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Re: Honor your Health

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I've thought alot about the question of " honor your health " . When I

first read IE, I wasn't sure what this would mean to me. I hold " honor

your health " in the second more gentler way...by recognizing how my

body responds to different food, movement, etc. I believe that our

bodies are relatively resilient and can handle a variety of foods.

After reading your post, I went and found some different definitions

of " health " and I didn't really like any of them. One definition

stated health as " a combination of the absence of illness, the ability

to cope with everyday activities, physical fitness and a high quality

of life. " Our individuals lives are so much more complex than this

definition...some people are chronically " ill " from birth and yet

manage to find joy in life.

" Honor your health " , I'd like to interpret that statement in a way

that I recognize that " health " is not a given...that I have certain

choices and influence on my health...whatever way that I define it. If

I really loved/liked triple-creme cheese, I would not go the rest of

my life without it simply because some " scientist " says that it's bad

for my health. Being " healthy " doesn't really mean anything to me

anymore...I agree with Katcha on the point that I've started to feel

that most of these studies are meant to manipulate us and result in us

abandoning the most true wisdom...our own direct experience and bodily

responses. In fact, the stress of reading and paying attention to

often conflicting studies seems to have a negative impact on my

overall health. :)

Fundamentally, one of the issues that I think we all face is a

question of whether we can trust ourselves or not? I'm choosing to put

more faith in my own responses by practicing the IE principles. For

me, " honoring my health " is the practice and result of working with

these principles...rejecting the diet mentality...honoring my

hunger...feeling my fullness...coping with emotions without dealing

with food...exercising/movement...etc.



> I would like to ask the group what you think about the idea " honor

your health " ? Isn't that just another way of getting in the idea that

we have to eat healthy foods and STAY AWAY from that " bad " stuff? Or

is it gentler than that? Is it more about thinking, " how will this

food make my body feel " ? I know there is documentation that rich

triple-creme cheese is bad for my heart, but isn't there also

documentation to the contrary? With scientists arguing all the time,

how do I decide how to " honor my health " ?


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It's so easy to eat what's easily available and then have a 'DOH!

moment later. :) Candy corn is so bright and sunny...I've been

seduced before too and ended up with a stomach ache! It takes

moments of true awareness like you experienced to get the message

and act on it. It's great that you're going to be experimenting

more. I love IE, in part, because working with the principles

encourages me to really experiement and figure out what I really

love, enjoy, and like in terms of food, activity, and movement.



> I had a disastrous afternoon vis a vis eating mindlessly (handsful

of candy corn!) and ended up feeling lousy...phsyically, and then

mentally. This told me, guess what, you don't actually like candy

corn: I would have been happier and felt better with some real food.

I am grocery shopping later today, and I " m going to experiment with

buying more Real Food, and see if it satisfies better than fat free

and sugar free this and that.

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, this was something I had to work at when I first started IE -

the FUN of experimenting with food. My previous way would have been to

organize and create a 'method' to discover what was 'best' for me. I

found I had better results when I just had FUN with going with what

grabbed my interest at the time. Plus what was 'good' then might very

well be uninteresting or even 'bad' another time? (psst - all food is

'real', appealing and satisfying is another thing though)

Hope you share with us what you find too :) I know the FF and sugar

free discussion has been posted here several times before. Trust your

taste buds AND your body's feedback when you eat whatever.

BEST to you - Katcha

IEing since March 2007


>I am grocery shopping later today, and I " m going to experiment with

buying more Real Food, and see if it satisfies better than fat free

and sugar free this and that.

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Candy corn is one of my old favorites. Since I've started IE, I have

bought some to eat - mainly with knowing that I will get sick of it

quickly! But its so wonderful to NOT be doing the 'I-want-it,

I-shouldn't-have-it, I-will-eat-it-anyway' dance :) Its just a short

term 'fun' food and I don't even have to love it either - lol!


IEing since March 2007


> I had a disastrous afternoon vis a vis eating mindlessly (handsful

of candy corn!) and ended up feeling lousy...phsyically, and then


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