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Fwd: [CasiClubhouse] Womans father knows Polin..will forward letter if intere...

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Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

Ths woman is from another autism group. Her father is good friends

with Palin. She has posted her email here for anyone that would

like to personally write a letter to Polin about any issue. I

think that this would be a PERFECT opportunity for the Autism

community to let their voice be heard. Please make sure that you

title the email " Letter to Polin " :)

Hello All,

I can say a bit about Palin. I, of course do not know her

personally, however, I have friends and family who do. She is in

politics, and that is a hard field to be in, because you have to play

the " games " that the other politicians play, but from the people I

know who know her and trust her... I know them and trust them. And if

they trust her, these are people willing to die today for America and

her freedom to remain, good honest hardworking, law abiding, people

who work and earn their living from the sweat of their brow, not the

rich fancy people who " Have too many houses to count " as I have heard

said of McCain. I am not trying to bash McCain, I am only saying,

that Palin, from all the friends I have who are friends with

her, including my dad, say she is not " Fakey " she is genuine and

honest and good and is not perfect but is a good, hardworking woman

who is trying to make a difference not only in the world, but even

amongst her

own " political party " and even amongst the " Big shots "

One thing that I know about her personally from a friend and fellow

author is her love for her baby with Down's and her interest in

helping those with " Special Needs " . My friend has a son with Down's

who she as a single mom has helped him to become an artist. She

realized his talent in art and as a school teacher she helped him to

use is talent to be an outlet. Her Down's son is now grown up and

uses his art as a talent and carreer.

The son was getting a lot of questions about his work and other mom's

with children with " Special needs " were asking my friend if she could

help them to help their sons and daughters to have a creative outlet,

even with their special needs.

So, she wrote a book about it. The book has been a big seller in

Alaska. When Govenor Palin's son was born, she read the book and

contacted my friend. She asked her a million questions on how to be

the best mom that she could be to her new son and my friend has held

her hand and helped her to see her son's Down's in a positive light.

They have become friends and she says that Palin is totally the

person to vote for, in order to get awareness and help for children

with all special needs.

Palin did not know till very recently that she was going to be the

VP. I asked my dad about her, because he is friends with her too and

I asked if she knew. He laughed and said, Nope! She told me that they

had reviewed her records and asked her a ton of questions way back in

February, before McCain was even the lead Republican. They asked a

few follow up questions and reviewed a few more things about 2 months

ago, and then never spoke to her again, until 4 days before he

announced her.

She was actually nearly as shocked as the rest of the nation,

according to those I know. My dad left a message for her and asked if

he could help a research journalist ask some questions of her, so

that the journalist could get her side of all this together and get

it out there for people to read before the elections. The young man

who is working on this project said that he will be releasing a non

bias book on all the candidates in about 3 weeks. Maybe then you and

everyone can read more about her.

But my parents swear she is a fantastic person and that they like her

better than anyone they've ever met in politics and so do the other

friends I have who know her. Alaska is a very large state, but the

people there are very honest, open and believe for the most part in a

lot of the " Old School " ways, as far as things like, working and

education will get you ahead in life and be nice to your neighbor and

they will be nice to you and stuff like that.

A lot of people are starting to have other ideas, like sue your

neighbor and get your way, or Who cares about hard work and education

if you screw people and trick them out of their money.

So, I may not know her myself, but I know Alaska quality people,

which is why we are moving back there soon. And you really can't

survive in Alaska for very long, without getting your hands dirty,

and not in a bad sense, that people use that term, but in a very

litteral, sense. You can not make it there in the -60*F and the

cutting down your own lumber to heat your home and fishing and

hunting, not just running to the store type life that is so

prominantly there.

Juneau is the only exception to this rule. The rest of Alaska pretty

much has a different style of living. But there are some pompous

snotty and crooked politicians and business men in Juneau. It is much

warmer than the rest of the states and is further down near seattle.

You have to fly to get in and out of it but there are a lot of

wealthy people there who do not really work and hire cheap labor to

work for them. They are the sort, that Palin was calling, " The

good old boys " in her speach. They are the kind who just want to get

gain and live off of everyone elses hard work.

I again, do not know her personally, but I don't know any of the

candidates personally, and I can tell you one thing. I was having a

mighty hard time making up my mind this term on candidates, as I

didn't feel happy or satisfied with any of them til now. But, when

they announced Palin, I felt " Hope " again and was excited to

know that she was running. I instantly thought of her baby and

realised that having her fighting for families with " Special needs "

that they might truly be able to get some sort of health plan that

would better accomadate all of the Special Needs families.

In fact I spoke to my dad, since he is friends with her and has her

number and everything and asked him to please, relay some information

to her regarding what parents with children on the spectrum need.

I know some things that we need, as a mother to three on the

spectrum, but I was wondering, if any of you wanted to be heard and

ask for things, if you would be interested in having the chance of a

lifetime to write a letter to Govenor Palin, and e-mail it to me, and

I will see if my dad can forward all of our letters on to her. Maybe

we can come up with a new health plan or whatever. I have some good

ideas that I am planning to share with her, and if you do to, I know

that she is a good enough woman to take the time to hear us.

She has my vote!

Sincerely, Esther

You can send any letters for Palin to essieshell24@ yahoo.com,

or mike_esther_ smithyahoo (DOT) com

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