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From: char@...To: char@...Sent: 9/5/2008 5:37:34 P.M. Mountain Daylight TimeSubj: FW: Disability Policies Compared--Important information


Please find a copy of a letter written by Marc. Marc is a person that advocates for independent living.

I find it insightful.

Pass on as you see fit.


Friday, September 05, 2008

Hi Angel:

I would be glad to post material about Senator McCain’s positions supportive of people with disabilities, but despite looking for them, have not found anything to post. Senator Obama’s positions are clearly set forth at http://www.barackobama.com/issues/disabilities. Senator McCain spoke to AAPD in July, and his remarks, as well as those of Senator Harkin, and others, are available online at http://www.aapd.com/News/election/080726forumtrans.htm. As discussed below, Senator McCain’s remarks to AAPD, particularly his position that he opposed the Community Choice Act because he did not feel it was worth the money, were particularly disappointing.

Senator Obama was in the Middle East and Europe at the time of the AAPD event, but Senator Harkin and others presented his positions on his behalf, and those remarks are also available at http://www.aapd.com/News/election/080726forumtrans.htm.

Please feel free to send me additional information about Senator McCain’s disability positions. I welcome the debate, and the opportunity to learn and educate

Yes, I watched the Republican Convention, and thought both Senator McCain and Governor Palin made fine speeches, and I was gratified to hear them mention people with disabilities in their speeches. They both strike me as honorable. Too bad people with disabilities appear to remain unmentioned in their policy positions. I was disappointed that Senator McCain has a history of voting against the interests of people with disabilities, and that governor Palin only mentioned her concern about children with disabilities, and failed to address, or even mention, adults with disabilities.

As for “living in the disability worldâ€, were you aware that Senator Obama’s father in law had MS? Obama shared her loving memories of her father and his commitment to independence after his diagnosis. The Obama family lives in the disability world. Were you aware that Senator Biden, for many years, had a severe stutter, and was ridiculed for it much of his life? Senator Biden has been one of the disability community’s strongest supporters. He lives in the disability world.

Did you know that Senator Obama and Senator Biden are strong advocates for people with disabilities seeking to maintain their independence in the community, and that Senator McCain is not? Senator Obama and Senator McCain are co-sponsors of the Community Choice Act of 2007 (S.799), a bill to amend Medicaid statutes to provide individuals with disabilities and older Americans equal access to community-based attendant services. Senator Obama is also a co-sponsor of the Class Act of 2007 (S.1758), a bill to help individuals with functional impairments and their families pay for service and supports that they need to maximize their independence. Were you aware that Senator McCain voted against the Community Choice Act? Senator McCain has not supported either of these bills. In fact, on July 26, 2008, at the National Disability Forum in Columbus, Ohio, Senator McCain stated his opposition to the Community Choice Act of 2007, stating that it was too expensive.

I note that at the AAPD event, Senator McCain was asked if he supported the Community Choice Act, legislation co-sponsored by Senator Obama and Senator McCain. His answer was very disappointing:

Senator McCain: â€This legislation that is presently there, I am not in support of…â€

Judy Woodruff:“Just to follow up on that, Senator McCain, what is it in the legislation that -- that you do not support?â€

Senator McCain: “Primarily, we've got to pay for these things, Judy. The primary thing is that we have to pay for them. We passed the Medicare prescription drug act, as you may recall, and we needed to have a program to provide Americans, particularly seniors, the -- not having to face the option of choosing between eating their next meal and paying for their prescription drugs. What did we do? We had no way of funding it. So we're laying another trillion dollar unfunded liability on the next generation of Americans. And the unfunded liability, IE, the debt, just for Medicare, is, according to , the former head of the government accountability office, is around 40-some trillion dollars. And so I want to -- I want us not to lay this burden on the next generation of Americans. And we can find ways to pay for it. But the out of control spending is what is already mortgaged our children's future. So that's -- that's the main area that I would like to see us address.â€

To get an idea of how much Senator McCain is willing to spend on the war, instead of on services to people with disabilities, take a look at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/07/AR2008030702846.html.

Were you aware that currently, the Medicare program will not pay for a wheelchair for a mobility-impaired individual who needs the wheelchair for use outside of the home? Did you know that in response to a question from the American Association of People with Disabilities Senator Obama responded “I support ending the Medicare homebound rule.†Did you know that in contrast, Senator McCain was silent and did not respond to that questionnaire?

Were you aware that Senator Obama is a co-sponsor of the Mental Health Parity Act (S.558), a bill which would require health insurance coverage of serious mental illnesses to be provided on the same terms and conditions as are applicable to benefits for medical and surgical services. Were you aware that Senator McCain is not a co-sponsor and has given no indication of support for this basic principle?

Were you aware that when the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) came up for full funding in March of 2007, Senator Obama voted in favor of full funding while in April of 2001, Senator McCain voted against fully funding the legislation , and in March of 2007, rather than supporting the legislation, chose not to vote on the resolution to fully fund IDEA?

Were you aware that Senator Obama has stated that if elected President, he would invest $10 billion per year in early intervention education and in developmental programs for children between zero and five. Obama’s plan will also help expand Early Head Start to serve more children with disabilities, and will spur states through programs like Early Learning Challenge Grants, to expand programs for children with disabilities.

Were you aware that Senator Obama voted against requiring Medicare beneficiaries to pay a greater share of their Medicare Part D Premiums , and opposed means testing for Medicare Benefits. Senator McCain voted in favor of raising the eligibility age and in favor of means testing for Medicare.

Were you aware that Senator Obama supports not only the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) but full funding for HAVA? Senator McCain, in contrast, voted to keep HAVA from reaching the Senate floor twice and then voted for an amendment weakening protection for voters under HAVA, before finally voting for the legislation. Moreover, he is in favor of a freeze in non-military discretionary spending, so McCain could not support full funding of HAVA. What are the implications for people with disabilities?

As we await another hurricane, think back in what happened to people with disabilities in New Orleans when Katrina went through. Were you aware that on November 3, 2005, Senator Obama voted in favor of providing emergency healthcare and other relief to survivors of Hurricane Katrina, including Social Security Disability recipients? Were you aware that Senator McCain voted against the emergency relief?

Were you aware that Senator McCain has stated that he is in favor of at least a one year freeze in discretionary spending, other than military spending? Have you considered the effect of that policy on people with disabilities?

Were you aware that Senator Obama voted for millions for mental health and brain injury services for veterans; Senator McCain voted against millions for mental health and brain injury services for veterans.

Were you aware that On April 26, 2006, Senator Obama voted to provide an additional $430 million for the Department of Veteran Affairs for medical services for outpatient care and treatment for veterans? In contrast, Senator McCain voted against it.

Were you aware that on March 14, 2006, Senator Obama voted to increase funding by $1.5 billion for veterans’ medical services. Did you know that in contrast, Senator McCain voted against such funding?

Were you aware that Senator Obama received an 80% rating from Disabled American Veterans in 2006 and that Senator McCain received a 20% rating from Disabled American Veterans in 2006?

People with disabilities have a great deal at stake this November. I urge everyone to register to vote, and to vote for the candidate of their choice. For me, and many others concerned about people with disabilities, including children like Trig, Senator Obama and Senator Biden have made a strong showing that they are both dedicated to enhancing the independence of people with disabilities, fully funding the educational needs of children with disabilities, and relying on the advice of members of the disability community in developing policies. Senator McCain and Governor Palin need to do far more than make speeches – they need to explain Senator McCain’s previous abandonment of people with disabilities and need to generate policies that help, rather than injure, people with disabilities.

Feel free to enlighten me, and others, on how they plan to do that before November 4th.

Thank you.


Charlene K. Quade, Attorney

C K Quade Law, LLC

1501 Tyrell Lane

Boise, Idaho 83706

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 1756

Boise, Idaho 83701




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