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Re: Re: Reminder on Soaking Nuts

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Elaine's,exact words:


" For lots of information on nuts and the very beneficial effects of

almonds see

GOING NUTS! by Byrnes, PhD. However he suggests soaking nuts

which I do not believe is neccessary. I believe that the almond nut

flour we use is perfectly fine and has proven to be tolerated very

nicely bringing thousands back to health without the soaking process

which complicates life to no end. "

However Eaine told me verbally about the dangers of mold and bacteria

from soaking nuts. I had attended a raw food demonstration and they

made something delicious using soaked nuts. I asked Elaine then and

she advised STRONGLY against using soaked nuts. She said nothing

about drying them and then using them.


when you have a question, access Elaine's site, find the search

feature and enter key words, in this case " soaking nuts " and you will

usually get several answers t research further by clicking on links.

I just tried " raw milk " and got a number of comments:


> I think now I know the origin of when I started to feel crappy!

> Like 9 days ago, I made my first batch of nut milk and I soaked the

> nuts overnight and I didn't dry them at all! Just rinsed and threw it

> in the blender. That gave me a heavy/gassy feeling and totally put my

> right upper side pain on fire! So, I thought maybe almonds aren't my

> thing and I should try Macadamia nuts. I did the same thing and I

> didn't dry it at all just rinsed and threw in the blender. Yesterday,

> I had a horrible day and today was bad and I was only able to drink

> broth that my husband made me. I am only now feeling a little better.

> Thankfully this episode isn't as bad as it was a month ago.


> There are so many ins and outs to this diet that I fear my ignorance

> just harms me and impedes on my healing process. It's so depressing.

> I make so many mistakes it's ridiculous!


> Jodi



>> The key here is DRYING them.


>> Elaine was deeply concerned that soaking nuts in

>> warm water could lead to fostering molds,

>> mildews, and possibly yeasts, and did not like this method of

> preparation.


>> Her concern stemmed, not unreasonably, from the

>> fact that not everyone has a dehydrator, and not

>> everyone would exercise the care necessary for

>> safety. The least bit of dampness in stored nuts could be very

> dangerous.




Carol F.

Celiac, SCD 8 years,MCS, Latex Allergy



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At 06:38 PM 2/10/2008, you wrote:

I make so many mistakes it's



We all did. And occasionally still do. I've told you about my mistake in

washing regular cottage cheese and other dumb moves. Pick yourself up and

get back in the SCD saddle.

BTW, you can use almond flour to make almond milk for the nut yogurt. Now

if I can just remember where the recipe for it is....


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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NUT MILKby Marjan100 grams of whole blanched hazelnuts, almonds or pecans (gives brownish milk)1 litre of watera small pinch of saltoptional: 1 tbsp of clear honeyPut ingredients in blender and spin for about 10 minutes. Pour through a fine sieve. Squeeze out residue with the back of a spoon or squeeze out in a tea towel. Discard leftover residue.Store in the fridge. Use withing 2-3 days. At 06:38 PM 2/10/2008, you wrote: I make so many mistakes it's ridiculous! Jodi, We all did. And occasionally still do. I've told you about my mistake in washing regular cottage cheese and other dumb moves. Pick yourself up and get back in the SCD saddle. BTW, you can use almond flour to make almond milk for the nut yogurt. Now if I can just remember where the recipe for it is.... Carol F.Celiac, SCD 8 years,MCS, Latex Allergyhttp://www.celiac.com/authors/143/Carol-Frileghhttp://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/gfcf-diet/sc-diet.htm

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