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>I was wondering if lacking in digestive enzymes has any other symptoms.

>I'd like to bring that up when I finally go see a doctor.

You would have the symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn or feeling

full most of the time, which is how I sometimes feel. But I reckon that

could also be because the antibiotics have killed the friendly bacteria

which contribute to digestion.


>As for triggers, I don't notice much redness with alcohol or wine. I

>have not been aware of citrus triggers, as I eat alot of fruit. I guess

>I could lay off for a while and see if there is a difference. I also

>used to get my brows waxed, but the accompanying redness was so

>prominent for so long that I quit after a few times. I also couldn't

>find any makeup that would cover up the redness left by the waxing, so

>it never was really worth it.


>I finally did find a foundation that gives me great coverage to where

>you can't tell at all. I get it at 's Secret, and its been well

>worth it after trying everything, including stage makeup, to cover up

>the red.


>Glad I'm here.





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- Simplifying group communications

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  • 1 year later...

Welcome EJ,

i am also a Dr. Fox patient. He did my revision from a very proximal

RNY to his medial RNY last Nov. THis is a great group. Do you like cats?


New Member

>Hi all-my name is EJ and I am 7 years post-op this September 16th-wow

>I can't believe 7 years have gone by-but at the same time it seems

>like another lifetime I feel like such a different person and my life

>has changed completely! I am a distal gastric bypass. My doctor is

>S. Ross Fox in Tacoma, WA. I weighed 270lbs on day of surgery and

>now maintain a weight of 135lbs. I am 5'8 " and 48 years old-female.

>I am a grandmother of 5 wonderful little boys and have the energy to

>keep up with them. Without this wonderful surgery, I would never

>have had the energy to play with my boys. I did have a revision 3

>years ago-I disrupted due to taking Toridol (sp) it is an anti-

>inflammatory-I used this drug after I had had major cosmetic

>surgery. Had I known what could have happened, I would have used

>something else-oh well-my revision is a much better procedure and now

>I do not have to worry about disrupption ever again (hopefully).

>Since my revision, I have felt great-no more ulcers.

>I have had major cosmetic surgery to correct the disfigurement of

>obesity and would be glad to answer any questions anyone may have.

>I am really looking forward to hearing from anyone out there who is

>at the very least 1 year post op. Although I do understand what it

>is like to be new-I now have different issues and look forward to

>communicating with others who have lived with this procedure for some


>So please email me-lets communicate and share our issues, concerns,

>challenges and joys!










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In a message dated 9/14/00 2:26:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

ereece@... writes:

> Hi all-my name is EJ and I am 7 years post-op this September 16th-wow

Wow is right! I will be 2 years postop on Oct 7 and I wonder what its going

to be like 5 and 10 years from now. How does it feel to be 7 years post op

and do things continue to change?


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Hi great to hear from another Dr Fox patient-yes, I like cats-however, do

not have any pets-no time to care for them properly-my husband and I like to

travel a lot and now that our children are grown and on their own-we are

just plain selfish and only want to take care of each other.

I think this is gonna be a great support system. I had been going to

Vitaladies support group but to be honest, because I am 7 years post op-I

got really really bored with the topics-I do understand what it is like to

be brand new but my issues are different now and I needed a different kind

of support so I am really excited about this group-I would really like to

hear from long time survivors!

Have a good day.


> ----------

> From: Carolyn Mailloux[sMTP:dr4kids@...]

> Reply To: Graduate-OSSGegroups

> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 3:51 PM

> To: Graduate-OSSGegroups

> Subject: Re: New Member


> Welcome EJ,

> i am also a Dr. Fox patient. He did my revision from a very proximal

> RNY to his medial RNY last Nov. THis is a great group. Do you like cats?

> Carolyn


> New Member



> >Hi all-my name is EJ and I am 7 years post-op this September 16th-wow

> >I can't believe 7 years have gone by-but at the same time it seems

> >like another lifetime I feel like such a different person and my life

> >has changed completely! I am a distal gastric bypass. My doctor is

> >S. Ross Fox in Tacoma, WA. I weighed 270lbs on day of surgery and

> >now maintain a weight of 135lbs. I am 5'8 " and 48 years old-female.

> >I am a grandmother of 5 wonderful little boys and have the energy to

> >keep up with them. Without this wonderful surgery, I would never

> >have had the energy to play with my boys. I did have a revision 3

> >years ago-I disrupted due to taking Toridol (sp) it is an anti-

> >inflammatory-I used this drug after I had had major cosmetic

> >surgery. Had I known what could have happened, I would have used

> >something else-oh well-my revision is a much better procedure and now

> >I do not have to worry about disrupption ever again (hopefully).

> >Since my revision, I have felt great-no more ulcers.

> >I have had major cosmetic surgery to correct the disfigurement of

> >obesity and would be glad to answer any questions anyone may have.

> >I am really looking forward to hearing from anyone out there who is

> >at the very least 1 year post op. Although I do understand what it

> >is like to be new-I now have different issues and look forward to

> >communicating with others who have lived with this procedure for some

> >time.

> >So please email me-lets communicate and share our issues, concerns,

> >challenges and joys!

> >

> >Regards,

> >

> >EJ

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





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It feels great-but you know it is really weird because when I see pictures

of myself when I was fat, it is like another person and I must admit I am

still filled with shame and disgust that I allowed myself to be that way-now

I know that I am programmed to be heavy but it still really disgusts me that

my desire for food had more control over me than my desire to be healthy and


I feel like I have had 2 lives in 1 and this second life is way better. I

have learned the hard way not to talk about this procedure with new

people-it continues to amaze me how people in general are so quick to judge

and make rude comments-I find that I am constantly defending fat people and

trying to explain to my " normal " friends how difficult it is but it is a

challenge for me not to let the cat out of the bag. When I first had this

procedure, I told anyone and everyone but learned very quickly to keep my

mouth shut-I got slammed with an awful lot of negative feedback-I don't deal

very well with negativity-I guess that comes from feeling picked on most of

my life-I just want to be " normal " and treated like a regular person and I

don't want my body size or weight to be the topic of conversations because I

am more than that!

Anyway, as far as changes-yes yes yes-it seems although I am stable as far

as my weight-my body is constantly changing but I think that has more to do

with the aging process and being female-I still have problems with dumping,

sometimes difficulty with swallowing, upset stomach, ulcers, reflux, and a

host of other issues due to this surgery. To be honest though, most of

these issues are my fault because I eat too much sugar, eat too fast or try

to eat when I am stressed out. As my husband says, they only operated on my

stomach not my brain. As times goes on I would like to think I am better at

managing my food impulses and maybe someday food will not be my main focus

but food still makes me feel content but at least now, I can't overeat. I

do hate the feeling of being full and I love how I look in my size 6 leather

jeans and I have learned to love the look of my flat tummy so I know to look

the way I want there has to be a trade off.

I would have this surgery again in a heart beat if I had to-this was the

best thing I could have done for me and my family-I am a much happier and

nicer person now. My relationships with my friends and family are way

better and my marriage although always good is now amazing-my husband calls

me his " playboy centerfold " and for a 48 almost 49 year old woman that

feels great. I have had a lot of cosmetic surgery and again that has been

wonderful for my self-esteem. When we go through what we go through we

deserve to look good naked too.

Anyway, I am sure I have rambled enough-please feel free to email me with

any specific questions you may have-if I can be of help I will be more than

happy to! Happy Friday!


> ----------

> From: raltman813@...[sMTP:raltman813@...]

> Reply To: Graduate-OSSGegroups

> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 9:11 PM

> To: Graduate-OSSGegroups

> Subject: Re: New Member


> In a message dated 9/14/00 2:26:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> ereece@... writes:


> > Hi all-my name is EJ and I am 7 years post-op this September 16th-wow


> Wow is right! I will be 2 years postop on Oct 7 and I wonder what its

> going

> to be like 5 and 10 years from now. How does it feel to be 7 years post op


> and do things continue to change?


> BobA




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In a message dated 9/15/00 4:50:22 PM Central Daylight Time,

ereece@... writes:

<< Hi great to hear from another Dr Fox patient-yes, I like cats-however, do

not have any pets-no time to care for them properly-my husband and I like to

travel a lot and now that our children are grown and on their own-we are >>

I think a husband should count as a pet.

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No problem, Bill. I'll bring the " milk " , but it'll be chocolate and the cookies

will be protein. And since the cats and I are all up on the stuff, I'll just

bring along my own cats, too.

Scared yet?



Re: new member

> In a message dated 9/16/00 7:24:14 PM Central Daylight Time,

> vitalady@... writes:


> > And Doug, if you want to keep your nose clean, plug your eyes when Bob is

> > talking. He's the leader of the Bad Boys! They're all naughty and

> > incorrigible. And they're all pretty thin, too!

> >


> Welcome Doug, if you want to get on 's good side invite her over for

> an nice evening of milk and cookies and some cat bashing. Help me out here

> Dan and Bob!


> Bill in WV

> Open RNY 7/7/99

> Dr. Harvey Sugerman

> Medical College of Virginia - Richmond, VA

> Trigon BCBS

> Start 423 lbs. Current 227 lbs.

> 196 lbs. Gone Forever, but certainly not Forgotten

> Visit my website: http://openrny.homestead.com/WLS.html

> Don't let the " Chain of Love " end with you!




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  • 1 year later...

Welcome to the group Betty!! We have a great bunch of "losers" here with lots of great support, encouragement, and advice to help you along your journey!


new member

Hi Everyone. I'm new to this group. My name is Betty and I have a 9 year old daughrer and a husband. I have been married for 12 1/2 years and live in New Jersey. I have been struggleing in lossing another 25 pounds which it seems to be glue to me LOL. I am looking for support as I don't get any at home. I am looking forward in getting to know you. Betty

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Welcome to the group Betty! You've found a great support system here. Jump right it!

-- new member

Hi Everyone. I'm new to this group. My name is Betty and I have a 9 year old daughrer and a husband. I have been married for 12 1/2 years and live in New Jersey. I have been struggleing in lossing another 25 pounds which it seems to be glue to me LOL. I am looking for support as I don't get any at home. I am looking forward in getting to know you. Betty

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Hi Betty,

I am fairly new to this group too, I have been here about 2 weeks. I have found this group to be very motivating. Where in Jersey are you? I live in the NW corner.

especially12001 wrote: Hi Everyone. I'm new to this group. My name is Betty and I have a 9 year old daughrer and a husband. I have been married for 12 1/2 years and live in New Jersey. I have been struggleing in lossing another 25 pounds which it seems to be glue to me LOL. I am looking for support as I don't get any at home. I am looking forward in getting to know you. Betty

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I understand about those last few pounds. I easily lost my first ten, but the second ten refuses to budge! I decided I am going to have to do something new to jolt those last pounds off, so I bought a yoga strenghthening tape for upperbody, abs, and lower body. Maybe that will give me the boost I need. I'll let you know.

-----Original Message-----From: especially12001 Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 6:31 PMTo: wwliterside Subject: new memberHi , I have been over weight for about 9 years. The first 25 pounds wasn't to bad to take off but the last 25 pounds is taking forever to get off. I just found out a few months ago that I started to go through menapouse. That would make it harder for me to loss it and I am lossing the motorvaiton. Glad to hear that this group it has motorvaiton. I am an owner to another weight lost group and no one is posting and I think I am going to delet that group and stay with this one. I live in Middlesex County NJ. Where is NW cornor. Betty

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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest


I am almost through chapter 5. I am looking forward to the process and the support. Thank you.


Subject: Re: New MemberTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 6:08 PM

Welcome Sophia :) Glad to have you join us here. I so understand youMO pattern - I think many of us have done just that too - hoped forthe promise offered by seductive dieting, tried to be SO GOOD and thenfinding that that as a 'lifestyle' just isn't pleasant one bit.Besides the 'failure' of not getting 'marvelous results' (yea right!). Do read the IE book. It will help you understand the entire process,and then join us as you do your baby steps, scream rants offrustrations and crow successes too! And most importantly, don't letyour 'MO' trip you up with thinking that IE is about 'instantresults'!! Gift yourself a LIFE TIME of peace with food and knowingthat there is no 'failure' with IE - just lessons you learn as you go. Best to you - Katcha>> Hi, my mane is Sophia and I am new to this group and to IE. I too > read > an article in Health magazine (a month or so ago) and began to > research > the internet. I found the IE website and requested the book from the > Library. I have had the book for a week now but have not read it. I > will start today. I find that I am good at many things and/or > responsibilities in life, but that I am usually last on my list. I > have > always struggled with body image and dieting. I am tired of it. I > want > to learn to truly honor my body and hunger as well as to become > healthy > and strong physically. I am currently at my highest weight (without > child) 30lbs overweight. That is a lot for a small framed person. My > back is constantly out and my neck and shoulders are in constant pain >

due to the extra weight. I am recovering from surgery due to a broken > foot (I believe due to extra weight) I just started walking on it 5 > days ago. It is intersting learing to walk on it again. I feel that I > have hit a bottom health/fitnees wise and am ready to change. I look > forward to learning and growing healthy with IE. I believe that being > a > part of this group can help me to stay on track. My MO is to do real > good for about 2-3 weeks, then it's back to putting me last on the > list. So hopefully, this not being a diet, but a way of life, I will > find lasting change. Thank you for listening.> Sophia> Sonora, CA>

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  • 1 month later...

Hi and welcome. Hope you feel comfortable here. Don't worry,

you'd have to work pretty hard at being banned around these parts. I

agree with Latoya, it's a good idead to read through a bit of our

posting history to get an idea of what we're about and the many and

varied conversations we have.

I was briefly a member of the OO board a while back but didn't find

the inspiration or support I wanted (or as much variety of

discussion), whereas this board is more open and welcoming. Perhaps

it was your OA membership that spooked them? The restrictive OA

practices may have jarred with the more demanding principles of the

OO board, who knows.

I too would recommend the " Intuitive Eating " book to you - it's a

similar philosophy in many ways to " Overcoming Overeating " , but I

just find it more user-friendly, up to date and accessible - perhaps

less confronting and more " do-able " . I guess it's a personal thing

as to what writings will resonate with us.

Look forward to reading your posts along the way.




> In my welcome message, I have been asked to introduce myself. In


> I am hesitant to say anything at all! After my first three

messages on

> the Overcoming Overeating Yahoo Group, I was banned without so much


> a warning! So were I to say what brought me here, I might be


> here as well. I'll try anyway.


> I found this site after researching some methods of eating from


> body hunger. I have been following the " eat whatever you want "


> for about 24 hours. I'm in the process of reading " Overcoming

> Overeating. "


> My top weight was 293 pounds. I am a member of OA and have lost


> 70 pounds, but I have grown tired of weighing all my food and


> even when I'm not hungry, or eating things I don't want at the time.


> I'm new to this journey, and I would appreciate any guidance I can



> , DC


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Welcome so glad yyou are here I have found this group to be very supportive and I feel that I would not have come so far on my journey with IE had it not been for the support and advice I continue to get from this group. I look forward to sharing the journey with you. Eva

In my welcome message, I have been asked to introduce myself. In fact, I am hesitant to say anything at all! After my first three messages on the Overcoming Overeating Yahoo Group, I was banned without so much as a warning! So were I to say what brought me here, I might be banned here as well. I'll try anyway.I found this site after researching some methods of eating from natural body hunger. I have been following the "eat whatever you want" plan for about 24 hours. I'm in the process of reading "Overcoming Overeating."My top weight was 293 pounds. I am a member of OA and have lost over 70 pounds, but I have grown tired of weighing all my food and eating even when I'm not hungry, or eating things I don't want at the time.I'm new to this journey, and I would appreciate any guidance I can get., DC------------------------------------

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Welcome !

It sounds like there are many of us here that have a previous

background with OA. I can't help but think that there has to be

something in the middle between what OA talks about and IE. Haven't

figured it out yet but definately something to ponder on. I know

the thinest and longest I ever kept my weight off was when I

attended OA and was very involved and commetted to the OA program.

But this last time I tried returning I found the people living their

lives in little boxes around their food plans and it just didn't sit

well with me. I find IE to be so much freeing and I have grown so

much and learned so much about myself in this process. The support

here is tremendous. We look forward to hearing more from you.



> In my welcome message, I have been asked to introduce myself. In


> I am hesitant to say anything at all! After my first three

messages on

> the Overcoming Overeating Yahoo Group, I was banned without so

much as

> a warning! So were I to say what brought me here, I might be


> here as well. I'll try anyway.


> I found this site after researching some methods of eating from


> body hunger. I have been following the " eat whatever you want "


> for about 24 hours. I'm in the process of reading " Overcoming

> Overeating. "


> My top weight was 293 pounds. I am a member of OA and have lost


> 70 pounds, but I have grown tired of weighing all my food and


> even when I'm not hungry, or eating things I don't want at the



> I'm new to this journey, and I would appreciate any guidance I can



> , DC


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,

I'm Jill. Thanks for letting me be part of your group.

I have read the book Intuitive Eating and I am impressed with the

message. I truly believe it is the way to healing food issues and

creating a healthy relationship with food. However, I have a long way

to go. I am still on step one!! While intellectually I know that I

need to give up dieting, I am struggling! In the past weight watchers

has worked for me....for a limited time. I just keep getting lured

back in! I guess I need some evidence that IE has worked for others.

If it has, how long until the process really kicks in? I'm overweight

and have high cholesterol. I just keep thinking I need an 'emergency

diet' then do IE afterwards when my health is in check. What are your

thoughts on that? Has anyone had the same struggle? I have tried IE

but keep overeating. I'm worried how much weight I'll gain, and how

much I'll risk my health before it starts to work.


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Welcome Jill!!

As to how long this process takes, I can't answer to that as I've only been doing this a short time and still have a long ways to go. I followed the first couple of principles for about a month and found that I actually maintained my weight which for me was significant progress (and I wasn't even close to eating what I would consider "healthy"). However, after a while of seeing that same # I decided it was time to start losing again. Even though in denial (telling myself I was eating "healthy"), I gradually found myself back to counting/restricting calories, telling myself that I would return to IE as soon as I lost a certain amt. of weight...lost 10 lbs in two weeks, then ended up doing some serious binging. I've since gained 12 lbs back...ugh!!! Now I'm only a week or two back into ie. So, for me it's not IE that's causing me to gain weight, it's my crazy dieting cycle.

I'm settling in with the fact that IE could take a very long time and the weight will come off VERY s...l...o...w...l...y. I have had to change my thinking around a little bit and figure out what my REAL goals are. Right now all I want is to make peace with food and live a long healthy life. The # on the scale does not indicate my overall health/happiness. So, now I'm trying not to make a # my goal, but overall health and how I feel. After a couple of weeks into this I'm just starting to be able to listen to my body and it is truly amazing how good I feel when I give my body what it needs when it needs it. And yes, I spent the last couple of weeks "making peace" with all kinds of junk food. All it did was make me feel yucky. Now I'm starting to lean towards some more heathy choices and I feel so much better. What's my weight doing??? I really don't know and right now it's not that important. I think alot of times we get things turned around. Our goal is to lose weight to be healthy. But if our goal is to be healthy, weight loss is a pleasant side effect.

Ok, well I guess I kinda got long-winded there...

Just stick with it for a while and give it a good shot, I think you will be amazed!!!

God Bless,


To: IntuitiveEating_Support From: hjillmurray@...Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 21:20:49 +0000Subject: New member

Hi there,I'm Jill. Thanks for letting me be part of your group.I have read the book Intuitive Eating and I am impressed with the message. I truly believe it is the way to healing food issues and creating a healthy relationship with food. However, I have a long way to go. I am still on step one!! While intellectually I know that I need to give up dieting, I am struggling! In the past weight watchers has worked for me....for a limited time. I just keep getting lured back in! I guess I need some evidence that IE has worked for others. If it has, how long until the process really kicks in? I'm overweight and have high cholesterol. I just keep thinking I need an 'emergency diet' then do IE afterwards when my health is in check. What are your thoughts on that? Has anyone had the same struggle? I have tried IE but keep overeating. I'm worried how much weight I'll gain, and how much I'll risk my health before it starts to work.Thanks! Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to suspicious email. Sign up today.

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I was also scared when I started IE in fact I combined it with WW for a while I didn't go to meetings or anything just bought the food you find in the supermarket and then when my body finally adjusted which took 6 months for me (but everyone is different ) I got confident in the process and began eating foods I enjoy. I also struggled with treating IE like a diet but once I stopped that I began to feel the freedom that IE gives you. We all still struggle as with everything else that is why this group is here and I would not have made it this far without their help. IE is a slow process not a quick fix but it does work. Welcome Jill glad to have you with us. Eva

Hi there,I'm Jill. Thanks for letting me be part of your group.I have read the book Intuitive Eating and I am impressed with the message. I truly believe it is the way to healing food issues and creating a healthy relationship with food. However, I have a long way to go. I am still on step one!! While intellectually I know that I need to give up dieting, I am struggling! In the past weight watchers has worked for me....for a limited time. I just keep getting lured back in! I guess I need some evidence that IE has worked for others. If it has, how long until the process really kicks in? I'm overweight and have high cholesterol. I just keep thinking I need an 'emergency diet' then do IE afterwards when my health is in check. What are your thoughts on that? Has anyone had the same struggle? I have tried IE but keep overeating. I'm worried how much weight I'll gain, and how much I'll risk my health before it starts to work.Thanks!------------------------------------

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