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Please Share. Bill S.510 can stop all organic farming, small farms and even people from growing their own vegetables.

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The Alimentarius Codex, that threatens our herbs and natural vitamins, was passed and now a new threat, S.510. S.510 Bill will make it too expensive for small farmers and organic farmers to stay in business. It can even stop people from raising their own vegetables and using their own seeds. This country is headed down a road that is worse than communism ever was. What is worse, both political parties are letting it happen! Unless people, like you and me, take an interest, share, and make it known to the politicians, through petitions/calls/writing/voting, nothing will be done. Because the corporations have the most clout (money), and for the past 20 years, have been gaining more control over the USA.

Americans are losing their right for good health. Yes, Pres. Obama wants all Americans to have health insurance, and that's a good thing. However, if Americans had healthy food and ate balanced meals, exercised, meditated (to relieve stress), got plenty of restful sleep and drunk healthy water, then at least half of the illnesses would be removed. Our foods are tainted with dyes, to make foods more appealing and preservatives, to give them a longer shelf life. They are sweetened with artificial sweetners like Aspartame, which was discovered when it was used as rat poison. Now you will hear, a little bit of the preservatives, dyes, and artificial sweetners, won't hurt you, but we are not ingesting a small percentage. It's in the majority of our food. These additives build up in our bodies. Our bodies are not made to cleanse them from our systems. It takes special diets and cleansers to remove these ingredients from our bodies and it can take weeks, months or even longer. Are you aware that the pesticides used on gardens, are absorbed by the plants and end up in our foods? Are you aware that factory farms, which is where most of our food comes from, do not rotate the soil and therefore the soil is depleted more each year of the necessary nutrients that our bodies needs? Are you aware that High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the worse culprits? It leads to addictive cravings, which leads to obesity, diabetes, and other health issues. Oh, yes, the commercials tells us that it's just like sugar and is safe. But stop and think, who had these commercials made? Why the manufacturers of High Fructose Corn Syrup! Do you believe commercials? I certainly don't. Yet, most people think the commercials tell us the truth. There is no law, that makes them tell the truth, although there should be.

Are you aware that our tap water may be cleansed with additives that are toxins, such as fluoride? Yes, fluoride is toxic to our bodies, yet, it's in our water. Are you aware that our tap water is filtered, but still shows residue from the pharmaceuticals that are flushed down the toilet? Are you aware that the chemicals used to enrich the soil for farming, ends up in the table water which flows into the rivers, then into the oceans and are killing the sea life? Are you aware that when the bodies are embalmed, all of the bodies fluids flow into the sewers, then into the tanks at the water companies to be cleansed, so it can be sent to us for drinking, cooking, and bathing? Bet, you never thought about that. My Dad asked a funeral director what happened to the body's fluids when it is embalmed. At least the mortician was honest. Are you aware that purified water, is tap water that has been filtered so much, that the minerals that the body needs, are removed? Only a true source of uncontaminated Spring water is good for the body.

How do I know all of this? I have been reading, studying and applying what I learn for the past 20 years to myself and loved ones. I started out with one book, The Ultimate Healing System, by LePore, ND. Then 5 years ago, the internet opened up the world for me. You do have to use discernment. There are knowledgeable nutritionists, herbalists and even Allopathic Doctors (Western medicine that the USA trusts so much), who are very knowledgeable. But guess where most of the knowledge that the doctors learn, comes from? Pharmaceutical Companies. Dr. Mercola, Dr. Blaylock, Dr. Kim, and Dr. A. Warshowsky, just to name a few, understands what is happening and are trying to teach the public.

Please click on the page below and sign the petition. Pass this letter to all you know. If we do not stand up for ourselves and make our voices heard, we will lose.

Blessings and Prayers for All,

Joyce Hudson

Senators: Hold S.510!

Natural Solutions FoundationThe Voice of Global Health Freedomâ„¢www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

RED ALERT!Tell Your Senators to Continue Stopping S510!Ask them to KEEP the "Hold" on the Bill!

Rotten Eggs and the new S510 push a coincidence? NOT!

Our friends in DC tell us the fake "Food Safety" bill about which we have warned WILL be back again in September! We stopped it in November 2009 with a couple hundred thousand messages to the Senate HELP committe; we held it off through the July 4th weekend, and then through the August recess - major goals achieved! If we can hold it off til near the election, it is very unlikely to ever pass.


Below is the latest Action Item we need you to take!Tell Your Senators that the Bill stinks like a Rotten (Factory Farm) Egg!Bullet Point List of Bad S.510 Provisions:http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=6470

July 14, 2010 Update: The congressional majority leadership has issued its "short list" of bills it wants to push to passage before the August recess. The good news is: S.510 is NOT on the list! The bad news is that the bill's handers could "sneak it through" the Senate as a "unanimous consent" non-controversial matter! That is, unless opposing Senators put a "hold" on the bill, which means it cannot be treated as non-controversial. Please send the Action Item below to your Senators, demanding that the "hold" the bill! How does a Senator do that? The Senator has one of his or her staff members call the staff of the Senate Cloak Room (yes, there still is a Senate Cloak Room, but now it has a staff! Ah, bureaucracy! The staff is responsible for non-controversial, unanimous consent bills. That's where this bad bill stops!

Natural Solutions Foundation, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org, suggests that you write your Senators to tell them about the overwhelming sentiment of their constituents who, like you, are adamantly opposed to the passage of S510 or any other legislation which industrializes the US food chain, damages independent and organic farmers, community gardens and markets, and make food less safe, much less safe...

We urge you to use the Action Item below to tell your Senators:

"Your constituents and others all around the US, in our determination to protect the right of every American to clean, healthy, clearly labled, unadulterated food, have brought strenuous objection to degrading our food supply and implementing the well-presented, but very dangerous Codex HARMonziation which the corrupt and dangerous FDA, USDA and other industry-led agencies are so eager to present to us as faits accompli.

Instead, we look to you to preserve our right to clean food, labeled to indicate pesticides, adulterants, GMOs and other dangerous ingredients and to make sure that S. 510, the mis-named "Food SAFETY Bill" is defeated through either inaction or a successful Nay vote and any similar bill is, likewise, defeated.


We remind you, among the dangers facing our food and our freedom is the FDA's determination to destroy our access to high potency nutrients, although guaranteed by the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA). Various failed bills and amendments to do so, along with the FDA's illegal Codex activities constantly threaten this freedom of choice.

We need to let our Senators know we will be monitoring their activities on these issues closely. Please continue to the Action Item below.

Thank you,

Natural Solutions Foundation Trustees

Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army, ret) - PresidentDr. Rima E. Laibow, MDRalph Fucetola JD

PS - this Action Item replaces the previous items at: page key 26714 and 4252

Please visit us at www.healthfreedomusa.org

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