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Re: Do you think it's too fast

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> I added Farmer's Cheese, super duper cooked spinach, and 6 oz. of

> yogurt within 3 days of each other and I'm having some pain from my

> navel down to my right hip (the ileum region where my CD is). Do you

> think I added these 3 foods too close together? The only other things

> I had introduced were zuccini and carrots which I seemed to have

> tolerated well. I've been pain free since Feb. 5 and I'm so scared

> it's coming back.


> Do you think I jumped back into the Phase 1 foods too fast?


> And does this sound good? I'm going to throw out the spinach/beef

> casserole I made and lay off the farmer's cheese and yogurt for a

> couple days and go back on the intro diet and then add those things

> back in one at a time.

The Farmer's cheese *is* on the intro diet.

Try and remember after which ingredient you got the pain. Has it

been cumulative? Or did it arrive suddenly, just today, after the last


And if you haven't thrown out the casserole yet, I'd freeze it if I

were you,

until you find out for sure that spinach is the culprit. It sounds good

and probably took some work.

Are you particularly sensitive to lactose, etc? Are you sure you

cooked the yogurt long enough?

Also 6 ounces of yogurt is a lot to begin with. On pecanbread, they

recommend a teaspoon or so. That's for kids who are mostly

problem eaters and very symptomatic, but no more than two

tablespoons/1/4 cup seems like a good intro amount to me for an

adult. The yogurt may be activating die-off or some kind of symptomatic

reaction. Etc. Remember yesterday Marilyn wrote about how she had

a bad reaction to introducing too much S. Boulardi into her daily regime

and had to back off of it for a few days, then lessen the dose.


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Hi Mara - thanks for responding so fast. The pain arrived today but the gurgling noises started last night. I added the yogurt yesterday afternoon but ate a slice of the spinach "casserole" this morning. I ate intro stuff the rest of the day so I'm not sure which one of the culprits it could be. Yesterday I ate my first 6 oz. of yogurt. I don't know if I'm sensitive to lactose as I ate and drank as much dairy as I wanted before developing CD. It seems as though everything I ate before SCD caused pain. I'm certain I cooked the yogurt for 25.5 hours; however, I'm still not 100% sure if I made it correctly. I followed all the directions but didn't have a thermometer to check to make sure it went down to 64-77; though it was cool to the touch when I added the starter. I'm going to wait a couple days and then start with about 1/4 cup of yogurt a day. And, yesterday I

added spinach. I added Farmer's Cheese 2 days before (I was taking the intro super super slow). So I added 2 things at once. I didn't think about it being die off since the pain is in my ileum area and is generally the pain I had 2 weeks ago. I messed the spinach "casserole" up anyway by accidentily adding cinnamon instead of cumin. I washed the beef under the tap, but you can still distinctly taste it. I'm very frugal though, and will probably freeze it for later. The cinnamon taste is very faint. I buy the beef from a local farmer's market and it's not that easy to come by so I will probably freeze it. Thanks for all the advice, it really helps. Misty KimbleCD , LA SCD - Jan 5, 08 Mara Schiffren wrote: > I added Farmer's Cheese, super duper cooked spinach, and 6 oz. of> yogurt within 3 days of each other and I'm having some pain from my> navel down to my right hip (the ileum region where my CD is). Do you> think I added these 3 foods too close together? The only other things> I had introduced were zuccini and carrots which I seemed to have> tolerated well. I've been pain free since Feb. 5 and I'm so scared> it's coming back.>> Do you think I jumped back into the Phase 1 foods too fast?>> And does this sound good? I'm

going to throw out the spinach/beef> casserole I made and lay off the farmer's cheese and yogurt for a> couple days and go back on the intro diet and then add those things> back in one at a time.The Farmer's cheese *is* on the intro diet.Try and remember after which ingredient you got the pain. Has itbeen cumulative? Or did it arrive suddenly, just today, after the lastingredient?And if you haven't thrown out the casserole yet, I'd freeze it if I were you,until you find out for sure that spinach is the culprit. It sounds goodand probably took some work.Are you particularly sensitive to lactose, etc? Are you sure youcooked the yogurt long enough?Also 6 ounces of yogurt is a lot to begin with. On pecanbread, theyrecommend a teaspoon or so. That's for kids who are mostlyproblem eaters and very symptomatic, but no more than twotablespoons/1/4 cup seems like a good intro amount

to me for anadult. The yogurt may be activating die-off or some kind of symptomaticreaction. Etc. Remember yesterday Marilyn wrote about how she hada bad reaction to introducing too much S. Boulardi into her daily regimeand had to back off of it for a few days, then lessen the dose.Mara

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yikes! feel so bad it is so tough to go slow - I'm 6 weeks today and

went back to intro to intro for 2 days - then if you feel better go

one food every couple of days - this is annoying but I've learned and

I'm still surviving off 7 foods but if it heals/helps I'll do it -

that's why we're all here - it's frustrating and my hubby thinks " it

should have worked already " it's a slow process - i believe in it

and I'm sure it will help us all hang in-I was at week 4 before

attemting any of the things you mentioned and it still didn't go well

good luck


-- In BTVC-SCD , " Misty " wrote:


> I added Farmer's Cheese, super duper cooked spinach, and 6 oz. of

> yogurt within 3 days of each other and I'm having some pain from my

> navel down to my right hip (the ileum region where my CD is). Do


> think I added these 3 foods too close together? The only other


> I had introduced were zuccini and carrots which I seemed to have

> tolerated well. I've been pain free since Feb. 5 and I'm so scared

> it's coming back.


> Do you think I jumped back into the Phase 1 foods too fast?


> And does this sound good? I'm going to throw out the spinach/beef

> casserole I made and lay off the farmer's cheese and yogurt for a

> couple days and go back on the intro diet and then add those things

> back in one at a time.


> This is so hard.


> It sucks.


> Thanks for listening,


> Misty Kimble

> , LA

> CD

> SCD - Jan 5, 2008


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thanks. i restarted the intro but with the addition of cooked zuccini and carrots because i know i can tolerate them. nixing everything else for a while. feeling good is better than having a choice of foods. thanks again, Misty Kimble , LA CD SCD Jan 5, 2008blackguitarmaker wrote: yikes! feel so bad it is so tough to go slow - I'm 6 weeks today and went back to intro to intro for 2 days - then if you feel

better go one food every couple of days - this is annoying but I've learned and I'm still surviving off 7 foods but if it heals/helps I'll do it - that's why we're all here - it's frustrating and my hubby thinks "it should have worked already" it's a slow process - i believe in it and I'm sure it will help us all hang in-I was at week 4 before attemting any of the things you mentioned and it still didn't go wellgood luckeileen-- In BTVC-SCD , "Misty" wrote:>> I added Farmer's Cheese, super duper cooked spinach, and 6 oz. of > yogurt within 3 days of each other and I'm having some pain from my > navel down to my right hip (the ileum region where my CD is). Do you > think I added these 3 foods too close together? The only other things > I had introduced were zuccini and carrots which I seemed

to have > tolerated well. I've been pain free since Feb. 5 and I'm so scared > it's coming back. > > Do you think I jumped back into the Phase 1 foods too fast? > > And does this sound good? I'm going to throw out the spinach/beef > casserole I made and lay off the farmer's cheese and yogurt for a > couple days and go back on the intro diet and then add those things > back in one at a time.> > This is so hard.> > It sucks.> > Thanks for listening,> > Misty Kimble> , LA> CD> SCD - Jan 5, 2008>

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I went back intro last night plus overly cooked carrots and the pain is almost gone. It was def either yogurt, spinach or the farmer's cheese. Or I could be ovulating - I've never really paid attention to that, but I did notice I had flares the last couple months around the time for my menses and once it started, the flare died down. Though, I think the pain would not be dying down so suddenly if it was ovulation. Thanks for your help and I'm going to give yogurt another couple days and I think I'm going to drip it before eating it. Misty Kimble , LA CD SCD - January 5, 08Mara Schiffren wrote: > I added Farmer's Cheese, super duper cooked spinach, and 6 oz. of> yogurt within 3 days of each other and I'm having some pain from my> navel down to my right hip (the ileum region where my CD is). Do you> think I added these 3 foods too close together? The only other things> I had introduced were zuccini and carrots which I seemed to have> tolerated well. I've been pain free since Feb. 5 and I'm so scared> it's coming back.>> Do you think I jumped back into the Phase 1 foods too fast?>> And does this sound good? I'm going to throw out the spinach/beef> casserole I made and lay off the farmer's cheese and yogurt for a> couple days and go back on the

intro diet and then add those things> back in one at a time.The Farmer's cheese *is* on the intro diet.Try and remember after which ingredient you got the pain. Has itbeen cumulative? Or did it arrive suddenly, just today, after the lastingredient?And if you haven't thrown out the casserole yet, I'd freeze it if I were you,until you find out for sure that spinach is the culprit. It sounds goodand probably took some work.Are you particularly sensitive to lactose, etc? Are you sure youcooked the yogurt long enough?Also 6 ounces of yogurt is a lot to begin with. On pecanbread, theyrecommend a teaspoon or so. That's for kids who are mostlyproblem eaters and very symptomatic, but no more than twotablespoons/1/4 cup seems like a good intro amount to me for anadult. The yogurt may be activating die-off or some kind of symptomaticreaction. Etc. Remember yesterday Marilyn wrote about how

she hada bad reaction to introducing too much S. Boulardi into her daily regimeand had to back off of it for a few days, then lessen the dose.Mara

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