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Re: How To Control Temperature of a Yogurt Maker to within 1 degree

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So he went online and purchased

a temperature controller that I set the temperature and it

maintains whatever temperature I have chosen (I set mine at 108 degrees

and that is where it stays within 1 degree plus or minus.)

Could you point us to the item he got for you? That would help those of

us who aren't techie-minded in finding the right device.


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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Go to: http://auberins.com/index.php?main_page=product_info & products_id=44 & zenid=c8a447ad8090d1e6ab31cae3f8849b1b This one is ready to plug in, nothing else to do. For those of you (or your spouses) that are engineers or know how to wire gadgets (I personally am terrified of electricity and am always ready to push my husband away with a broom when I think he is working with something too risky) there is another that is cheeper (around $50-$60) but you have to build a box (or put a piece of tape over the exposed wires) and attach a power cord. You then plug it in and set your temperature. I have the cheaper one as my husband found the more expensive (and already

wired) one later on line for anyone that was interested. Joanne UC/CC 5/07, SCD 6/07, no meds "Wizop Marilyn L. Alm" wrote: So he went online and purchased a temperature controller that I set the temperature and it maintains whatever temperature I have chosen (I set mine at 108 degrees and that is where it stays within 1 degree plus or minus.)

Could you point us to the item he got for you? That would help those of us who aren't techie-minded in finding the right device. — Marilyn New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001 Darn Good SCD Cook No Human Children Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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You could probably use a crock pot to put your jars of yogurt in using the temperature controller or even a rice cooker rather than purchase a yogurt maker. As long as you can put the jars in a water bath, it should work. Joanne UC/CC 5/07, SCD 6/07, no meds"Wizop Marilyn L. Alm" wrote: So he went online and purchased a temperature controller that I set the temperature and it

maintains whatever temperature I have chosen (I set mine at 108 degrees and that is where it stays within 1 degree plus or minus.) Could you point us to the item he got for you? That would help those of us who aren't techie-minded in finding the right device. — Marilyn New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001 Darn Good SCD Cook No Human Children Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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Yes, I had batches overheating after the 4-5 hours with the yogourmet...I bought the cheap temp gage from the home depot on- line. After taking a few times adjusting the dimmer, I can almost sleep peacefully through the night knowing its at the right temp.,,,, wonder why some overheat and some don't. Definatley don't plug it in and trust that it's right....Correct me if I am wrong...but wait the 4 hours.... Then take the temp to see where it's at. Recheck it in another 4 hours and you'll know if your going to overheat or not. Start it early in the morning so that you have time to observe it. For the first time yogurt makers put into the equation the time it take you to boil milk, then cool the milk, before you can actually put in cultures and ferment it. Sometimes I start it too late in the day....and I am getting impatient waiting for the milk to cool! Anyway, I have become lazy at making it...can anyone give some pep talks in getting my butt to make it again!!! Thanks! ps. I made a applesauce cake in the pecan bread website....oh how wonderful!!!!! If I closed my eyes it was like eating brownies. It's a wonderful treat. I am being careful at only eating small amounts because it is advanced having raisins, dates, and walnuts. I just wanted to share this with those who may be looking for a holiday dessert. pss. Someone mentioned about Ramen P's recipe for pizza crust. yes, adding the dccc is the secret I believe. It's a great recipe! I've been doing great using Deans brand dccc and have made numerous things with it. I am hoping that the drugs I am taking isn't messing up my true food journal. Better sign off.

sandy uc since 2004 scd almost 4 months....6 nasty pred pills to take then I am done!!!! "Wizop Marilyn L. Alm" wrote: At 07:54 PM 3/19/2008, you wrote: Does anyone else with the Yogourmet use a temperature controller, or just plug it in and trust that it is right?na,I've never had a problem with the temperature on either of my Yogourmets.

Others have, and prefer a greater degree of control. — Marilyn New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001 Darn Good SCD Cook No Human Children Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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