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Definition of Inclusion in Pasco School District

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From: AutismRecoveryNetwork

[mailto:AutismRecoveryNetwork ] On Behalf Of Kim Hammons

Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 1:59 PM

To: IPUT4-TampaAutism ;

IPUT4UniversalEducationandAdvocacy ; partners-n-policymaking2006 ;

FL-Ed-Advocacy ; Autism-Florida ;


Subject: [AutismRecoveryNetwork] Definition of Inclusion in Pasco School


Definition of Inclusion in Pasco

School District

Inclusion is a term used to encompass the concept of Least

Restrictive Environment.

Successful Inclusion is based upon a commitment to provide opportunities

for all students to learn and interact with age-appropriate peers. Central to

inclusion is consideration of the child¢s level of ability and capacity to

benefit within an adapted learning environment. Successful inclusion requires

planning, staff development, on-going support, resources, and communication.

Core Beliefs

All individuals have value.

All students can learn and become

productive members of society.

For all students, there needs to be a

variety of services within a continuum of placement options that offers

opportunities to learn with age-appropriate peers.

Personnel must receive ongoing training

and support in order to design and implement curriculum modifications to

meet individual student needs.

All students deserve the best education

possible in an environment which promotes the development of the


Successful, appropriate inclusion is based

on proactive professional involvement, adequate financial resources, and

effective community participation.

The curriculum addresses individual

student needs through quality instruction and ongoing assessment.

Employing a variety of strategies, the service delivery model should be

a collaborative effort among parents, professionals, and students.

Successful communication systems must be

developed and nurtured through sufficient amounts of regularly scheduled

consultation and planning between basic and E.S.E staff members and

supported by on-going, proactive communication among professionals,

agencies, and other community shareholders.

Inclusion is a term used to encompass the concept of Least Restrictive

Environment (LRE).

LRE is the only term actually contained in the law.

The essential difference between the concept of inclusion and of

traditional mainstreaming lies in the key question the IEP team asks in

determining the placement of a student.

The difference in the two questions is a fundamental shifting of

responsibility from the student proving an ability to survive in the

mainstream to that of the staff identifying the specific supports the student

needs for a successful placement.

The placement decision focuses on the level and nature of supports

required by the individual student, not a predetermined label /program

delivery model.

Successful Inclusion is based upon a commitment to provide opportunities for

all students to learn and interact with age-appropriate peers.

Central to inclusion is consideration of the child¢s level of ability and

capacity to benefit within an adapted learning environment.

Successful inclusion requires planning, staff development, on-going

support, resources, and communication

Kim Hammons

IPUT Informed Parents United Together

Tampa, Florida


www.yahoogroups.com Keyword: " IPUT "

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