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Fw: 15 Hours to Save Supplements. MUST Open, Take Viral!

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From: Natural Solutions Foundation - Health Freedom Portal <dr.laibow@...>Subject: 15 Hours to Save Supplements. MUST Open, Take Viral!epifany97523@...Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 6:53 PM

New Health Freedom Resource: www.HealthFreedomPortal.org

The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedomâ„¢

Daily Update Bulletin During the Fake "Food Safety" S.510 Emergency!

Dr. Rima Reports, Live Chat, Updates, Action Items and More...

September 22, 2010

Permalink: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=6767

Latest news from the Beltway: Although .gov still shows S.3767 on tomorrow's agenda for the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Committee web site is strangely silent on this bill being fast-tracked through the lame-duck Congress. WE MUST KEEP POUNDING THE SENATE




Emergency 1:

Senate Actions to End Food Freedom and,

With It, Health Freedom












The Senate Judiciary Committee is planning to debate - and approve - S.3767 as early as tomorrow, September 23, 2010. It is entirely likely that while moving this bill forward, the text of dangerous, Codex-friendly S.510 will be introduced into that bill as an amendment; perhaps even elements of the long-discredited fake dietary supplement "safety" bill, S.3002 might worm their way in... Right now, to the tooth gnashing frustration of the Uber Cartel, S.510 has been stalled by Senator Coburn's courageous hold on it. Please take a moment to tip your hat to Dr. Coburn and honor him for character unbecoming a politician: courage, the ability to act for the common good and willingness to buck the tide for what is clearly right. (Action Item No. 3 above.) Men and women of principle need to know that we know what they are doing and what they are facing for doing it!

We only have from the time you receive this email to the time when Committee consideration of S. 3767 is opened to make sure that two things occur:

1. The opposition to the bill is so enormous that it dies in committee and

2. There is simply no Senatorial will to attach S.510 as an amendment

Here is what you have to do, and do now, right now:

1. Take Each Of The Three Action Items Above Once For Each Member of Your Household - Again, If You Have Done It Before

2. Send an email to each of your colleagues, friends, family members, associates, etc., with the following message (or something like it):

"There are times when whether each of us acts or not can change history and, with it, our own destiny. Whether we can access clean, locally produced, organic food or not impacts our health, longevity and quality of life. So does whether we can access high potency nutrients. The Senate, at the behest of Big Agribiz and Big Pharma, is very close to passing legislation which will end those choices for us and bring in International standards (e.g., Codex Alimentarius) to restrict our freedoms and degrade our food.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will act to move these restrictions forward tomorrow, September 23, 2010. I am urging you to take the actions that I have already taken once on behalf of each member of my household and then to share this as rapidly as possible with each of the people whom you can reach electronically asking them to take these actions for their households and forward this item to their contacts, and so on.

Thank you for your activism and your prompt action to save our health and our freedom.


What else can you do? Join Our 510/3767 Club


Oh, yes, there is something else that you can do on this issue: Join the Natural Solutions Foundation's 510/3767 Club: Set up a recurring weekly or monthly tax deductible donation of $5.10 or $37.67 (other amounts accepted, of course!) right here,


Help protect your health freedom by donating $5.10 every week (or every month if you cannot) until this horror is defeated. If you can, donate $37.67 cents every month (or every week, if you can) until we are free of this deep and dangerous threat!

Emergency 2:

Halt Dangerous Flu Vaccines, including H1N1,

Once and For All Before More Babies Die

Stop the Shot3 Law Suit Moves Forward

The Natural Solutions Foundation's ground breaking Stop the Shot Law Suit is ready to move in for Round 3.

Round 1: We filed a law suit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia when New York's Governor declared a universal mandate requiring the vaccination of every New York State HealthCare Worker. A couple days before New York State had to meet us in Federal Court, VOILA! NY decided that there was, in fact, not enough vaccine to go around and "temporarily suspended" the mandate. The Judge's comment? "Well, you've won!"

We raised the issue of the New Jersey preschool student mandate and he acknowledged that we could come back into his Court with plaintiffs who were under that state's mandate to vaccinate children in State Registered daycare facilities saying that he believed that the case should be tried.

Round 2: We prepared to come back into Court with plaintiffs whose young children were required to be vaccinated or face not being able to enroll in NJ State certified Day Care Institutions. Just days before the papers were scheduled to be filed in Federal Court, VOILA! NJ decided that there was, in fact, not enough vaccine to go around and suspended the mandate for that year. The Judge's comment would have been, "Well, you've won again!"

The Judge had suggested we return to court bringing some plaintiffs whose harm has already been made manifest. 'If there are women who have lost babies, please bring them into Court, too', was the message.

Round 3 had to wait for something to happen: First, the US CDC decided that although the absurd Level 6 Pandemic had officially been called off by the WHO, the un-safety-tested H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine would, for no reason that we can understand, be included in the seasonal flu shot and second, the CDC began recommending, as we predicted they would, universal flu vaccination for everyone 6 months and older (including pregnant women, which vaccinates babies who are not even born yet). Furthermore, it is recommended that all health care workers be forced to receive the vaccines. These recommendations are coming through the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and are published on the official MMWR site. ACIP's recommendations are being turned into mandates by employers and school districts, thereby privatizing the mandate, and by states like New York for health care workers.

The absurd notion of "herd immunity" is being invoked like the rabbit in a hat that it is: if vaccines work, why does it matter what the vaccination status of the next person is? If vaccines work, the person receiving the vaccine would be protected and someone who chooses not to receive the vaccine could not pass the disease to the vaccinated... if vaccines worked. Cases of flu are among the top side effects of vaccination: scientific studies continue to show that immunity to the flu virus is, on the other hand, NOT among those side effects.

These vaccines are untested, unnecessary, unsafe, uninsurable and unthinkable once you understand what is at stake: your health AND your freedom.

So what do we need from you to make sure that this case goes ahead with as many strong plaintiffs and all the legal research and support that we need to win it? We need your donations. They are tax deductible and vitally needed. The costs of entering a Federal Court lawsuit are not small. We, frankly, do not have the money to do much more than we have already done.

Here is your invitation to join another club,

Whether you are a joiner or not.

It's the 42USC300aa/21USC351 Club


You see, 42 USC 300 is the National Vaccine Compensation Act section which says that a Special Vaccine Court with a Special Vaccine Master will preside over claims of vaccine injury and, if the plaintiff prevails, will award damages to the injured party or their survivors. It is the Court which recently found in favor of Hanah Polling, the vaccine injured autistic child who received 9 vaccines on the same day and promptly became unreacheable by her family or by life - she became an autistic child. That same law mandates that the Secretary of HHS make sure vaccines are as safe as they can be... How safe are they? Not safe at all.

21USC351 is the Adulterated Drugs Act which reaquires that drugs and vaccines be proven safe BEFORE they are used. Under it, if it were actually enforced, the H1N1 vaccine, every other flu vaccine and every other vaccine of any type, would be illegal. As it is, about half of all the drugs FDA approves are later taken off the market or have their indications restricted. FDA doesn't get it right at least half the time...

So we are asking you to become members of the support team for the Stop the Shot Law Suit, Round 3. Your ability to safeguard yourself from dangerous drugs and vaccines is at stake. Click here,


to set up your recurring tax deductible donation. How much? Pick any one of the numbers in the Club name, $42, $300, $21 or $351. Put the decimal point where your economic circumstance tells you to and set up a recurring donation (weekly or monthly) for that amount.

The choice is yours. The danger we face belongs to all of us.

Join Us For the Dr. Rima Reports

Every Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time

Listen and Chat: www.HealthFreedomPortal.org

Listen: www.OracleBroadcasting.com

Listen or Ask Questions: 512-904-8014 or Toll Free 866-841-1065

Guest This Sunday Will be:

A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil

Sunday, 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern

September 26, 2010: A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil


October 3, 2010: G. King, PhD Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part I


CDC Recommends Universal Flu Vaccination, Feb 24, 2010


October 10, 2010: Eileen Dannemann, Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part II


Click Here For More Information on Dr. Rima Reports:


Archives Here: http://www.oraclebroadcasting.com/archives.php?who=Rima

Who is G. King, PhD, and

Why Should I Listen To Him On the Dr. Rima Reports?


Dr. King is one of the most knowledgeable experts on the after-market creation of disease through vaccination in the world. Click here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=6743 for a sample of Dr. King's brilliant, science-based analysis of the enormous fraud called "vaccination" and what choices you should think about for yourself and your family. I am proud to call Dr. King a friend and I look to him for deep science. You will, too.

Health Freedom Advocate Takes On Sen. Harry Reid


Nevada is a desert. Harry Reid wrote a constituent an absurd email claiming that the desert state would bloom under S. 510 and become an agricultural powerhouse, which was why he was supporting it.

One of our committed Health Freedom Advocates received Reid's stock Senatorial pablum in a letter and responded in a way that I think you'll want to read. Click here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=6739, to read his cogent response to the bought and paid for gamblin' man, Sen. Harry Reid.

Dr Rima Recommends

Valley of the Moonâ„¢ Coffee

Health Freedom's Coffee

It's GMO Free, Toxin Free and Helps Keep You Free!

Valley of the Moonâ„¢ Coffee - Health Freedom's Own Coffee


Don't forget to get yourself some of our exceptional Valley of the Moon Coffee, www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee.org, and remember to give this delightful health brew as your gift for birthdays, Christmas,

Hanukkah, corporate gifts, Holiday corporate and private gift giving! etc. Clean, toxin-free coffee helps coffee drinkers, it helps the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time and it tastes WONDERFUL!!! In fact, we want you to try, and then keep on buying, our wonderful Valley of the Moon Coffee so we have a coffee special for you: Purchase a 1/2 pound bag of our spectacular coffee for $18.87 plus shipping. This same bag normally requires a donation of $25.00 (a savings of $6.13). Now, purchase 5 bags or more (including your gifts) and your price drops to $17.57 per bag - a savings of $37.15!

Just make sure that you enter "Coffee Special" in the Comments Area to receive this special price!

And don't forget the universal remedy, Nano Silver, www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions, and supplementing with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition to keep your brain healthy and focused...

Yours in health and freedom,

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)

President - www.FoodFreedomeJournal.org

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director - www.DrRima.net

Ralph Fucetola, JD

Counsel and Trustee - www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org

Support Health & Food Freedom:

Donate Here, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189

Shop for Natural Products Here, www.Organics4U.org or www.NaturalSolutionsMarketPlace.org

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