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Re: overate - oops!

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Kim wrote:

> I " m trying not to beat myself up about this. I will admit, I'm having fear

> of weight gain since eating too much. I notice when I eat past the point

> of what is comfy fullness for me, I trigger obsessive thoughts about

> weight, etc.


I have the same problem, too. Overeating causes the urge to restrict the

next meal or day. I also have a problem of " last supper eating " again,

" scaring myself " with " I will start listening to my body more tomorrow " .

It sounds exactly like " I will start restricting tomorrow " in my brain

right now since I know that I want to eat more food than my body needs

to get healthier or lose weight right now. As I said in an earlier post:

My brain wants more food than my body; half a roll doesn't do it for my

twisted brain and I have no idea how to solve this problem. It's a

(relatively, i. e. some weeks) new problem.



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It is frustrating. I am trying to learn to let go of the thoughts and trust that my body will let me know when it needs food. *sigh* Being an obsessive type person, my brain never wantsto shut down!! Imagine, I have to learn to ignore myself sometimes!! LOL

We'll get there, though, styxia :)


IE since Aug 08

> I"m trying not to beat myself up about this. I will admit, I'm having fear> of weight gain since eating too much. I notice when I eat past the point> of what is comfy fullness for me, I trigger obsessive thoughts about> weight, etc. *nods*I have the same problem, too. Overeating causes the urge to restrict thenext meal or day. I also have a problem of "last supper eating" again,"scaring myself" with "I will start listening to my body more tomorrow".It sounds exactly like "I will start restricting tomorrow" in my brainright now since I know that I want to eat more food than my body needsto get healthier or lose weight right now. As I said in an earlier post:My brain wants more food than my body; half a roll doesn't do it for mytwisted brain and I have no idea how to

solve this problem. It's a(relatively, i. e. some weeks) new problem.Regardss.

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I have low blood sugar due to s. I cannot go without a meal,in fact, must eat before bedtime to head off nasty blood sugar drops duringthe night. I was told by my naturopath that the body should be nourished every three to four hours.........therefore small meals throughout a day.........The body uses up what it needs and deposits the rest in fat......He told me if meals are skipped the body slows down to accommodate so theaspect of not eating is nonproductive.My situation is that I have sugar cravings so I must look at everything Ieat in terms of sugar content......assuring myself first of all that it does not containcorn syrup/high fructose syrup and whatever sugar it contains is relatively


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Kim wrote:

> It is frustrating. I am trying to learn to let go of the thoughts and

> trust that my body will let me know when it needs food.

I wish my brain would shut up with its pseudo-need for food. :-)

I just ate dinner. I feel full but not satisfied. Something is missing.

I'm not sure what. I want something sweet. Or do I want more of dinner?

Too much veggies and not enough pasta to feel satisfied? Is this my

brain tricking me into overeating again? Or a real need? Or what? Lately

I feel that I kind of can trust my body - but not my mind.[1]

What do I really want? What if I can't get what I really want? (I have a

feeling I can't.) Be it food or seomthing else. So I guess the solution

is I need to " just sit with my unmet wants or need " and my overeating is

cured. Ha-ha.



[1] not that I feel like I'm losing my mind or something, but I think

you already guessed that's not what I meant here. :-)

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Kim, isn't it simply amazing how we really can't 'lie' to ourselves!

When the old tally monster starts whispering 'too much!!' we respond

with 'better EAT up' (the diet starts next/again etc.).

Brownies are a big favorite here too, the saving grace for me is that

my recipe calls for chocolate syrup (from old Hersheys cookbook) and I

usually have to make it before I can make the brownies. Helps me to

REALLY want brownies!! (yes I do make my own chocolate syrup too. I'm

a chocolate fan can't ya tell?!?)


IEing since March 2007


> Hi everyone,


> I've been trying to legalize brownies. I have made alot of progress

with other foods - there aren't many sweets that scare me or that I

feel I must binge on or else I won't get enough of them. I keep

cookies, peanutbutter, mayo, ice cream, etc in my house with no

problem. Brownies is my last food. I used to binge pretty badly on

brownie batter - it was the batter that I ate. I mean, don't get me

wrong, I love brownies, too. But the batter was the " problem " .


> So I've been baking brownies alot this past week. Most times, once

the batter is made, I taste/eat some of it. I do it with awareness;

really tasting and enjoying the batter. I have not eaten to the point

of being sick on the batter.


> Today I made my third batch of brownies (over the past week). For

some reason, I overate the batter. I also ate it quickly and sneakily.

I don't know why. I feel a little sick in my stomach from it, too. I

feel dissapointed in myself. I started wondering why I ate so much of

the batter and in such a " covert " way.


> Here's what I realized: as I was making this batch of brownies, I

was thinking to myself, " well, third times the charm! I won't need to

make brownies again for a while. " I was also noticing how much sugar

was gone from the sugar container from baking, and how  many eggs I

had used this past week or so. Subconsiously, I had decided no more

brownies or batter after this batch. I set myself up for " last supper

eating " .


> I " m trying not to beat myself up about this. I will admit, I'm

having fear of weight gain since eating too much. I notice when I eat

past the point of what is comfy fullness for me, I trigger obsessive

thoughts about weight, etc. I'm reminding myself to be gentle, that I

have learned a great lesson from this brownie experience. I'm writing

all of this to help me process how I " m feeling.


> Now all I have to do is continue to listen to my body today :)


> Thanks!!

> Kim

> IE since Aug 08


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I completely relate to feeling like I won't get what I want/need - food, love, life, dinner, understanding, etc. And sitting with my feelings (my therapist uses that phrase ALL THE TIME) is very hard. Ok, it sucks, actually!

On a good note, I did wait until I was hungry again, and ate what I wanted. That happened to be fried chicken and veggies. I feel better than I did earlier today. And the brownies are not calling to me :)


IE since Aug 08

> It is frustrating. I am trying to learn to let go of the thoughts and> trust that my body will let me know when it needs food.I wish my brain would shut up with its pseudo-need for food. :-)I just ate dinner. I feel full but not satisfied. Something is missing.I'm not sure what. I want something sweet. Or do I want more of dinner?Too much veggies and not enough pasta to feel satisfied? Is this mybrain tricking me into overeating again? Or a real need? Or what? LatelyI feel that I kind of can trust my body - but not my mind.[1]What do I really want? What if I can't get what I really want? (I have afeeling I can't.) Be it food or seomthing else. So I guess the solutionis I need to "just sit with my

unmet wants or need" and my overeating iscured. Ha-ha.Regardss.[1] not that I feel like I'm losing my mind or something, but I thinkyou already guessed that's not what I meant here. :-)

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Kim wrote:

> I completely relate to feeling like I won't get what I want/need - food,

> love, life, dinner, understanding, etc. And sitting with my feelings (my

> therapist uses that phrase ALL THE TIME) is very hard. Ok, it sucks,

> actually!

Indeed, it sucks. It gets on my nerves. " Sit with the feelings " . Can't I

just shoo them out of my head? These thoughts causing the feelings. I

don't know what's worse: emotional sensations that seems to " come out of

nowhere " or the thoughts that sneak into my brain causing certain


I'm also beginning to wonder (again) what " sitting with the feelings "

really means. For sure it doesn't mean me sitting silently on the couch

with my hands in my lap and doing nothing except " sitting " . Or does it?

> On a good note, I did wait until I was hungry again, and ate what I

> wanted. That happened to be fried chicken and veggies. I feel better than

> I did earlier today. And the brownies are not calling to me :)

That's great! My drive to eat is less now, too. I still would prefer

eating over doing something else but it's not as... urgent as it

was two hours or so ago.



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