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Anybody with only classic IBS symptoms?

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My name is Geta and this is my first post - I have been diagnosed with IBS-D in June 2007 and I'm also lactose intolerant. I was on very strict SCD from June to early Sept. when I stopped while I was taking antibiotics for H. pylori; as a bonus, the treatment improved the IBS symptoms for about 2 months (probably because the antibiotic also worked on my SIBO = small intestine bacterial overgrowth) but then, back to full blown symptoms again (mostly diarrhea, urgency and gas). While on SCD, I had no improvement on diarrhea and wondered about the high fat intake. I want to re-start SCD but would like to know if the SCDiet could help improve my symptoms on the long run. Are there any members here that have only IBS-D to deal with (no other illnesses)? Any success to report? I want to thank all who keep this group going - wonderful support here - THANK YOU!GetaIBS 6/2007

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Hi Marilyn,

Thanks for your reply. I started out overweight - lost weight while on SCD -

went below

the overweight mark but now I'm back up just a little bit. On SCD, I reached

what I

believed to be the 3-month die-off at 2 months and noticed that my fingers

weren't stiff

every morning anymore (could that be because of no-more-milk in my diet?) but my

stools continued very soft and the urgency continued - I'm aware I was just 3

months into

the diet ... I hope I can get back on it and stay for the long run.

I vaguely remember someone saying that when they excluded honey from their SCD


the diarrhea disappeared overnight - is that something you'd suggest?

I'm practically housebound with the fear of another accident -- Did you manage

to banish

the D. and urgency from your life for good or does it come and go? How does one


with D. and gas in a workplace situation with many other folks? ... and you

travel too ... I

can't even think about it at this point!

Ohhhh ... so many questions ...

Thanks again, Geta


> Well, I'm not sure there's such a thing as " only "

> IBS-D and no other illnesses, because our guts

> affect a whole constellation of aspects of our bodies.


> I'm IBS-D, but that's linked to my obesity, and to my arthritis.


> And yes, I've had phenomenal success. I can't

> imagine doing half the things I've done the last

> six years if I hadn't found SCD. For some people,

> the high fat could be an issue, but it's not necessarily the case.

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Geta,I just saw my GI Doc yesterday, and she mentioned something to me which may be of interest to you.She said that some of the folks she sees with SIBO, Lactose Intolerance and IBS-like symptoms also suffer from more general carbohydrate malabsorption/intolerance. Fructose, according to her, is the number one culprit. Fructose is found in commercial goods (as high-fructose corn syrup) as well as fruits, honey. It's a simple sugar, and pretty difficult to avoid, from what I understand, because it's in fruit and some vegetables. Nonetheless, for folks who are intolerant, removing it clears up their symptoms beautifully (according to my doc.)Might be something to consider.Best, Nina in MA----- Original Message ----I vaguely remember someone saying that when they excluded honey from their SCD diet,

the diarrhea disappeared overnight - is that something you'd suggest?

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Can you eat several smaller meals more frequently?


> This sounds familiar to me. This is what I've been banging my head

> against for some time now. Given that fructose is one of the carbs we

> frequently run into in almost every legal SCD carb source. I'm

> underweight, and get so tired if I cut out too many carbs (again,

> legal

> of course), but if I eat enough to feel satisfied and less tired, I

> get

> foggy headed, anxious, nervous, and obsessive. I really don't know

> what to do here. Maybe as Marilyn was discussing in another thread, I

> need to try adding more fat or protein with my carbs to see if that

> helps.


> Shonda

> SCD 6m







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