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Re: magnesium

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Thanks for the information - how much mag. does Don take? I'll

check with my doctor to see if she tests for this - but just wondering what

a " normal " amount would be.




> I'm one of those oddities who doesn't need mag. I took it to start, but at


> months was told to stop supplementing it. I keep watching and it holds

> steady as a rock. My calcium tends to stay up high, too, though, so maybe

> those two go together? My D kind of drags in the dirt, but I push it back

> up again.


> Don is low in all 3. His mag stays just 1 speck into normal ranges. D &

> calc run just one speck BELOW normal ranges. Sometimes we feel like we're

> conducting an orchestra, trying to get everybody coordinated! Sheesh!


> So, yes, Tracey, even cheapo mag can be absorbed, as long as it's not oil

> filed or timed release.


> Thanks,



> www.vitalady.com







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Don takes 800mg magnesium, in addition to whatever's in two multi-vites.






> > I'm one of those oddities who doesn't need mag. I took it to start, but


> 3

> > months was told to stop supplementing it. I keep watching and it holds

> > steady as a rock. My calcium tends to stay up high, too, though, so


> > those two go together? My D kind of drags in the dirt, but I push it


> > up again.

> >

> > Don is low in all 3. His mag stays just 1 speck into normal ranges. D &

> > calc run just one speck BELOW normal ranges. Sometimes we feel like


> > conducting an orchestra, trying to get everybody coordinated! Sheesh!

> >

> > So, yes, Tracey, even cheapo mag can be absorbed, as long as it's not


> > filed or timed release.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> >

> > www.vitalady.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Air purifiers, bedding, household cleaning & more! gazoontite.com!

> > http://click./1/5492/10/_/576511/_/961824826/

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> >



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I'll check with my doctor to see if she tests for this - but

just wondering what a " normal " amount would be.


magnesium dosage =

many nutritional experts feel the ideal intake for magnesium

should be based on body weight, that of 6mg. per 2.2pounds

of weight. for a 110pound person they recommend 300mg.; for

a 154pound person they recommend 420mg.

rather than relying on dietary intake to achieve this amount

of magnesium, supplementation is recommended. for conditions

such as pms, osteoporosis, fatigue, hbp, etc. mentioned in

the previous magnesium post, it is recommended to take 12mg.

per pound of body weight. again this should be roughly the

2:1 ratio necessary for calcium intake unless you have

confirmed osteoporosis which would significantly increase

both minerals.


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Hi Sue,

First - thanks for correcting my earlier post that was meant for De but I

sent it for you - I forget how to read the messages when they contain

information from more than one person.

Secondly thanks for the great information you've been sharing today, with me

and with others.

Third - I'm not exactly sure I have this right - you said - I think - for my

weight (110) take 600 mg magnesium and 1200 mg calcium - now I do have

confirmed osteoporosis - is this the amount with that confirmation or with

out (sorry to be such a pain - but I'm having a REALLY BAD health day and my

concentration level is about 0 - I should probably just wait until I'm

having a better day - but patience is NOT my strong suit)

Last - thanks for the name and author of the book. I'll check it out - is it

fairly " readable " for lay people with no medical knowledge?

Take care

Thanks for all your help


----- Original Message -----

> for a 110pound person they recommend 300mg.; for conditions

> such as pms, osteoporosis, fatigue, hbp, etc. mentioned in

> the previous magnesium post, it is recommended to take

> 12mg.per pound of body weight.

> you would then take 600mg.

> again this should be roughly the 2:1 ratio necessary for

> calcium intake unless you have confirmed osteoporosis which

> would significantly increase both minerals.

> If you are taking 1200 mg. of calcium then 600 of magnesium

> is correct.

> the book is the Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements by

> T. Murray.


> Sue




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> win 2 roundtrip tickets anywhere in the U.S. given away daily.

> http://click./1/5296/10/_/576511/_/961873276/

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>Tracey said:

.....Third - I'm not exactly sure I have this right - you

said - I think - for my weight (110) take 600 mg magnesium

and 1200 mg calcium - now I do have

confirmed osteoporosis - is this the amount with that

confirmation or with out


the amount of magnesium is correct - 600mg. for your weight.

as for calcium, only your orthopedic can determine that

based on the percent of osteo that you have. i take almost

1800 mg. of calcium with a -3% reading on the Tscore for


what amount of calcium do your docs advice for your degree

of osteo? then half that amount for your magnesium, thus

the 2:1 ratio.

>>Last - thanks for the name and author of the book. I'll

check it out - is it fairly " readable " for lay people with

no medical knowledge?


its a readable book - gives all the info for deficiency and

toxicity and over and under use, the best most absorbable

types of vits. and minerals. sometimes you just have to be

in the mood for that type of book and it definitely takes

concentration but I was on a mission to find out more about

my thyroid, my osteo and my bloodwork and read 2 thyroid

books, 2 bone building books and this encyclopedia all in

one week.

good luck


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