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Fw: Thousands of clinical trials now invalid because of this startling discovery (and more news)

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Thousands of clinical trials now invalid because of this startling discovery (and more news)

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Dear NaturalNews readers,

The very foundation of modern medical science is now being called into question by scientists!

Perhaps tens of thousands of "scientific" studies may no longer be scientifically valid.

And why? Because it turns out that "placebo" pills aren't really placebos! (In fact, there's no such thing as a true placebo.)

Here's why much of modern medical science may be based on utterly nonscientific study results:http://www.naturalnews.com/030209_placebo_medical_fraud.html

A fascinating new study reveals how you can increase your willpower in mere moments by tapping into the power of mind-body medicine:http://www.naturalnews.com/030208_willpower_mind-body_medicine.html

Would you like to contribute articles to NaturalNews? We're now inviting new applications for Citizen Journalists:http://www.naturalnews.com/030207_citizen_journalism_writer.html

In terms of upcoming elections, here's why a little-known race for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture may be the most important election of all when it comes to the future of food:http://www.naturalnews.com/030206_Francis_Thicke_Iowa.html

P.S. joins Landsman on the NaturalNews Talk Hour, Thursday evening. Get the details here: http://www.naturalnews.com/030201_GMOs__.html

More news continues below on which fats prevent gum disease, why night lights may trigger obesity, why experimental drugs harm so many people, and much more (see below)...

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