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Re: Yogurt -- what went wrong?

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Hello,I have never posted on this list yet so in the beginning i will quickly introduce myself. My name is Janja, I am from Slovenia and currently (soon to be married - next Saturday in fact) living in France. I have been diagnosed with UC (but CD is still an option for my doctor as i don't have typical UC symptoms) after terrible months of diahrrea last August. At that time i found SCD and started to follow it and of course i made usual beginners mistakes (didn't go slowly and simply) and also paid for them but once i realised this and modified my menu things started to improve wonderfully and after about 2 or 3 months of diet i started to regain weight and my blood figues returned to be normal (to a surprise of my doctor who doesn't know about the diet - yet). Reading posts on this list has been a big help and motivation for me. I didn't have a need to ask questions because i usually found all i need to know is already being writen or asked by others. But now, 6 monts into the diet i think i can sometimes answer to other's questions or just give my example because i know how important it is to read other's experiences. At least this was very helpful for me.

Now back to yogurt. I normally wouldn't be interested in reading this post as i never until now had any problems with my yogurt but just yesterday when i took them out of my yogurt maker they were exactly as Lotus described them. I have never seen that before. I did chill them over the night and this morning they became hard and not jello like anymore but i haven't tried them yet. I have to add that i made them with only cream and i used my usual yoghurt starter. Water is still in the bottom but it seems it is not moving around anymore. I will try to drip it and see what it gives. I have just tasted it and it seems ok to me but it seems that yogurt is already dripped in a way because the top is very dense almost like cream cheese.

I don't think I helped you with my answer Lotus but I will see what dripping gives but i think this happened because i used cream and not milk like usually. Janja

Okay, I've been making the yogurt for a while now with

no problem, but something really weird happened with my latest batch. I just

pulled my mason jars out of the dehydrator and noticed that all of the jars

have about half an inch of clear liquid on the bottom, and then it looks like

the yogurt is suspended on top.

What happened? For info sake, I made some jars with

half-and-half and some with cream. Starter is the yogourmet – all the

stuff I normally use. All the jars have the clear liquid on bottom. My yogurt

is normally white and creamy all the way down.

I haven't smelled or tasted it yet, but I'm

hoping someone can tell me that the batch is still okay to eat. I can't

afford more dairy for a while, and I'll be so sad if it's ruined. I

have it in to chill, trying to be optimistic.

Any theories?

Ugh. Yogurt fairies. Fickle things sometimes.


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