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Re: Preschool Options

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Why are you considering taking a step backwards if he was already in an inclusion setting?? Please excuse the forwardness.


All About Therapy


Subject: Preschool OptionsTo: sList Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 6:45 PM

Hello. We are new to Broward and exploring preschool options for our 3 year old son with autism. We have toured Baudhuin. Great facilities but without inclusion classrooms I am not sure this is what our son needs. We are exploring private as well as public. Any experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Aeleen,

Forwardness is exactly what I need. I did not realize that it would

be a step back. I am looking at the hours and quality of therapy.

Is it a step back when the intensity of therapy is increased. Of

course I would have to have extra activities to compensate for the

lack of inclusion. Maybe I am viewing this wrong. Please advise.



> Subject: Preschool Options

> To: sList

> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 6:45 PM







> Hello. We are new to Broward and exploring preschool options for

our 3

> year old son with autism. We have toured Baudhuin. Great facilities

> but without inclusion classrooms I am not sure this is what our son

> needs. We are exploring private as well as public. Any experiences

> would be greatly appreciated.


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Inclusion is great if the place has real inclusion and the child with

special needs is actually included and not just tolerated or worse,

left alone....Every kid is different. It's great if you find a good

school for him that has inclusion that he can benefit from with or

without a shadow (and shadows can be harmful if not well trained and

supervised). If you cannot find such a school than a special needs

program with supplementation in the after school hours can be

wonderful as well. You need to look at his weaknesses and strengths

and kind of make your own IEP and prioritize it. From there you can go

on to making more balanced decisions regarding placement and therapies.


> >

> > From: lcontes <lcontes@>

> > Subject: Preschool Options

> > To: sList

> > Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 6:45 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello. We are new to Broward and exploring preschool options for

> our 3

> > year old son with autism. We have toured Baudhuin. Great facilities

> > but without inclusion classrooms I am not sure this is what our son

> > needs. We are exploring private as well as public. Any experiences

> > would be greatly appreciated.

> >


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My son goes to Baudhuin and I understand your situation. I put my

son in various extracurricular activities this semester. If you end

up putting your son at Baudhuin, email me for ideas on community

programs we have tried. However, keep in mind that our children have

problems generalizing and while he may interact with children in the

community, he may think that school is a different setting and not

transfer this learning to the classroom. That is the problem I am

having now. An no one at Baudhuin understands that. They say he is

not ready to be in an integrated class because he gets distracted

too easily and needs frequent prompting. And because they believe

that if he does not interact with children in the spectrum in

school, they do not believe he is ready to interact with NT

students. In fact, I was told last week by a staffer there that well

intentioned parents like me push for integration at what happens

sometimes is that the children get made fun of by the NT kids for

being so different. I responded, I sure would hope that the school

would teach the NT kids not to do that. (And after all we can not

keep our children in a bubble forever. And what best place to start

integration if not in a special program with 3 teachers in the

classroom, the support of a speech therapist, an oT and a

behaviorist, visuals, schedules, etc...? If not there, where?)But

they say he is not ready to spend 3 hours a day with NT children. I

guess as a parent, I see my son in a different light. I see all the

potential where others see his disability first and worry endlessly

about what could go wrong if we give him a chance to show how much

he can do. When I give him a chance, he rises to the ocassion every

time. Check him out in a community class with ALL NT pre-schoolers

(and no special supports). He is the second from the left...

If you do find a great program in Broward for Pre-school with all

the necessary support and therapies, let me know. I would love to

take a look at it.

> > >

> > > From: lcontes <lcontes@>

> > > Subject: Preschool Options

> > > To: sList

> > > Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 6:45 PM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello. We are new to Broward and exploring preschool options


> > our 3

> > > year old son with autism. We have toured Baudhuin. Great


> > > but without inclusion classrooms I am not sure this is what

our son

> > > needs. We are exploring private as well as public. Any


> > > would be greatly appreciated.

> > >

> >


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I think you aredefinately viewing it correctly, this is your child and you need to make the best informed decision. You raise a very good question. Would it be a step back if you increase intesity and quality of therapy? You are absolutely correct. I would love to get more specific details and give you further advice plaese e-mail me directly some specifics ei.. Language (Recptive & Expressive), Aggressive behaviors??, When did the Shadow intervene????????

Love to help,



Subject: Re: Preschool OptionsTo: sList Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 2:30 AM

Hi Aeleen,Forwardness is exactly what I need. I did not realize that it would be a step back. I am looking at the hours and quality of therapy. Is it a step back when the intensity of therapy is increased. Of course I would have to have extra activities to compensate for the lack of inclusion. Maybe I am viewing this wrong. Please advise.> > From: lcontes <lcontes@... >> Subject:

Preschool Options> To: sList@ yahoogroups. com> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 6:45 PM> > > > > > > Hello. We are new to Broward and exploring preschool options for our 3 > year old son with autism. We have toured Baudhuin. Great facilities > but without inclusion classrooms I am not sure this is what our son > needs. We are exploring private as well as public. Any experiences > would be greatly appreciated.>

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A preschool option is the Place program. They place children in

apropriate preschool programs within the Broward County Public School

System. My 5 year old autistic son went through this program & made

incredible progress. You can contact the Place program at (754) 321-


I hope this helps.

> >

> > From: lcontes <lcontes@ >

> > Subject: Preschool Options

> > To: sList@ yahoogroups. com

> > Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 6:45 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello. We are new to Broward and exploring preschool options for

> our 3

> > year old son with autism. We have toured Baudhuin. Great


> > but without inclusion classrooms I am not sure this is what our


> > needs. We are exploring private as well as public. Any


> > would be greatly appreciated.

> >


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