. I read all of the success stories and it

> seems>>> that most find much releif after about a week or two. This has not>>> been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody stool and 6-8>>> movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some progress but not

>>> sure if it the prednisone kicking in.>>>>>>>>> What have you been eating?>>>> Did you start with the beginner diet and then introduce new>> foods only very slowly? Have you introduced the yogurt yet,

>> starting with a small dosage?>>>> Here's a food reintroduction chart that is helpful for beginners.>> (It's just a **suggested** order of what has worked well for others,

>> so you don't have to follow it to the letter.)>>>> http://www.pecanbread.com/new/scdfoods1.html>>>> scroll down the page for the chart.

>>>>> I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to happen so I would>>> appreciate any advice.>>>> Best of luck with the diet.>>>> Mara>>


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I don't have an IBD, so can't speak to your questions about UC and the meds. But I did want to reassure you that it takes a while to see and feel major improvements. It took me about 4 weeks to start feeling the smallest of improvements, just enough for me to feel I was on the right track after all. I really didn't start seeing and feeling bigger improvements until the end of my first year. I hit the "Wow, I felt no symptoms for 2 hours today" moment, and recognized that I really felt better, hadn't been back to my version of the SCD intro. diet or on clear liquids for months, at the end of my 2nd year on SCD.

So it takes a while. Just keep going.

I went back to my version of the intro. diet for a few days every week for that first 3 months. I had to continually adjust my foods to find ones that my body tolerated the best. I kept a food and supplement log for the first 6 months on SCD until I worked things out. As the months and years have gone by I've been able to add some foods back into my menu, and my digestion has really stabilized. I have functional upper GI disorders, so I have symptoms with every meal. But they are minimal and under management, thanks to SCD.

Good thing, since my nervous system is slowly deteriorating... So I still have things to contend with, but I can cope since my digestion is working as well as it can. Thanks to SCD.

Kim M.

SCD 4+ years


.......Are you taking 6mp while on the SCD? I have started the diet but it's only been 2 weeks. I did the starter diet for 2 days and have started the yogurt. I think I may need to go back to the starter diet for a bit longer and hold off on salads, fruits and other meats for while.Thanks for your support.

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Hi ,

I have had UC for almost as long as you. Your story

sounds similar to mine with the exception of the

prednisone. I tried it over the years and it never

seemed to help...I really just felt worse because of

the other symptoms it caused!

I have been on SCD for about 4 months and there were

many ups and downs at first. Elaine writes in BTVC to

give the diet at least a month and I was determined to

do that.

I am writing to encourage you to give the diet a

chance. The changes in my life since SCD have been

amazing! I have been in remission for the last 3

months. I have more energy than ever and feel better

at 55 than I ever did when younger even before I was

diagnosed! I do spend a lot of time in the kitchen

preparing and freezing food, but that has become a

hobby for me now. I was never much for cooking before,

but it is a necessity now and even fun. I rarely get

cravings for other foods...used to love sweets. At

this point I can eat baked goods with nut flour,

raisins and dates, etc. so that satisfies my " sweet

tooth. " I can even eat raw fruit without skins now! I

know some people have had to progress much more slowly

with these advanced foods. I am grateful that I can

tolerate them after 4 months.

So, I hope you hang in there. It is so wonderful to

live life free of UC symptoms! Sometimes I wake up and

think I am dreaming. I had so many nights when I

couldn't even sleep through the night because of

bathroom trips!

I wish you the very best! Keep us informed and write

anytime for support. Remember to take it slow and

stick with the stages list on pecanbread.com.

Good luck!


UC 28 years

SCD 4 months


--- cxnet wrote:

> Hi All,


> I'm new to the SCD diet but an old pro with UC. I

> was diagnosed in

> 1995 with UC and for the most part it was mild.

> Since my diagnosis

> I've become more dependant on Asacol & Prednisone. I

> use to have a

> mild flare up once a year and now have progressed to

> just about every

> 8 weeks. My last falre has not responsed to any of

> the drugs and my

> doctor wants to put me on something called 6MP. I

> don't know much

> about it but what I've read seems pretty scary.


> I've found and started the SCD diet for about 2

> weeks now and I'm

> taking it in stride. I read all of the success

> stories and it seems

> that most find much releif after about a week or

> two. This has not

> been the case with me, I still have mucus, bloody

> stool and 6-8

> movements a day. Is this normal? I have seen some

> progress but not

> sure if it the prednisone kicking in.


> I'm not sure what and when to expect changes to

> happen so I would

> appreciate any advice.


> Thanks.







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