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Re: looking at pictures

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Aww. I know how you feel. Bear in mind that a camera lens is actually

more sensitive than the human eye and that's why we often look bad in

pictures. The pictures may just not have been the most flattering.

We are the hardest on ourselves, and I'll bet you looked lovely, and

about a hundred times better than you thought you did.


> Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my

sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour).  Well, I was

not impressed with what I saw.  I thought my dress looked awful and I

didn't realize how big I have gotten again.  I looked like a giant

aqua coloured blob.  You could actually see rolls of flab through my

dress.  All the while we were looking at the pictures I was thinking

in my head.. " oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat

again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weight

watchers. "  


> I've calmed down though since then.  But I'm still kinda disgusted

by how big I have let myself get again.  I need to really start

practising IE.  I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't do

it.  If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry.  I have

to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need to

focus in on the IE principles more. 


> Kipkabob

> (Intuitive eating since September 2006)



> __________________________________________________________________

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I hear ya Kip (I've experienced the disappointing-bridesmaid-picture

blues before too).

Do take care not to let your desire to lose weight turn your IE into

a diet. I know it's a fine line to tread - I'm treading it too at

the moment. :-) As you say, keep focussing on the principles.

What do you say to yourself, or ask yourself, on those occasions when

you start eating even though you're not hungry?

I found this controversial post by Koenig on struggling with

non-hungry eating urges very thought-provoking. Can you relate to the

ideas in the last para at all?



Good luck




> Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my

sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour).  Well, I was

not impressed with what I saw.  I thought my dress looked awful and I

didn't realize how big I have gotten again.  I looked like a giant

aqua coloured blob.  You could actually see rolls of flab through my

dress.  All the while we were looking at the pictures I was thinking

in my head.. " oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat

again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weight

watchers. "  


> I've calmed down though since then.  But I'm still kinda disgusted

by how big I have let myself get again.  I need to really start

practising IE.  I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't do

it.  If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry.  I have

to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need to

focus in on the IE principles more. 


> Kipkabob

> (Intuitive eating since September 2006)


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I can totally identify with what you wrote. I too find the 'real me'

(pictures/reflections) shocking and not what I want to see. I have IE

in my head and most eating practices, but somehow those aren't being

effective with this body of mine. I also find that the first/immediate

response is to think in terms of what I now need to do regarding

eating, but what I am finding is that I really need to find and focus

on what MY needs are. This is the most difficult part of IE for me,

opening those closed doors into the me I don't see (for myself). For

me that's the real 'wait' barrier that I must bust thru before my body

and live at peace with me.


IEing since March 2007


> Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my

sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour).  Well, I was

not impressed with what I saw.  I thought my dress looked awful and I

didn't realize how big I have gotten again.  I looked like a giant

aqua coloured blob.  You could actually see rolls of flab through my

dress.  All the while we were looking at the pictures I was thinking

in my head.. " oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat

again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weight

watchers. "  


> I've calmed down though since then.  But I'm still kinda disgusted

by how big I have let myself get again.  I need to really start

practising IE.  I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't do

it.  If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry.  I have

to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need to

focus in on the IE principles more. 


> Kipkabob

> (Intuitive eating since September 2006)

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I'm sure she loves and adores that you shared her special day with her

and I'm sure she did think you looked beautiful! I'll bet you did. I

know it is SO hard to not look like what we think we " should " look

like. But who ever does?

My husband looked into modeling a little when he was very young. He

said he NEVER met SUCH an insecure group in his life. It actually made

him so insecure that he went running from the business and never

looked back. He said although you'd think they feel " perfect " all the

time, they NEVER EVER do, and the camera is looking very hard at any

possible shadow or flaw, all the time. It is a hard way to live. There

is no perfect...even the people we think are perfect, aren't.



> >

> > Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my

> sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour).  Well, I was

> not impressed with what I saw.  I thought my dress looked awful and I

> didn't realize how big I have gotten again.  I looked like a giant

> aqua coloured blob.  You could actually see rolls of flab through my

> dress.  All the while we were looking at the pictures I was thinking

> in my head.. " oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat

> again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weight

> watchers. "  

> >  

> > I've calmed down though since then.  But I'm still kinda disgusted

> by how big I have let myself get again.  I need to really start

> practising IE.  I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't do

> it.  If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry.  I have

> to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need to

> focus in on the IE principles more. 

> >  

> > Kipkabob

> > (Intuitive eating since September 2006)

















> __________________________________________________________________

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Thanks Sig. I actually read 's blog..thanks for posting it. I remember reading it but it was just what I needed to read right now. I've also been working through her Food & Feelings Workbook (though I haven't looked at it in 2 months). Most days weight loss isn't my goal. I've done a lot of reading on body acceptance this year. I started re-reading The Fat Girl's Guide to Life by Shanker today. I read this 3 years ago...long before I found out about IE. It was the first book I read that suggested that being fat wasn't a bad thing. I'm curious to see how I feel about the book now.

It is really hard not to turn IE into a diet. I am struggling with that right now. Chips are my biggest binge food. Every evening when I have chips in the house (which is most evenings) I just eat and eat them. So I am struggling with the dilemma....if I don't buy the chips I won't be able to binge on them but then I'll start to feel deprived and feel like I'm dieting so I will eat even more of them when I finally give in and eat them! Does that make sense?! My latest compromise is to start buying small bags of my favourite kinds. That way I can still have the chips but it limits the amount I can eat. But it also is reminicent of a diet...little portion controlled bags. It's really hard not to turn this into a diet!


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

Subject: Re: looking at picturesTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 3:37 AM

I hear ya Kip (I've experienced the disappointing- bridesmaid- picture blues before too).Do take care not to let your desire to lose weight turn your IE into a diet. I know it's a fine line to tread - I'm treading it too at the moment. :-) As you say, keep focussing on the principles.What do you say to yourself, or ask yourself, on those occasions when you start eating even though you're not hungry?I found this controversial post by Koenig on struggling with non-hungry eating urges very thought-provoking. Can you relate to the ideas in the last para at all?http://www.eatingdi sordersblogs. com/healthy/ 2008/09/struggle -harder.htmlGood luckHugsSig>> Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour). Well, I was not impressed with what I saw. I thought my dress looked awful and I didn't realize how big I have gotten again. I looked like a giant aqua coloured blob. You could actually see rolls of flab through my dress. All the while we were looking at the pictures I was thinking in my head.."oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weight watchers." > > I've calmed down though since then. But I'm still kinda disgusted by how big I have let myself get again. I need to really start practising IE. I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't do it. If I

feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry. I have to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need to focus in on the IE principles more. > > Kipkabob> (Intuitive eating since September 2006)>

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(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

Subject: Re: looking at picturesTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Friday, October 24, 2008, 9:30 PM

Aww. I know how you feel. Bear in mind that a camera lens is actuallymore sensitive than the human eye and that's why we often look bad inpictures. The pictures may just not have been the most flattering.We are the hardest on ourselves, and I'll bet you looked lovely, andabout a hundred times better than you thought you did.>> Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from mysister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour). Well, I wasnot impressed with what I saw. I thought my dress looked awful and Ididn't realize how big I have gotten again. I looked like a giantaqua coloured blob. You could actually see rolls of flab through mydress. All the while we

were looking at the pictures I was thinkingin my head.."oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fatagain...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weightwatchers." > > I've calmed down though since then. But I'm still kinda disgustedby how big I have let myself get again. I need to really startpractising IE. I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't doit. If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry. I haveto be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need tofocus in on the IE principles more. > > Kipkabob> (Intuitive eating since September 2006)> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go toYahoo! Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers. yahoo.com>

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar : Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now!

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This has been one of my major challenges too. I always joked that I have "reverse anorexia" in that I think I'm thinner than I really am. But then I see pictures or video and OUCH.

But here is an interesting thing. Have you ever noticed that sometimes, you look at a picture of yourself and think, "Oy what a fat pig!" but then a few years later you look back and think "Hey, that wasn't so bad!"

Well, what I do is tell myself "Okay, in a few years I will look back at this and think it wasn't so bad." Not that I'm going to look worse in a few years, but that I won't be zoning in on my imperfections.

I also try and look at the positive things. I literally FORCE myself to sit there and look at it until I can come up with something positive. "Look at that smile. I sure was happy. And look at how my son is hugging me. I am very lovable."

What this does is take away that crushing feeling of shame. I have no idea where those feelings came from, but I do know that if I treat myself lovingly, they do go away,

And you know what? It's not even taking years now. I can look at a photo of myself now and think, "Oh what a fat.... no.... stop talking like that right now. Put the picture down for a bit. It doesn't look as bad as you think it does right now..." And then a few days later I can look at it again (maybe when I am in a more loving place with myself) and see that it really isn't all that bad...

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Buy 16 bags of chips and eat them all! You won't get over them until

you really legalize them. Sounds like your not trusting yourself




IE since Feb '08

> >

> > Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my

> sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour).  Well, I


> not impressed with what I saw.  I thought my dress looked awful

and I

> didn't realize how big I have gotten again.  I looked like a giant

> aqua coloured blob.  You could actually see rolls of flab through


> dress.  All the while we were looking at the pictures I was


> in my head.. " oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat

> again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weight

> watchers. "  

> >  

> > I've calmed down though since then.  But I'm still kinda


> by how big I have let myself get again.  I need to really start

> practising IE.  I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't


> it.  If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry.  I


> to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need to

> focus in on the IE principles more. 

> >  

> > Kipkabob

> > (Intuitive eating since September 2006)

> >



















> Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go

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I don't think I'll be able to buy 16 bags at once! Though I guess this week I could be buying them for Halloween treats!


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

From: megnponcho <megnjibaol (DOT) com>

Subject: [intuitiveEating_ Support] Re: looking at picturesTo: IntuitiveEating_ Support@yahoogro ups.com

Received: Monday, October 27, 2008, 10:15 AM

Buy 16 bags of chips and eat them all! You won't get over them until you really legalize them. Sounds like your not trusting yourself yet...:)MegIE since Feb '08

> >> > Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my > sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour). Well, I was > not impressed with what I saw. I thought my dress looked awful and I > didn't realize how big I have gotten again. I looked like a giant > aqua coloured blob. You could actually see rolls of flab through my > dress. All the while we were looking at the pictures I was thinking > in my head.."oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat > again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weight > watchers." > > > > I've

calmed down though since then. But I'm still kinda disgusted > by how big I have let myself get again. I need to really start > practising IE. I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't do > it. If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry. I have > to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need to > focus in on the IE principles more. > > > > Kipkabob> > (Intuitive eating since September 2006)> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers. yahoo.com>

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-- ~c~

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The continuing chip saga....

So around 9 pm is when I will start eating in the evening. It coincides with when I sit down to watch tv because 9 is when the good shows all start. So last night at 8:30 I was slightly hungry but knew when I sat down to watch tv I would want to eat chips whether or not I was hungry. So I sat down at the kitchen table and I ate Doritos and Bits & Bites. I got the bags out and put them on the table and dumped some out on my placemat. When those piles were gone I dumped out more. And when they were gone I dumped out another pile. I ate them slower than normal and tried to focus on the flavour and texture and concentrate on whether or not I really like them. Turns out I do really like them...I love the cheesy greasy crunchiness of the Doritos and the crunchy saltiness of the Bits & Bites. By the end of those third piles though I had enough. I couldn't eat anymore. I put

the chips away and went and brushed my teeth and put my nighttime bite plate in my mouth. And after all that the shows I watch were repeats so I ended up going to bed!

I'm starting to feel like I might be able to conquer this chip thing afterall!


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

From: etherencer <etherenceryahoo (DOT) com>Subject: [intuitiveEating_ Support] Re: looking at picturesTo: IntuitiveEating_ Support@yahoogro ups.comReceived: Monday, October 27, 2008, 3:05 PM

Chip shopping! How fun! Let us know what you get!!!> > >> > > Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my > > sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour). Well, I > was > > not impressed with what I saw. I thought my dress looked awful > and I > > didn't realize how big I have gotten again. I looked like a giant > >

aqua coloured blob. You could actually see rolls of flab through > my > > dress. All the while we were looking at the pictures I was > thinking > > in my head.."oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat > > again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to weight > > watchers." > > > > > > I've calmed down though since then. But I'm still kinda > disgusted > > by how big I have let myself get again. I need to really start > > practising IE. I know what I am supposed to do but I just don't > do > > it. If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry. I > have > > to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just need to > > focus in on the IE principles more. > > > > > >

Kipkabob> > > (Intuitive eating since September 2006)> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> > Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go > to Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at > http://ca.answers. yahoo.com> >> > > > > Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! > > > > -- > ~c~> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at http://ca.answers. yahoo.com>

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Yahoo! Canada Toolbar : Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now!

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Awesome! Good for you. Eat some for breakfast and lunch, too if you

want them. You will eat less if you eat only chips when you are

hungry than to eat a " normal " meal AND chips, too!



IE Since Feb '08

> > > >

> > > > Last night I finally got to see some of the pictures from my

> > > sister's wedding last month (I was the maid of honour).  Well,


> > was

> > > not impressed with what I saw.  I thought my dress looked


> > and I

> > > didn't realize how big I have gotten again.  I looked like a


> > > aqua coloured blob.  You could actually see rolls of flab


> > my

> > > dress.  All the while we were looking at the pictures I was

> > thinking

> > > in my head.. " oh my God...you looked awful... you are so fat

> > > again...you have to go on a diet...you have to go back to


> > > watchers. "  

> > > >  

> > > > I've calmed down though since then.  But I'm still kinda

> > disgusted

> > > by how big I have let myself get again.  I need to really


> > > practising IE.  I know what I am supposed to do but I just


> > do

> > > it.  If I feel like eating, I eat whether or not I am hungry. 


> > have

> > > to be careful not to make this into a diet though...I just

need to

> > > focus in on the IE principles more. 

> > > >  

> > > > Kipkabob

> > > > (Intuitive eating since September 2006)

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > > Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people.


> > to Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at

> > http://ca.answers. yahoo.com

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > ~c~

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go

to Yahoo! Answers

> and share what you know at http://ca.answers. yahoo.com

> >








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