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Fw: michele, The Coming Food Dictatorship. FDA says seafood safe to eat. Big Pharma is Microchipping Drugs. Medical Device That Causes 30,000 Cancer Cases Each Year.

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From: Health Freedom Alliance <support@...>Subject: michele, The Coming Food Dictatorship. FDA says seafood safe to eat. Big Pharma is Microchipping Drugs. Medical Device That Causes 30,000 Cancer Cases Each Year."18834716 Horton" <epifany97523@...>Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010, 11:30 AM


Freedom Alliance Alert: November 17, 2010


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November 17, 2010

Health Freedom Alert:



Coming Food Dictatorship


still loaded with chemicals, but FDA says seafood safe to eat


Pharma is Putting Microchips in Drugs


Medical Device That Causes 30,000 Cancer Cases Each Year. Have You Been




Analysis - What This Important Test Can Do For You!


Analysis - How This Test Can Improve the Quality of Your Life


Sign The Petition To Help Stop The Nutritional Supplement

Prohibition Act S3002 (Over 40,000 Signatures To Date! Wow!

Great Work Everyone :)

Forward this important newsletter to friends and

family you care about!



Those Of You Still On The Fence About MMS, You MUST Watch This Latest Video

Featuring Guest: s Kalcker!

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Coming Food Dictatorship

Despite the delays, the

so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act" (S.510) remains a major threat to

local food networks and market-based food systems. S.510 empowers the FDA

with totalitarian authority over the whole gamut of food, and would give

the regulatory agency the ability to wantonly impose burdensome

requirements on even the smallest of food processors, e.g. a local family


Hoping to quell the concerns

of liberty activists, proponents of expanding the government�s control

over what we put into our own bodies point to the latest version of S.510,

which includes a few provisions that recognize the difference in scale

between large manufacturing plants and your local farms; however, the vast

majority of these provisions are actually left to the FDA�s discretion.

In other words, it will be up to whomever Obama puts in charge of the FDA

to decide whether or not your local food network is crushed by federal

regulations, or simply shut down if the G-men have "reason to believe" the

food on the premises is contaminated.

UPDATE: Cloture was invoked,

74-25. Post-cloture debate will move forward on the bill. There are still

plenty of steps to continue fighting this bill before final passage. Keep

those calls coming and stay tuned for updates! If you haven�t called your

Senators yet, call the Capital Switchboard today (202) 224-3121 and ask to

be connected to your Senator or find their info here and call them



here for more information >>>http://healthfreedoms.org/the-coming-food-dictatorship/


still loaded with chemicals, but FDA says seafood safe to eat

The FDA wants us to believe

that seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is safe to eat less then six months

after the area experienced the greatest environmental disaster in U.S

history. The Food and Drug Administration continually shows disregard to

the health of individuals for the sake of business and this is just another

low. More then 200,000,000 gallons of crude oil and 2,000,000 gallons,

possibly more, of dispersants have contaminated the waters your suggested

dinner lives in.

According to the Center for

Biological Diversity: More dispersant has been used on the BP spill than in

any other oil spill in U.S. history. Moreover, for the first time ever, the

EPA has approved using dispersants not only at the surface but deep

underwater at the source of the spill. Approximately 1.84 million gallons

of dispersant have been applied, with more than 1 million gallons on the

surface and 771,000 gallons pumped deep into the water column to dilute the


These facts are hard to chew

on when your talking about eating something that lives in these waters. The

methods the FDA used to determine the safety of the seafood is just as

unsettling. The first announcement that the seafood is safe was based on a

"smell" test to determine the presence of oil. With the public unconvinced,

the FDA went back and tested tissue samplings of the various seafood and

determined that although there was a presence of chemical residue, it was

nothing to be concerned about. Again the testing was called into question,

this time by fishery experts citing the fact that the FDA only tested for

the presence of one chemical component of the dispersant while ignoring the

other toxic chemicals and chemical compounds of the dispersant and


Click here for more information >>>http://healthfreedoms.org/gulf-still-loaded-with-chemicals-but-fda-says-seafood-safe-to-eat/


Pharma is Putting Microchips in Drugs

Pharmaceutical companies have

been using technology to create drugs for some time and now their taking

technology and putting it into drugs. One of the largest pharmaceutical

companies in the world, Switzerland based Novartis AG, announced a plan to

use medications embedded with microchips that monitor a patient's usage as

well as their body's functions and any reactions to the drug. Once

activated by the acids of the stomach, the microchip sends data about what

is happening in the body to a receiver located in a small patch worn on the


While this technology may come

off as a helpful reminder for forgetful patients to take their meds, it

also has potential to be a violation of privacy in a world where the threat

of governmental control over citizens availability and methods of treatment

for illnesses loom. Reminders for people to attend to their medication

would be great news if pharmaceutical drugs were actually good for your

health, but as most of you reading this know, taking engineered drugs is no

way to address our so called diseases. In fact, forgetting to take a pill

can be a side effect of taking the medication itself as pharmaceutical

drugs work against your body and impair neurological function along with a

host of other side effects.

Click here for more information >>>http://healthfreedoms.org/big-pharma-is-putting-microchips-in-drugs/


Medical Device That Causes 30,000 Cancer Cases Each Year. Have You Been


There is no doubt that the use

of computed tomography (CT or CAT) scans has many benefits. They help

doctors detect everything from kidney stones to tumors. That�s partly

because CT scans yield much higher resolution images than conventional

medical x-rays. The downside is that they also expose the patient to

sometimes thousands of times the amount of radiation of a medical regular

x-ray. Many experts recognize that this is a big problem.

There's been an explosion in

unnecessary CT scans over the past 10 years which means hundreds of

thousands of Americans are facing unnecessary, horrible deaths from CT scan

induced cancers.

Click here for more information >>>http://healthfreedoms.org/the-medical-device-that-causes-30000-cancer-cases-each-year-have-you-been-exposed/


Analysis - How This Test Can Improve the Quality of Your Life

Have you ever been to the

doctor because you were feeling something was not right only to be told

that there is nothing wrong with you according to your blood work? Or, even

worse, after the doctor listened to your symptoms, did blood work and other

tests, they gave you a diagnosis of an "incurable" disease such as colitis,

irritable bowel, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, or

high cholesterol? You may have been relieved that your problem was not life

threatening but you left still feeling that something is not right in your


For example, maybe you are

fatigued and your skin is not as soft and supple as it once was. You may

have noticed that your libido has drastically decreased or you are more

irritable than you used to be and your muscles get sore more often after

exercise. Our experience shows that many people fit into this category and

you are not alone. Many of us turn toward natural supplementation to help

treat our symptoms. When we do this, we are basically one step above more

traditional treatment methods which use drugs to abate symptoms. Thankfully

there is a better system of diagnostics and treatment. It is called called

BioCellular Analysis

BioCellular Analysis is an

excellent metabolic biofeedback tool to indicate whether your dietary and

nutritional supplementation is detrimental or beneficial for you. It gives

specific information on what vitamins and minerals are not being

assimilated into the body's cellular structure. It provides us feedback

that helps you determine the status of your immune system so that we can

implement a plan for optimal health.

Click here for more information >>>http://healthfreedoms.org/bio-cellular-analysis-how-this-test-can-improve-the-quality-of-your-life/

Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful and selective

biocide which will help remedy oral conditions. You may also benefit from

the selective oxidative properties of ClO2. As more and more FDA approved

products containing Chlorine Dioxide such as toothpaste and mouthwash are

being offered to the consumer we are including instructions on using MMS to

clean your teeth from the book MMS Solutions, "Use 6 drops of MMS and add

2-6 ounces of water. Use this solution to brush teeth or rinse mouth. Use a

new solution every morning. Do not leave this solution in the mouth for

longer than 60 seconds. Expect the pain of an abscessed tooth to be

overcome by the immune system in about four hours. Expect all infection and

all pyorrhea to be gone in one week. Expect all loose teeth to be rock

solid in two weeks. Expect a completely healthy mouth in less than three

weeks. Keep in mind that the MMS solution is the most powerful health

solution ever developed and it will indeed do exactly what is described

here." Chlorine Dioxide is FDA approved for municipalities to purify water

and to be use as a sanitizer by meat, fish and vegetable packaging plants.

It is quickly becoming the method of choice for state and private hospitals

not just for its superior ability to kill all kinds of bacteria , viruses

and other pathogens but also because of Chlorine Dioxide's harmless

toxicity levels. Chlorine Dioxide has been readily available to purchase on

the internet under the name Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS. It is

recommended that you buy from a reputable source such as our sponsor www.MMSMiracleMineral.com


Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food is Making Us Sicker,

Fatter, and Poorer- And What You Can Do About It

Expanding on the film's themes, the book Food, Inc. will

answer those questions through a series of challenging essays by leading

experts and thinkers. This book will encourage those inspired by the film

to learn more about the issues, and act to change the world.


Inc. DVD - Hungry For Change?

Featuring interviews with such experts as Schlosser

(Fast Food Nation), Pollan (The Omnivore's Dilemma) along with

forward thinking social entrepreneurs like Stonyfield Farms'

Hirschberg and Polyface Farms' Joe Salatin, Food, Inc. reveals surprising -

and often shocking truths - about what we eat, how it's produced, who we

have become as a nation and where we are going from here.

*The DVD will be shipped upon DVD



Inc.: A Participant Guide & Food Inc. DVD

With this combination pack, you can read into the

specifics of what the movie didn't include and also have the movie along

side of it. This way you can enjoy the movie without thinking that there

was something left out.

*The DVD will be shipped to you upon


We feature a report exposing

the failed link between vaccines and the reduction of childhood diseases

(or flu). Indeed, the true credit for the reduction in childhood disease is

shown to be more a function of improvements in sanitation and living with

clean potable water than anything which could be attributed to vaccines. In

this report, Dr. who served as director of NIH is quoted as

saying "the only safe vaccine is one that is never used." It goes on to

expose the dirty little secrets about vaccines.

More >>>


For a small donation get "Vaccine

Nation" produced by our good friend Null, Ph.D. This documentary film

clearly illustrates the health damage suffered by our innocent children,

due to unnecessary vaccinations and gives you the information you need to

speak intelligently and forcefully on the subject of childhood

vaccinations. We only have a limited supply of these DVD's so they are only

available while supplies last.

For for a limited

time receive a 2 Disk DVD set "The Future of Food" with your donation. Shot

on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the

complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as

huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system.

The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture,

placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm

crisis today.

Also for a limited

time receive "Understanding MMS" with your donation. More than 200,000

Americans are using The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). Thousands of

lives have been saved (Over 75,000 from Malaria in Africa alone). Reports

of overcoming 'incurable' diseases are happening every day! With ever

looming threat of bio-warfare and Bird flu (and now Swine Flu), MMS should

be in every home. To read about Miracle Mineral Supplement follow this



Your donations make all of

these timely advances possible! Your continued support is the fuel that

drives Health Freedom Alliance. Thank you for forwarding emails to your

friends and family! Keep up the good work!

We are all invested in

this fight. Each of us will be affected by its outcome. Each of us can make

a difference!

Thank you Freedom Fighters!

Cowles II Media

Director Health Freedom Alliance Health & Wellness


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