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Re: How to get started?

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Welcome! I'm new too :) I've only been doing IE for a week, but I've

been trying to work on all of the principles. I've been eating

exactly what I want most of the time which is frightening bc a lot

of it's been pretty unhealthy, high-calorie foods. I've been trying

to determine my hunger levels before and after eating and stopping

when I'm full. Unfortunately, I've had a crazy work schedule this

week so that part has been a little difficult bc I only have certain

times when I can eat. I've continued with my workouts which I'm

happy about bc usually when I'm not following a diet I lose

motivation to workout. I've also been trying to think positively

about my body and who I am.

I think the hardest part so far for me has been I still think about

food all the time. I'm hoping that part will go away after awhile.

It's only been a week so I'm sure it will.

Anyway good luck and welcome! :)


> Yep, I'm new. I read Intuituve Eating over a year ago but thought


> would be awfully smart to lose the weight BEFORE getting my


> eating groove on. Three diets and 40 lbs gained later..well, that

> pretty much shows the brilliance behind that plan. Found this


> through intuitiveeating.com after picking up the book again and


> to try it out.


> I've been eating disordered since trying my first diet (WW) at 17.


> I'm 39 and thinking it would be awfully nice to get off the

> rollercoaster. I've read through a bunch of posts and did some


> but was unable to find advice on how to get started (I'm sure it's

> there somewhere). Do you work through each principle sequentially?


> can you work on say... Honoring Your Hunger, Making Peace with


> and Challenge the Food Police at the same time?


> It's been heartwarming to read the groups' posts and I look

forward to

> helping however I can.


> Cheers!



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That makes perfect sense and right in line with what IE seems to be

all about. I'm so used to following the 'rules' that it's unfamiliar

territory to make decisions based on what I want to do :) Thank you

very much Eva!


> some people find it best to work on each principle one at a

time and

> go through the process slowly because it takes your body a while to


> adjusted to IE anyway. Ie to me however is finding what works

best for me so my

> suggestion you should find out which way works best for you doing


> principles one at a time or working on them at the same time. IE

is mainly about

> listening to your body so Listen to your body and do what it tells

you. Eva



> In a message dated 10/24/2008 8:18:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> wheelerhilary@... writes:


> Yep, I'm new. I read Intuituve Eating over a year ago but thought


> would be awfully smart to lose the weight BEFORE getting my


> eating groove on. Three diets and 40 lbs gained later..well, that

> pretty much shows the brilliance behind that plan. Found this


> through intuitiveeating.com after picking up the book again and


> to try it out.


> I've been eating disordered since trying my first diet (WW) at 17.


> I'm 39 and thinking it would be awfully nice to get off the

> rollercoaster. I've read through a bunch of posts and did some


> but was unable to find advice on how to get started (I'm sure it's

> there somewhere). Do you work through each principle sequentially?


> can you work on say... Honoring Your Hunger, Making Peace with


> and Challenge the Food Police at the same time?


> It's been heartwarming to read the groups' posts and I look

forward to

> helping however I can.


> Cheers!




> ------------------------------------


> Yahoo! Groups Links






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Welcome back at you! I am exactly the same way about working out -

very black and white. So I think that's wonderful that even with a

crazy work week and less time to focus on your hunger levels you've

been getting some exercise. Good for you!

> >

> > Yep, I'm new. I read Intuituve Eating over a year ago but thought

> it

> > would be awfully smart to lose the weight BEFORE getting my

> intuitive

> > eating groove on. Three diets and 40 lbs gained later..well, that

> > pretty much shows the brilliance behind that plan. Found this

> group

> > through intuitiveeating.com after picking up the book again and

> decided

> > to try it out.

> >

> > I've been eating disordered since trying my first diet (WW) at


> Now

> > I'm 39 and thinking it would be awfully nice to get off the

> > rollercoaster. I've read through a bunch of posts and did some

> searches

> > but was unable to find advice on how to get started (I'm sure


> > there somewhere). Do you work through each principle


> Or

> > can you work on say... Honoring Your Hunger, Making Peace with

> Food,

> > and Challenge the Food Police at the same time?

> >

> > It's been heartwarming to read the groups' posts and I look

> forward to

> > helping however I can.

> >

> > Cheers!

> >

> >


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