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suggestions to stop binge eating

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I have been following SCD since November of 2007. I have IBS and I am

gluten and lactose intolerant. I am overweight, I am five feet tall

and currently weigh 168. I am slowing gaining back the 50 pounds I

lost on Weight Watchers. It seems if I even think about counting

calories or points, I binge.

I binge on SCD sweets, peanut butter, dates, and honey. This is

better than eating all the darn candy that seems to be everywhere but

gaining weight is not good and neither is binge eating. Everywhere I

go I am offered cake, chocolate, candy, donuts, pizza, this just

stresses me out. I pack all my food, but somedays I just want to

weep. I can't even eat out safely around here. The restaurants don't

know what a real piece of chicken or beef looks like. Everything is

flaked, formed or injected with seasonings.

I went crazy last week and went off SCD and went to the gluten free

diet. The GF diet has lots of supporters. It was easy for me to find

GF friends to encourage me on a Gluten Free journey. People that are

GF don't understand SCD. GF people do understand the stress of being

different, but they don't understand not being able to eat certain

foods. Almost every food is now avaiable GF.

After a few days of the Gluten Free diet I was in so much pain I was

crying. I am back on SCD. I am now unable to eat any cheeses when I

could before. My stomach burns and my guts hurt when I eat. Does this

mean I need to stop the salads, beans, lean homecooked meats and go

back to ground beef, cooked, peeled vegetables and eliminate the

salads for now?

Most contrite and sheepish,


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