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Re: salt water swimming pools

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Hi Tina,

Aside from the effects of chlorine in swimming pools, have you heard that for those children on the GFCF diet, we have to be careful with what type of sunscreen we use cause some contain gluten. I must say I did not know this so looking to get feedback on what sunscreen lotions are gluten-free, if anybody knows. Tks.

salt water swimming pools


I am recently finding that my son appears to very allergic to chlorinated swimming pools. Particularly after he has been swimming for extended periods of time. He turns into crazy Austin.

We have been following some sort of a regimen after swimming (Taurine, Candidase-enzyme- and an Epsom salt bath), but I am not convinced it works all the time or is 100% effective.

My son loves, loves, loves to swim and I would feel like a horrible parent if I had to keep him from that. I have heard of other kids like ours that struggle with similar issues in regards to the chemicals in pools.

I know some change their pools over to salt but we don't own a pool so that is not an option.

Anyone know of any public salt water pools in the Broward area?

Oh, and I know about the beach already! :)


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My son who doesn't have autism had a severe allergic reaction to chlorine as a child. I had been taking him to do NAET so we just cleared the pool water that I brought to the Doc in a vial. It will desensitize him from the chlorine. Dr. Sontag in Aventura does individually created vials - is number is 305 949-2990 http://www.davidsontag-dom.com/1055264.html

You can also give him bioflavinoids such as quercetin, rutin, and citrus - in a supplement which will help stop the allergic reaction. Also put him on Vit. C and give him the amino acid methionine every day which will help stop the histamine reaction in his liver so that when he is exposed to Chlorine he won't react.

It's worth a shot since he loves swimming and it would be hard in Florida to prevent him from swimming, so desensitize him and protect against a histamine reaction.

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The directions are on the container but I believe it is about a tablespoon. I put it on the arms and back as recommended by our DAN.

--------- Re: salt water swimming pools

There is a product called Magnesium Sulfate Cream by Kirkman Labs. www.kirkmanlabs.com is the website I believe. It is supposed to help with the chlorine issue. I avoid swimming pools as much as possible or I go to someone's home where there is a salt pool. I know this is the new trend, but I haven't heard of public pools that have salt water chlorination.

You can apply the cream right after swimming so you don't have to run home to give the Epsom Salt bath. I'm not sure if Taurine is very effective, although I do give it to my sons after swimming.

-------------- Original message -------------- From: "TinaTerriAustin" <austintandtbellsouth (DOT) net>


I am recently finding that my son appears to very allergic to chlorinated swimming pools. Particularly after he has been swimming for extended periods of time. He turns into crazy Austin.

We have been following some sort of a regimen after swimming (Taurine, Candidase-enzyme- and an Epsom salt bath), but I am not convinced it works all the time or is 100% effective.

My son loves, loves, loves to swim and I would feel like a horrible parent if I had to keep him from that. I have heard of other kids like ours that struggle with similar issues in regards to the chemicals in pools.

I know some change their pools over to salt but we don't own a pool so that is not an option.

Anyone know of any public salt water pools in the Broward area?

Oh, and I know about the beach already! :)


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I am not sure of that. A chlorine system that is based on a salt system is where an electronic system using salt and ionization creates it's own chlorine to keep the pool sanitized. They water actually feels soft and there is no chlorine residue or smell. It is the "NEW" way to treat pool water. Much healthier and non-toxic.

To: sList From: austintandt@...Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 07:20:18 -0400Subject: Re: salt water swimming pools

I have noticed recently that some pools have a salty taste/smell to them but I am certain they are not salt water pools.

Is that a result of the salt system chlorine generator you mention? What is that?

salt water swimming pools


I am recently finding that my son appears to very allergic to chlorinated swimming pools. Particularly after he has been swimming for extended periods of time. He turns into crazy Austin.

We have been following some sort of a regimen after swimming (Taurine, Candidase-enzyme- and an Epsom salt bath), but I am not convinced it works all the time or is 100% effective.

My son loves, loves, loves to swim and I would feel like a horrible parent if I had to keep him from that. I have heard of other kids like ours that struggle with similar issues in regards to the chemicals in pools.

I know some change their pools over to salt but we don't own a pool so that is not an option.

Anyone know of any public salt water pools in the Broward area?

Oh, and I know about the beach already! :)


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To: sList From: austintandt@...Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 07:20:18 -0400Subject: Re: salt water swimming pools

I have noticed recently that some pools have a salty taste/smell to them but I am certain they are not salt water pools.

Is that a result of the salt system chlorine generator you mention? What is that?

salt water swimming pools


I am recently finding that my son appears to very allergic to chlorinated swimming pools. Particularly after he has been swimming for extended periods of time. He turns into crazy Austin.

We have been following some sort of a regimen after swimming (Taurine, Candidase-enzyme- and an Epsom salt bath), but I am not convinced it works all the time or is 100% effective.

My son loves, loves, loves to swim and I would feel like a horrible parent if I had to keep him from that. I have heard of other kids like ours that struggle with similar issues in regards to the chemicals in pools.

I know some change their pools over to salt but we don't own a pool so that is not an option.

Anyone know of any public salt water pools in the Broward area?

Oh, and I know about the beach already! :)


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