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Re: ADs

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YOu might want to check out a book called The Mood Cure. I have been

working from it and it has a section on what supplements a

person " might " need to take to give their body what it needs to stop

obesssive thinking. The books theory is if we think obsessively it

could me our amino acids are out of balance.

Here is a link to the book if you want to check it out. I got my copy

from our library for free.


I have started taking two of the supplements and they are stablizing

me. The best part is you don't take them for ever only until you

replenish what you body needs.


> Sometimes I think I should go on antidepressants again. They always

> seemed to help that thing I have with obsessive thoughts. At least a

> bit.


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gailmccandless wrote:

> http://www.moodcure.com/Questionnaire.html

Seems like I would have to take all of this stuff.


I'm always quite skeptic if it's about buying supplements. I don't

know... there is this old proverb: If it sounds too good to be true,

maybe it is.

Maybe I'll get the book from amazon. However, it's not likely that I'm

going to read it before my exam is over so I'm going to think it over.

12 EURO isn't that much. I wonder if one can get these supplements from

another source than the website store.



PS: I think I'm looking for a cure that will make me being able to study

more - a quick fix before my exam but I think this won't be possible. So

either it's passing the exam this time being depressed or trying

supplements (hopefully working and therefore being able to study more)

and hopefully passing next time. ANd yes, I'm terribly afraid right now.

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I got it from the library then I was not out any money for the book

that is. I got to keep the book for a month.

I know what you mean about being skeptical though, but for me.. its

making me feel better.....I noticed a difference with in 24 hours

(the book said I would know quickly if my body needs the supplement I

think the supplements cost 6 bucks, I did not buy anything from the

web site...I got what I wanted to try at a health food

store)....maybe its all in my mind but thats fine as long as I feel

better LOL.

Sending you quiet smart thoughts for your exams


> > http://www.moodcure.com/Questionnaire.html


> Seems like I would have to take all of this stuff.


> sigh


> I'm always quite skeptic if it's about buying supplements. I don't

> know... there is this old proverb: If it sounds too good to be true,

> maybe it is.


> Maybe I'll get the book from amazon. However, it's not likely that


> going to read it before my exam is over so I'm going to think it


> 12 EURO isn't that much. I wonder if one can get these supplements


> another source than the website store.


> Regards

> s.


> PS: I think I'm looking for a cure that will make me being able to


> more - a quick fix before my exam but I think this won't be

possible. So

> either it's passing the exam this time being depressed or trying

> supplements (hopefully working and therefore being able to study


> and hopefully passing next time. ANd yes, I'm terribly afraid right



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Here is also a link to some free podcast called " a quiet mind " that

have helped me tons. This is the link to the first one in the series.


If you like it the archives are on the right hand side of the site. The

acceptance one is Decembers next you would listen to Januarys. They

build on each other so its best to listen in order.

Be Easy on yourself....gail


> Sometimes I think I should go on antidepressants again. They always

> seemed to help that thing I have with obsessive thoughts. At least a

> bit.


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