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Re: Re: Introduction

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Welcome Sara so glad to have you with us looking forward to sharing the journey with you. Eva

Welcome Sara :) Sounds like you are off to a good start with IE. Bodyacceptance is as much as part of this journey as is foods and eating.Glad to be sharing IE with you too.Best to you, KatchaIEing since March 2007>> Hello everyone,> > I am new to the group. I just started reading Intuitive Eating,> although I am not unfamiliar with the concept and have been working> with Marna Goldstein's Thin Within program. > > I was an intuitive eater for many years of my life; which gives me> hope returning to that will not be so difficult. Somewhere in my 20s I> began doing the Chaotic Unconscious Eating.. but I had a great> metabolism and it didn't catch up with me until 26 or so. I've been in> diet mode for the better part of three years, until recently, though> not nearly as extreme as many women I know. I haven't made food "evil"> because I always believed a lifestyle change should leave room for> your favorite foods.. so this concept of IE makes enormous sense to> me. I KNOW I have food issues, don't get me wrong! I'm relearning cues> about satisfaction and fullness just like everyone else. I lost 20> lbs. last year and returning to normal eating have kept it off,> largely because I think my portions are smaller (a necessity given my> stomach rebels when I overeat)but I am not at the weight I feel most> comfortable at. I am loving and accepting myself where I am, though. > > At any rate, I am glad to be here!! > > Sara>------------------------------------

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